Is it possible to rotate circles in 3D using coordinates and normals?

In summary: If it does, I store that coordinate in a list and increment it by 1. If it doesn't fall inside the circle, I just increment the list by 1 and keep going.In summary, the programmer wants to rotate circles that face them so they look like spheres. They have data on coordinates of points within a point sprite, center of the sprite, and a normal vector. They want to find an equation to test if two coordinates lie within a circle rotated to a proper 3D plane.
  • #1
I am creating a program where I want to rotate circles facing me(point sprites for those familiar with CG) so they look like spheres. Data I have:
- coordinates of every point inside point sprite in [-1,1] € R^2 space.
- center of point sprite in 3D space
- point sprite normal in 3D space

Best thing for me would be if I could find an equation that would test for each pair of (i,j) coordinates if they lie within a circle, rotated to a proper 3D plane determined by normal vector and center of point sprite. Is that possible? PLease bear in mind that I am not really good at this.

sorry for my bad english, but I hope you understood what I meant.
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  • #2
otis said:
I am creating a program where I want to rotate circles facing me(point sprites for those familiar with CG) so they look like spheres... .

Hello Otis and welcome to PF. It is not clear to me exactly what you want to do. At first sight, it would seem to me that any point within the original circle would still be inside the rotated circle. Obviously, I have not understood what you want. However, if CG means
computer graphics, then the following cite ought to point you in the direction of a solution.

Much of computer graphics relies heavily on geometric algebra, particularly on the conformal model of Euclidean 3D space, which is the tool of choice for manipulating lines, circles, spheres, etc. The cite above provides you with free demonstration software (GAView) to illustrate the application of GA to CG. The book (Geometric Algebra for Computer Science) advertised on the cite provides a thorough and clear exposition of this topic together with many examples and material explaining how to do the programming.
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  • #3
Thanks. I know I described my problem in very unclear way, but that is the best I can do, sorry. So here is a little picture that illustrates it:

As you see I am actually working on a 2D projection plane where the image is drawn. Lower left coordinates of a square are (-1,-1) and upper right are (1,1). I also have center of this square in bot 2D projected coordinates and 3D space coordinates, as well as normal vector of a square(that should be rotated like the circles in the bottom image). Now I want to go through every (i,j) pair and check if it falls inside that rotated circle from the lower picture.

FAQ: Is it possible to rotate circles in 3D using coordinates and normals?

1. What is the purpose of studying rotating circles in 3D?

Studying rotating circles in 3D allows us to understand the complex movements and interactions of objects in three-dimensional space. It has practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

2. How do you calculate the rotational velocity of a circle in 3D?

The rotational velocity of a circle in 3D can be calculated using the formula ω = (2πr)/T, where ω is the angular velocity, r is the radius of the circle, and T is the time it takes for the circle to complete one full rotation.

3. Can rotating circles in 3D help us understand the concept of inertia?

Yes, studying rotating circles in 3D can help us understand the concept of inertia. Inertia is the resistance of an object to change its state of motion, and by observing the rotational movement of circles in 3D, we can see how objects with different masses and distributions of mass exhibit different levels of inertia.

4. How does the plane of rotation affect the movement of a circle in 3D?

The plane of rotation has a significant impact on the movement of a circle in 3D. If the plane of rotation is perpendicular to the axis of rotation, the circle will move in a circular motion. However, if the plane of rotation is at an angle, the circle will move in an elliptical or oval-shaped path.

5. Are there any real-world examples of rotating circles in 3D?

Yes, there are many real-world examples of rotating circles in 3D. Some common examples include the Earth's rotation around its axis, the rotation of planets around the sun, and the rotation of wheels on a moving vehicle.

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