Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm

In summary, the ess sup norm is equal to the limit of L^p norms as p approaches infinity. This is shown by considering the definition of ess sup and using the fact that the integral on the right side of the equation goes to 0. The reverse inequality is also needed to complete the proof.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member

I am trying to show that the ess sup norm is the limit of the L^p

norms as p-->oo . i.e., ess sup =lim_p->oo ( {Int f^p)^1/p

Please tell me if this is correct:

1) Def. ess sup f(t)=inf{M:m(t:f(t)>M)=0 }

Then, f(t)>M only in the set S , with m(S)=0 , and f(t

So Lim_p->oo ||f||_p =Lim_p->oo (Int_[0,1] ||f||^p)^1/p

<= Lim_p->oo(Int[0,1]-S |M|^p +Int_S (M')^p )^1/p .

Since m(S)=0 , integral on the right goes to 0

(is this O.K if f is oo in S?) , so we get:

Lim_p->oo(Int_([0,1]-S) (M)^p)^1/p) . Then, since m([0,1]-S)=1

(Int_([0,1]-S)|M|^p )^1/p =M^p , so we get

Lim_p->oo (M^p)^1/p .

Then the sequence :{a_n}=(M^n)^1/n =M , is constant, with limit M.

Does this work?

P.S: Sorry, I am still learning Latex.
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  • #2
This is not quite correct, but you rather have half of what is needed. If [tex]||f||_\infty =M[/tex], then [tex]\int_{ [0,1] - S } |f|^p \leq M^p[/tex], but equality need not hold. Therefore you have [tex]\lim_{ p \to \infty } ||f||_p } \leq M[/tex]. You just need to prove the reverse inequality.

FAQ: Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm

1. What is the meaning of "Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm"?

The "Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm" refers to the essential supremum norm of a function as its limit approaches infinity in the L^p norm. This is a way to measure the size or magnitude of a function in relation to its neighboring functions.

2. How is the Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm calculated?

The Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm is calculated by taking the supremum or maximum value of the function over a set of points, and then taking the limit as the value approaches infinity in the L^p norm. This can be calculated using various mathematical techniques such as integration or optimization methods.

3. What is the significance of the Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm in scientific research?

The Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm is an important tool in many areas of scientific research, particularly in fields such as signal processing, image processing, and data analysis. It allows researchers to measure the size and complexity of functions, and can be used to compare and analyze different functions or data sets.

4. What are the applications of the Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm in real-world problems?

The Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm has many practical applications in real-world problems, such as in data compression, filtering and denoising of signals, and feature extraction in image analysis. It is also used in optimization problems, where it can help find the optimal solution for a given set of constraints.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm?

While the Ess Sup Norm as limit ->oo of L^p norm is a useful tool, it does have some limitations. For example, it may not be suitable for functions with discontinuities or sharp peaks, and it may not accurately capture the behavior of functions with infinitely many oscillations. Additionally, it may be computationally expensive to calculate for high-dimensional functions.
