From decreasing sequences to decreasing functions

In summary, the conversation discusses the translation of a bounded below decreasing sequence to real functions and clarifies the relationship between lim and sup in this context. The experts provide assistance by explaining the concept of infimum and how it applies to the given scenario. They also discuss the necessary conditions for the function g(e) and use reasoning to prove the desired result.
  • #1

I know this:

If (a_n) is a bounded below decreasing sequence, then

lim (a_n) = inf { a_n / n = 1,... }

How to translate this to real functions ?

I mean, I have read that:

lim (sup { f(x) / 0< |x-a|< e}) =

inf { sup {f(x) / 0< |x-a|< e} / e > 0}

and i suppose it has something to do with the previous but I fail to see how.

Can you help me?
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  • #2
Castilla said:

I know this:

If (a_n) is a bounded below decreasing sequence, then

lim (a_n) = inf { a_n / n = 1,... }

How to translate this to real functions ?

I mean, I have read that:

lim (sup { f(x) / 0< |x-a|< e}) =

inf { sup {f(x) / 0< |x-a|< e} / e > 0}

and i suppose it has something to do with the previous but I fail to see how.

Can you help me?
For starters, consider sup { f(x) / 0< |x-a|< e} as a function of e. It is defined only for e > 0. It is bounded from below by f(a). Also, it is decreasing as [tex]e \rightarrow 0[/tex]. Let me know if this is enough help.
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  • #3
Thanks for answering.

Lets say g: R+ -> R: g(e) = sup { f(x) / 0< |x-a| < e}.

But I fail to see why f(a) is an inferior bound of { g(e) / e > 0}.:confused: :confused:

"a" is not even in the dominion of f.
  • #4
Castilla said:
"a" is not even in the dominion of f.
That may or may not be so. However you bring up a valid point, f(a) is not necessarily a lower bound for g(e) even if it exists. My solution needs the following modification.

If g(e) is not bounded from below in any neighborhood of 0, then lim sup = inf sup = [tex]-\infty[/tex]. If g(e) is bounded from below in some neighborhood of 0, then use that bound instead of f(a) in my previous suggestion. Either way lim sup = inf sup.
  • #5
Let see...

We have g(e) = sup { f(x) / 0 < |x-a| < e }.

Let's suppose that there exist E and M such that if e belongs to the open interval (0, E) then g(e) < M. This fact, plus the increasing condition of function g, implies that M is a lower bound of A = { g(e) / e > 0}. Then A has an infimum, "w".

Let be d>0. By definition of infimum, there exists and e_1 which belongs to A and g(e_1) < w + d.
Being g an increasing function, we have, for all e of the interval (0, e_1), g(e_1) >= g(e). So for all e of (0, e_1):

w + d > g(e_1) >= g(e) >= w > w - d, therefore | g(e) - w | < d.

This means that

limit g(e) = w = inf A = inf {g(e) / e > 0}.

Is this okay, jimmysnyder??
  • #6
Castilla said:
Let's suppose that there exist E and M such that if e belongs to the open interval (0, E) then g(e) < M. This fact, plus the increasing condition of function g ...
I'm sorry, I did not read past this part of your message. In my message, I was assuming that there exist E and m such that if e belongs to the open interval (0, E) then g(e) > m.

I want to take advantage of the fact that as e approaches 0, g(e) is nonincreasing. That is, if 0 < e' < e, then
{ f(x) / 0 < |x-a| < e' } is a subset of { f(x) / 0 < |x-a| < e }.
Therefor g(e') is less than or equal to g(e).
  • #7
I did not mention that the function g was an increasing one (or better, nondecreasing) but its definition implies this, because g(e) = sup { f(x) / 0 < |x-a| < e}.

Jimmysnyder, could you read my previous post? I think it is all right but may be you can confirm this...

There is a mistake at mi previous post! It must say: M < g(e).
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  • #8
Castilla said:
implies that M is a lower bound of A = { g(e) / e > 0}
Well I read a little more but it still has problems.
M is a lower bound of A = {g(e) / 0 < e < E}.

However, I don't think any of this is necessary. Just use the fact that g(e) is bounded from below in (0,E) and nonincreasing as e approaches 0. Apply the same reasoning as in the sequential version. Q.E.D.
  • #9
That is ok, thanks for your help!

FAQ: From decreasing sequences to decreasing functions

1. What is the difference between a decreasing sequence and a decreasing function?

A decreasing sequence is a sequence of numbers that decreases as the indices increase, while a decreasing function is a function whose output decreases as the input increases. In other words, a decreasing sequence is a series of numbers, while a decreasing function is a rule that maps inputs to outputs in a decreasing manner.

2. How can we determine if a sequence is decreasing?

A sequence is considered decreasing if each subsequent term is less than or equal to the previous term. This can be determined by comparing each term in the sequence to the term before it. If the sequence is decreasing, the difference between each term should be negative or zero.

3. Is every decreasing sequence also a decreasing function?

No, not necessarily. A sequence can be decreasing, but if it does not follow a specific rule or pattern, it may not be considered a function. In order for a sequence to be a function, it must have a unique output for each input. If the sequence does not have a defined rule, it cannot be considered a function.

4. Can a decreasing sequence or function have a limit?

Yes, a decreasing sequence or function can have a limit. The limit of a decreasing sequence is the largest number that the sequence approaches as the terms get closer and closer to each other. Similarly, the limit of a decreasing function is the largest value that the function approaches as the input increases.

5. How are decreasing sequences and functions used in real-life applications?

Decreasing sequences and functions are commonly used in fields such as economics, biology, and physics to model real-life situations. In economics, decreasing functions are used to represent the relationship between supply and demand. In biology, decreasing sequences can be used to analyze the growth of bacteria populations. In physics, decreasing functions are used to describe the decay of radioactive materials.
