Flywheel weight,power and torque

In summary: It seems that there was a debate about torque, power, and the effect of flywheels on engine performance. The OP initially gave a correct answer to a question about why power increases after 4000 rpm even though torque decreases. However, the other person argued that this was incorrect and that flywheels have an impact on power generation. The OP doubted himself but others confirmed that his answer was correct. They also explained that a lighter flywheel can make the engine feel more powerful due to faster revs, but it does not actually increase the power output. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding basic principles and being able to apply them correctly.
  • #1
The Trainee

I've been reading this forum for a few days now and I'm impressed by how the questions are answered.Short,simple and easy to understand.
So I thought I could get a good answer to my question here.

One day,I was talking with someone who studied mechanical engineering.I told him that my passion is cars and that I'm going to study mechanical engineering too.
So he decided to "test" my knowledge.He showed me an engine performance graph like this one:

As you can see,this engine has its maximum torque at 4000 rpm and peak horsepower at (more or less) 5800 rpm.

His question was:
Why does the power increases after 4000 rpm eventhough the torque decreases?

I answered that it was easy. Power = RPM*Torque,so even if the engine has less torque after 4000 rpm,it still has more power because of the rpms.

And then the shock: he said I was wrong :confused:

He said,it has something to do with the flywheel.He even said that some engines have a lot of torque because of their heavy flywheel and that race engines don't have a lot of torque because those engines have a very light flywheel.

I said,it was non-sense.He got a bit angry and asked me other questions to prove that I know nothing about this stuff and kept saying that HE was the engineer and I was a simple trainee.I couldn't answer any of his questions because I was literally in shock because I thought I knew this kind of stuff for years and all of a sudden someone tells me I was wrong the whole time.

So what do you guys think? Who's right and who's wrong?
Mathematical formulas are very welcome!

Sorry for the long post...I hope I was clear enough.
Thanks :smile:
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  • #2
hi The_Trainee-
well,thats agood point what u opened to discuss here.
your mathematical formula for the Power=torque*w(angular velocity)-is correct.
But do u know how many hps are considered when u want to design an engine?
1-theoretical hp and that's what u showed in ur formula
2-Bhp and that's what showed in the graph.
3-friction hp.
4-Indicated hp which equals=Bhp+friction hp
5-Rated hp,and this is what the manufacturer tells how much hp the car would give at a certain RPm.
now,what the engineer was telling u about is the Bhp which is the power generetaed by the flywheel,so,it hase an effect on the power,when u use a light flywheel or heavy-to see the difference jus read this-(
so,the graph wasnt showing the theoretical hp which u could calculate from ur formula,if it was theoretical then ur right,about ur answer u give to the engineer,when the torque decreased cuase the Rpm increased then it would keep the power increasing.
thanks in advance,and please let me know if I am wrong-:)
  • #3
Some people can't tell the difference between

(1) engine power and torque
(2) vehicle performance and "driveability".

The OP's graph is about (1) and the understanding about the relation between power and torque are correct. If you read the numbers off the graph and convert one to the other, the two curves are exactly equivalent.

Machinest's link is about (2) - and some of it (e.g. using nonsense terminology like "gyroscopic reverberation", and the garbled description of how to measure inertia) is BS.
  • #4
The Trainee said:
So what do you guys think? Who's right and who's wrong?
Mathematical formulas are very welcome!

You're correct. Unless you're seriously misrepresenting/misunderstanding this guy's arguments, he should return his degree.
  • #5
Thanks for the answers! :smile:

I told him that it can't be like he said but he continued to say that I was wrong.

I can't believe that someone that spend so much time at the university could be so wrong about something that is thaught in school.That's why I had so many doubts.

I do have 2 more questions (could you please answer it?):

-If that engine (the one of my example) had a lighter flywheel,would the torque curve drop much quicker after 4000 rpm?
-Can a flywheel store enough energy to be able to accelerate an engine? (for example,when you're going at full throttle and then lift the throttle just a little bit)

Thanks again!
  • #6

Just to echo what was already said, this guy is a tool. His own plot proves him wrong. Tell him to take two minutes to do a couple of quick calculations to see that your answer matches exactly with the plots. I cringe whenever I hear anyone come out with that famous line "I'm the engineer. I must be right."
  • #7
The Trainee said:
Thanks for the answers! :smile:

I told him that it can't be like he said but he continued to say that I was wrong.

I can't believe that someone that spend so much time at the university could be so wrong about something that is thaught in school.That's why I had so many doubts.

I do have 2 more questions (could you please answer it?):

-If that engine (the one of my example) had a lighter flywheel,would the torque curve drop much quicker after 4000 rpm?
-Can a flywheel store enough energy to be able to accelerate an engine? (for example,when you're going at full throttle and then lift the throttle just a little bit)

Thanks again!

Torque is increased either by increasing the radius of the flywheel or applying more force. Which, in turn effects the power. If you actually took any 2 sets of data point from that graph for Torque and converted to HP, you'll get what's shown on the graph. The only thing making the flywheel lighter will do is effect it's inertia. It'll effect vibration and damping issues as well.
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  • #8
The Trainee said:

-If that engine (the one of my example) had a lighter flywheel,would the torque curve drop much quicker after 4000 rpm?
-Can a flywheel store enough energy to be able to accelerate an engine? (for example,when you're going at full throttle and then lift the throttle just a little bit)

Thanks again!

With a lighter/lighten flywheel, it will "feel" like you've gained 20 more hp. This not true in reality, it just means the power is transferred to the wheels a lot faster than the stock flywheel did. Revs are faster and revs also drop faster. The car will surely accelerate and de-accelerate a lot faster than before, making it really fun to drive...but it also hampers street driving, in stop and go traffic. I build Hondas as a hobby and I am also an administrator at

-Can a flywheel store enough energy to be able to accelerate an engine? (for example,when you're going at full throttle and then lift the throttle just a little bit)
Yup. Flywheels are made from strong chromoly metals, or cast iron. If the HP is increased on a motor(for example via forced induction - turbo/supercharge), the clutch and flywheel must be upgraded to handle all that power, or energy - for all sorts of applications.

  • #9
Oh and looking at the dyno sheet, I am really semi-impressed on how much that 2 liter pumps out HP, even with the turbo. It looks like that motor is starving for more air :P

oh and to back up Cornellians response, that 2 liter motor is equipped with balancer shafts and probably an engine dampener.

FAQ: Flywheel weight,power and torque

What is flywheel weight and how does it affect engine performance?

Flywheel weight refers to the weight of the rotating mass in a vehicle's engine. It plays a crucial role in the performance of the engine as it helps to smooth out power delivery and reduce engine vibrations. A heavier flywheel can also provide more torque at low speeds, while a lighter flywheel can improve acceleration and top speed.

How does flywheel weight affect the power and torque of an engine?

The weight of the flywheel affects the power and torque of an engine by influencing the rotational inertia. A heavier flywheel will have a higher rotational inertia, which means it will require more torque to accelerate. This can result in a decrease in peak power but an increase in torque at low speeds. On the other hand, a lighter flywheel will have a lower rotational inertia, resulting in faster acceleration and higher peak power, but potentially decreasing torque at low speeds.

Can adjusting the flywheel weight improve engine performance?

Yes, adjusting the flywheel weight can improve engine performance in certain situations. For example, in a vehicle used for racing, a lighter flywheel can improve acceleration and top speed, while a heavier flywheel may be more beneficial for off-roading or heavy-duty towing. However, changing the flywheel weight should be done carefully and with expert knowledge to ensure it is suitable for the vehicle and its intended use.

How does flywheel weight impact fuel consumption?

The impact of flywheel weight on fuel consumption is minimal. In theory, a heavier flywheel may require slightly more fuel to overcome its increased rotational inertia, while a lighter flywheel may result in slight fuel savings. However, the difference is usually negligible and other factors such as driving habits and vehicle maintenance have a much larger impact on fuel consumption.

Is there an ideal flywheel weight for all engines?

No, there is no one ideal flywheel weight for all engines. The optimal flywheel weight will vary depending on the type of vehicle, its intended use, and personal preference. It is important to carefully consider all factors and consult with experts to determine the best flywheel weight for a specific engine and its desired performance.

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