Evo: Explain Forum Locking & Tone of Comment

  • Thread starter kennyb78
  • Start date
In summary: It is a violation of the forum rules to discuss moderation in the public forums. If you have questions or concerns about moderation, you are welcome to send a private message to a staff member.In summary, the conversation is about a forum member who had their post deleted because it turned into a discussion about religion, which is against the forum rules. The member did not read the terms and conditions of the forum and was upset about their post being locked. The staff member explains that the forum is not a place to discuss religion and that it has been repeatedly explained to the member why their religious beliefs are not relevant to the discussion. The staff member also mentions that it is a privilege for the member to receive an explanation, as discussing moderation is against the forum
  • #1
Feel free to delete this but send me a messae explaining. I'm sure you read my last post that was deleted. I have tried sending a message but your "inbox" is full. I simply want to know your logic for locking the forum before asking me to stay on topic. I would've done so. I would've continued to read your forums but this rubs me so bad that it makes me want to avoid. I've read quite a bit on here and have enjoyed and I simply don't understand the tone of your comment and then the locking. At least be polite!
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  • #2
kennyb, can I make a suggestion? If the forum rules are unclear to you, go to the "Staff" tab at the top of the forum. Find a mentor who is currently online, and contact that person (i.e., send a Private Message) with your questions. I'm sure any of them would be happy clarify the rules or to give you guidance.
  • #3
did you read the post that I left? it was my first one and to be honest, i did not read the T&C's when I registered. I don't know if it said to avoid religion but if you read the post, I felt I had good points that dealt with current questions that have to be had in science today. if they avoid those questions then they're being irresponsible I would think. There was 20-something comments total and it all seemed fine. I was actually kind of excited to have people commenting, even if we do disagree. I just didn't get it. If I was unable to keep up without talking about religion I could've stopped on my own rather than be locked out. I don't see what rules i broke unless it's completely off limits to discuss religion? if it is I apologize but a simple hint at what I was doing wrong would've been all that was needed. I'll quit stirring stuff up but it was just upsetting. I've cooled off now.
  • #4
"...to be honest, i did not read the T&C's when I registered I don't know if it said to avoid religion ..."

It does. Religion is a verboten topic.

Time and time again, PF has found that there is absolutely no point in going down this road. Religion is too subjective for a discussion. For this reason, there is no point in warning you or redirecting you. The thread is doomed.

You can discuss religion to your heart's content anywhere else you want. It's just that this isn't the forum to do it.
  • #5
Moved to feedback...
  • #6
kennyb78 said:
Feel free to delete this but send me a messae explaining. I'm sure you read my last post that was deleted. I have tried sending a message but your "inbox" is full. I simply want to know your logic for locking the forum before asking me to stay on topic. I would've done so. I would've continued to read your forums but this rubs me so bad that it makes me want to avoid. I've read quite a bit on here and have enjoyed and I simply don't understand the tone of your comment and then the locking. At least be polite!
Please don't make stuff up, it doesn't help your case.

My post

Evo said:
This has turned into nothing but a discussion of religion.


I said it all in my post explaining why the thread was being locked.

It has been repeatedly explained to you why you and your religious beliefs are wrong.

You don't appear to be open to learning about the science behind evolution, you just keep repeating the same religion based beliefs. Debating science with religion doesn't fly here. You've come to the wrong forum if that is your intent.

Moonbear gave you an excellent explanation (as did many others) that you chose to ignore.

Moonbear said:
Unfortunately, your questions are laden with misconceptions about evolution that are based in your religious background, making it hard to answer them. The thing that is missing from all of them is an understanding that nothing CAUSED things to change in anyone particular direction or another. Mutations happen all the time, some good, some bad, many neutral, and they accumulate. The ones that are good or bad at the time they develop might give an organism with those traits an advantage or disadvantage, and that might determine if they live or die before reproducing. The neutral ones just accumulate and contribute to variation in the species unless something else in the environment changes that makes one of those variations now beneficial or detrimental.

Take some time to read through the many other threads in this forum about evolution, and hopefully that will start to fill in some more details for you and help you gain more understanding of the scientific viewpoint and why it is a logical and evidence-based theory.
  • #7
kennyb78 said:
it was my first one and to be honest, i did not read the T&C's when I registered. I don't know if it said to avoid religion but if you read the post, I felt I had good points that dealt with current questions that have to be had in science today.

If you don't read the terms and conditions and claim you did when you registered (one of the requirements for your account to be made) and your thread is locked for violating those terms, you'll find no sympathy from anyone here. The fact that anyone is even taking time to explain this to you and not simply locking and deleting the thread is a privilege that few people ever really get.
  • #8
kennyb said:
I simply want to know your logic for locking the forum before asking me to stay on topic.

Now you've had your explanation (again) this thread is done. We do not discuss individual incidents in the forums.

FAQ: Evo: Explain Forum Locking & Tone of Comment

1. What is forum locking?

Forum locking is when a forum moderator or administrator restricts users from making new posts or replies in a specific forum thread. This is usually done to prevent further discussion on a topic that has already been resolved or to prevent spam or inappropriate content.

2. Why do forums lock threads?

Forums may lock threads for several reasons, including: to prevent spam or inappropriate content, to prevent further discussion on a topic that has already been resolved, to maintain organization and prevent duplicate threads, or to enforce forum rules and guidelines.

3. What is the purpose of locking a forum thread?

The purpose of locking a forum thread is to prevent further discussion on a particular topic. This can help maintain organization and prevent duplicate threads, as well as prevent spam or inappropriate content. It can also help enforce forum rules and guidelines.

4. How does forum locking affect the tone of comments?

Forum locking can have a significant impact on the tone of comments. When a thread is locked, users are no longer able to respond and engage in discussion, which can lead to frustration and a decrease in the overall tone of the comments. Additionally, locking a thread can also prevent the spread of misinformation and heated arguments, which can help maintain a more civil and respectful tone.

5. Can a locked forum thread be unlocked?

Yes, a locked forum thread can be unlocked by a moderator or administrator. This is usually done if there is a need for further discussion or if the thread was locked in error. However, it is at the discretion of the forum moderators to decide when a thread should be unlocked.

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