How Does Wheel Size Affect the Force Needed in Motorcycle Thrust?

  • Thread starter Ascetic Anchorite
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    Force Wheel
In summary, the article discusses the effects of mechanical advantage and how it affects a cyclist's ability to transmit power to the ground. It claims that small-wheeled bicycles offer an advantage due to their smaller driven wheel and cog sizes. However, the report offers no evidence to support this claim.
  • #1
Ascetic Anchorite
I am sure this is a simple problem, but I am posting this thread to make sure I understand it properly:

If a motorcycle requires 3000N of force in order for it to achieve a certain speed over specific terrain and allowing for wind drag, etc. (I.E to counter the sum of the resistive forces acting against it), then it will need 3000N of thrust. This could be accomplished by an immensely strong person pushing the motorcycle or by a shaft and bevel drive connected to one of the wheels creating 3000N of ‘push’ where the tyre contacts the ground (directly below the axel).

However, if the wheel has a radius that is three times that of the bevel cog (the cog attached to the wheel and driven by the drive shaft) then in order for the wheel to have 3000N of push against the ground (road surface) the shaft drive would need to input three times this 3000N into the cog. E.g. if the cog, that is directly mounted to the center of the wheel, has a radius of 0.1m and the wheel, that is three times larger, has a radius of 0.3m then the drive shaft should exert a force of 9000N upon the cog in order to achieve the required 3000N of thrust at the ground/tyre contact point.

Is this correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, that sounds correct. You can think about it in terms of torques. 1/3 the lever arm requires 3x the force in order to produce the same torque. The sum of all forces and torques on an object must equal zero if it is not accelerating linearly or rotationally.
  • #3
Many thanks for your clarification.

I have just been thinking about this; if a racing cyclist had a rear cog the same size as the wheel to which it is attached then the cyclist would be able to transmit more force into the wheel and thus be able to go faster. Of course, in practice, there are other factors that get in the way, such as the size of the driver cog (attached to the cranks), effects of having such a large cog on a wheel, etc., but if these can be overcome then, in theory, a cyclist could transmit several times the power that they currently transmit using standard gear setups.

This must be why many advocates of small-wheeled bicycles claim their bikes to be faster and more efficient than conventionally wheeled bikes. The reports I have read talk only of effects of rolling resistance of various wheel sizes, concluding that smaller wheels fare better (although many others claim that larger wheels endure lesser effects of rolling resistance). The authors of these reports said nothing of mechanical advantage, or disadvantage, concerning the respective sizes of the driven wheel and cog/sprocket.

I find that to be rather odd.
  • #4
Road racing bicycles have gear ranges that allow the rider to target the most efficient cadence for the conditions. It is no help to put more power to the ground if you can only sustain that power output for a brief period.

FAQ: How Does Wheel Size Affect the Force Needed in Motorcycle Thrust?

1. How does applying force to a wheel affect its motion?

Applying force to a wheel can change its motion in various ways, depending on the direction and magnitude of the force. If the force is applied in the same direction as the wheel's rotation, it can increase its speed. Conversely, if the force is applied in the opposite direction, it can slow down or stop the wheel's motion. Additionally, applying force at different points on the wheel can cause it to rotate or move in a specific direction.

2. What is the relationship between force and acceleration in a wheel?

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. Therefore, the greater the force applied to a wheel, the greater its acceleration will be. This means that the wheel will rotate or move faster when a larger force is applied to it. However, the mass of the wheel also plays a role in the relationship, as a heavier wheel will require more force to achieve the same level of acceleration as a lighter wheel.

3. How does friction affect the application of force to a wheel?

Friction is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces in contact. When a force is applied to a wheel, friction between the wheel and the surface it is rolling on can affect its motion. If there is a high level of friction, it can make it more difficult to apply force to the wheel and can cause it to move slower. On the other hand, reducing friction, such as by using lubricants, can make it easier to apply force and can result in faster wheel movement.

4. Is there a maximum amount of force that can be applied to a wheel?

Yes, there is a maximum amount of force that can be applied to a wheel. This is determined by the strength and durability of the materials used to construct the wheel. Applying too much force can cause the wheel to break or deform, rendering it unable to function properly. It is important to consider the maximum force a wheel can handle when designing or using it in order to prevent damage.

5. Can the direction of force affect the stability of a wheel?

Yes, the direction of force can affect the stability of a wheel. If the force is applied at a perpendicular angle to the surface of the wheel, it can cause it to tilt or wobble. This can make the wheel less stable and potentially lead to it toppling over. To maintain stability, it is important to apply force in a direction that is parallel to the surface of the wheel, keeping it balanced and preventing it from tipping over.
