What happens to my Canadian citizenship if I move to the US?

  • Thread starter ainster31
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In summary: Yes, but the US is an exception. The US requires that US citizens file income tax returns no matter where they live. There are tax treaties which allow US citizens living outside the US to deduct local income up to certain limits. I'm a US citizen, but I've lived overseas at various times. While living in Canada as a permanent resident, I was allowed to deduct a portion of my Canadian income, but still had to pay US taxes on the balance.Both Canada and the U.S. allow dual citizenship. I have good friend who is a dual citizen, who lives in Canada, and who works in the U.S. He crosses the border twice each working day.He got his citizenships through
  • #1
I'm not very good with politics so I hope someone can enlighten me.

I am an immigrant that has a Canadian citizenship. I currently live in the GTA. When I graduate, I might have to relocate to the US (or another country) to get a job. What are the consequences if I am no longer living in Canada? Do I lose my citizenship? Do I pay US taxes for living in the US and Canadian taxes for the citizenship? If I have to lose my citizenship, should I try to get a US citizenship? Does the US even offer citizenship?
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  • #2
You should probably be checking out the INS website rather than posting here.
  • #3
Grand Theft Auto?
  • #4
ainster31 said:
I'm not very good with politics so I hope someone can enlighten me.

I am an immigrant that has a Canadian citizenship. I currently live in the GTA. When I graduate, I might have to relocate to the US (or another country) to get a job. What are the consequences if I am no longer living in Canada? Do I lose my citizenship? Do I pay US taxes for living in the US and Canadian taxes for the citizenship? If I have to lose my citizenship, should I try to get a US citizenship? Does the US even offer citizenship?

You need to check with Canadian authorities for your status if you live outside the country on a long term basis. Many Canadians live in the US and are able to keep their Canadian citizenship. You do pay US taxes if you live in the US. I'm not sure if Canada taxes your income if you are a permanent resident of the US. The US does offer citizenship, but it's a moderately long process beginning with getting permanent resident status (green card). This usually requires a firm job offer in the US. Students can stay in the US on student visas, but must apply for a green card if they want to work or stay after completing their studies.
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  • #5
collinsmark said:
Grand Theft Auto?

  • #6
No idea about USA/Canada exact laws, but in most cases you pay taxes where you live, not where you are a citizen. Definition of "where you live" (especially for those traveling a lot) can be rather complicated. But even when you live in one place and earn in another, typically there are tax treaties for avoiding double taxation.
  • #7
Borek said:
No idea about USA/Canada exact laws, but in most cases you pay taxes where you live, not where you are a citizen. Definition of "where you live" (especially for those traveling a lot) can be rather complicated. But even when you live in one place and earn in another, typically there are tax treaties for avoiding double taxation.

Yes, but the US is an exception. The US requires that US citizens file income tax returns no matter where they live. There are tax treaties which allow US citizens living outside the US to deduct local income up to certain limits. I'm a US citizen, but I've lived overseas at various times. While living in Canada as a permanent resident, I was allowed to deduct a portion of my Canadian income, but still had to pay US taxes on the balance.
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  • #8
GTA: Greater Toronto Area. Why doesn't everybody know that? Didn't Bruce Springsteen have a song aboot that, "Born in the GTA"?
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  • #9
My industry has a lot of personnel interchange between the US and Canada. NAFTA seems to work well in streamlining the process.
  • #10
In general, once you have citizenship, you don't lose it merely by residing in another country. You can renounce it and turn in your passport, but it's a good idea to have taken out legal status in another country, i.e., you don't want to become 'stateless'. (See the movie 'The Terminal') Your citizenship can be stripped by legal means if you originally obtained it fraudulently or otherwise illegally. Some countries permit dual or multiple citizenship; in those countries which do not permit dual citizenship, citizenship in that country may become null and void upon taking citizenship in a second country. In general, it is a good idea to check the laws of your home country as well as any other country in which you contemplate taking citizenship.
  • #11
ainster31 said:
Do I lose my citizenship?

Both Canada and the U.S. allow dual citizenship. I have good friend who is a dual citizen, who lives in Canada, and who works in the U.S. He crosses the border twice each working day.

He got his citizenships through he parents; his father was Canadian and his mother was American.

Back in the day, when I used to live near where he lives, I crossed the border many times with him. When asked about citizenship by border officials, he would reply "American" when going and "Canadian" when coming back.
  • #12
SW VandeCarr said:
Yes, but the US is an exception. The US requires that US citizens file income tax returns no matter where they live. There are tax treaties which allow US citizens living outside the US to deduct local income up to certain limits. I'm a US citizen, but I've lived overseas at various times. While living in Canada as a permanent resident, I was allowed to deduct a portion of my Canadian income, but still had to pay US taxes on the balance.

What was the limit you were allowed to deduct on your Canadian income? I had read somewhere (sorry, I don't have a link) that the limit was the equivalent of $100000 US.
  • #13
StatGuy2000 said:
What was the limit you were allowed to deduct on your Canadian income? I had read somewhere (sorry, I don't have a link) that the limit was the equivalent of $100000 US.

It was 80000 USD when I was there, but it could well be $100000 now. It's actually an exclusion, not a deduction.
  • #14
collinsmark said:
Grand Theft Auto?

:biggrin: bhuahhaaaa

FAQ: What happens to my Canadian citizenship if I move to the US?

1. What is citizenship?

Citizenship is the legal status of being recognized as a member of a particular country. It grants individuals certain rights and responsibilities, such as the right to vote and the duty to pay taxes.

2. How does one become a citizen?

The process of becoming a citizen varies depending on the country. In most cases, individuals can become citizens through birth (either to citizen parents or on the country's soil), marriage to a citizen, or through naturalization, which involves meeting certain requirements and going through an application and testing process.

3. Can someone have dual citizenship?

Yes, it is possible for someone to hold citizenship in more than one country. However, not all countries allow dual citizenship, and some may require individuals to renounce their previous citizenship before being granted citizenship in their country.

4. What are the benefits of citizenship?

Citizenship grants individuals certain rights, such as the right to vote, access to government services, and protection from deportation. It also comes with responsibilities, such as paying taxes and obeying the laws of the country.

5. Can citizenship be revoked?

In some cases, citizenship can be revoked if an individual has obtained it through fraudulent means or if they commit certain crimes. The process and criteria for revocation vary by country, and in most cases, the individual is given the opportunity to defend their citizenship before it is revoked.

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