Linearised Gravitational Waves Derivation

In summary, the professor discussed how certain simplifications can be made to the Einstein equation and how this reduces it to a form of the wave equation. He also showed how the terms where both indices are "downstairs" are changed, but what about the h's in the form of a (1,1) tensor? That is one upstairs and one downstairs? He then asks for any observations that the reader may have. Finally, the professor thanks the reader for their attention and provides some additional information on the topic.
  • #1
A topic came up in a lecture the other day about how if certain simplifications are made, then the Einstein equation reduces to a form of the wave equation.
When I look at derivations of how this happens, I get a little confused as to how this happens.
I think I'm posting it in the right place putting it here, as it's not strictly a homework question, since it is only to help my understanding of the course so far...

Looking at the website
I don't understand why you are allowed to take the step made in Equation (2.9) - i.e. why does putting a prime on the LHS simply mean that you can go ahead and "prime" all of the h in the RHS? If this is allowed, then I can see how the rest of that equality works, no problem.

Secondly, taking a step or two back, where it says substituting "h-bar" into (2.6) "and expanding", how does this simplify down to (2.7)? Because I can see how the terms where both indices are "downstairs" are changed, but what about the h's in the form of a (1,1) tensor? That is one upstairs and one downstairs? I tried applying the Minkowski metric to the (1,1) h, to try and get into "downstairs format" for me to work with, but I was left with some delta's.. Specifically (apologies in advance for appalling Latex):


and I don't understand how to move on from here?

Any observations would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
tomelwood said:
Looking at the website
I don't understand why you are allowed to take the step made in Equation (2.9) - i.e. why does putting a prime on the LHS simply mean that you can go ahead and "prime" all of the h in the RHS? If this is allowed, then I can see how the rest of that equality works, no problem.
Why wouldn't it work? I mean, you just change the coordinates [itex] x'^{a} = x^{a} + \xi^{a} [/itex]. [itex] h'_{ab}[/itex] is the metric in the new gauge, so you just define your trace-reversed metric in the new gauge as [itex] \bar{h}'_{a b}= h'_{ab} - 1/2 \eta_{a b} h' [/itex]

tomelwood said:
Secondly, taking a step or two back, where it says substituting "h-bar" into (2.6) "and expanding", how does this simplify down to (2.7)? Because I can see how the terms where both indices are "downstairs" are changed, but what about the h's in the form of a (1,1) tensor? That is one upstairs and one downstairs? I tried applying the Minkowski metric to the (1,1) h, to try and get into "downstairs format" for me to work with, but I was left with some delta's.. Specifically (apologies in advance for appalling Latex):


and I don't understand how to move on from here?

Any observations would be greatly appreciated.

You are doing something very naughty there...

[tex] \partial_b \partial_c h^c_a = \partial_b \partial_c \bar{h}^c_a + \frac{1}{2} \partial_b \partial_c \delta^c_a h = \partial_b \partial_c \bar{h}^c_a + \frac{1}{2} \partial_b \partial_a h, [/tex] right?
  • #3
Oh of course. Thanks. OK. So now all that section makes sense, the final step is to show that the trace terms cancel out.
I've been trying to find out the intermediate steps going on, and have managed to solve the equation if I can show that:

where the superscript c's indicate partial differentiation with respect to c as well (I couldn't make the latex work for that bit)

The only problem is I can't do this, as I know you can't raise/lower indices of partials...
  • #4
Remember two things:
1) what's the covariant derivative of a scalar?
2) in perturbation theory, you can drop everything 2nd order. How big is [itex]\Gamma^\mu_{\alpha \beta} [/itex]?

FAQ: Linearised Gravitational Waves Derivation

1. What is a linearised gravitational wave?

A linearised gravitational wave is a small perturbation in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of massive objects. It is described by linear equations that approximate the behavior of these waves in weak gravitational fields.

2. How are linearised gravitational waves derived?

Linearised gravitational waves are derived from the Einstein field equations, which describe the relationship between the curvature of space-time and the distribution of matter and energy. By linearising these equations, we can simplify the calculations and derive the behavior of gravitational waves in weak fields.

3. What is the significance of linearised gravitational waves?

Linearised gravitational waves play an important role in understanding the behavior of gravitational waves in general relativity. They allow us to study the effects of these waves on space-time and matter without having to account for strong gravitational fields, which can be very complex to solve.

4. Are there any limitations to the linearised gravitational wave derivation?

Yes, the linearised derivation only applies to weak gravitational fields. When dealing with strong gravitational fields, such as those near massive objects like black holes, the linearised approximation is not accurate and more advanced techniques are needed to describe the behavior of gravitational waves.

5. How are linearised gravitational waves detected?

Linearised gravitational waves can be detected using interferometers, which are devices that measure the tiny changes in distance caused by the passing of a gravitational wave. These detectors are very sensitive and can detect even the smallest perturbations in space-time caused by these waves.

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