Lift design -no electricity supply?

In summary, the lift would require an energy source to power the movement, such as magnets. If the weight is balanced between two lifts connected over a pulley, something still has to put in some energy to move the lifts.
  • #1
Elevator design -no electricity supply?

I hope someone can help me.

I'm designing a building for uni that requires several lifts (elevators) which transfer bicycles and pallets vertically.

My tutor suggested to look at energy efficient lifts. He mentioned that he had seen a lift, which movement was controlled by a weight being placed on another lift forcing one lift down and one lift upward. A counterweight system, that relies upon weight rather than a guy pulling on a pulley.

If anyone knows of such a lift please can you direct me. It would be ideal for my design which is for a cycle delivery hub, whereby cycles unload and then collect new packages.

I am aware of magnets but just wish to see if my tutors approach exists!

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2

marko1887 said:
I hope someone can help me.

I'm designing a building for uni that requires several lifts (elevators) which transfer bicycles and pallets vertically.

My tutor suggested to look at energy efficient lifts. He mentioned that he had seen a lift, which movement was controlled by a weight being placed on another lift forcing one lift down and one lift upward. A counterweight system, that relies upon weight rather than a guy pulling on a pulley.

If anyone knows of such a lift please can you direct me. It would be ideal for my design which is for a cycle delivery hub, whereby cycles unload and then collect new packages.

I am aware of magnets but just wish to see if my tutors approach exists!

Thanks in advance.

What will supply the energy to move the lifts? Even if the weights are balanced between two lifts connected over a pulley, something still has to put in some energy to move the lifts.

It seems straightforward to have a scale on the lift that you put the payload on, and then put an equivalent amount of weight on the other lift that is connected to it over the pulley at the top. You would hold the two lifts with latches while loading them up, then un-latch them and do whatever to move the payload to its destination floor.

The downside is that if you have a net flow of material in one direction, you will have to have a way of returning counterweights to destinations where they are needed.
  • #3

Thank you for your reply.

From what I understand the system to have been, if one wants to ascend a heavier weight is placed on the other lift and vice versa if one wants to descend.

I'm sorry for being quite obscure, I'm just relaying the information relayed.
  • #4

marko1887 said:
Thank you for your reply.

From what I understand the system to have been, if one wants to ascend a heavier weight is placed on the other lift and vice versa if one wants to descend.

I'm sorry for being quite obscure, I'm just relaying the information relayed.

You're not being obscure. The concept is pretty straightforward. Did you understand my comment about the problem that exists if there is a net movement of payload upwards overall? Somehow the counterweights have to get returned to upper floors in that case...
  • #5
Yes I did thank you, maybe if I explain a bit clearer what I'm trying to achieve and then we can see if I need to return to the drawing board!

The design of the building is such that cycles transporting goods ride into the building at first floor level. The goods from the cycle trailer are then deposited in one lift and the cycle placed in the other lift. The weight of the deposited goods force the lift down to the ground floor, the lift is unloaded and the goods will be placed in ground floor storage. At the same time the empty cycle is taken up to the second floor, then the cycle is packed with new goods put back in the lift and descends back to the first floor and cycles out of the building.

And if you pardon the pun... the delivery 'cycle' repeats

Thanks again
  • #6
marko1887 said:
The weight of the deposited goods force the lift down to the ground floor, the lift is unloaded and the goods will be placed in ground floor storage. At the same time the empty cycle is taken up to the second floor, then the cycle is packed with new goods put back in the lift and descends back to the first floor and cycles out of the building.

You might also want to think about the internal movement of the good from your ground floor storage to where they will be used, and then consider why for hundreds of years most workshops and factories used the opposite workflow: incoming goods were delivered to the top floor of the building and stored there, and the outgoing goods were despatched from the bottom.
  • #7
AlephZero said:
You might also want to think about the internal movement of the good from your ground floor storage to where they will be used, and then consider why for hundreds of years most workshops and factories used the opposite workflow: incoming goods were delivered to the top floor of the building and stored there, and the outgoing goods were despatched from the bottom.

A good point which I have considered. The building I'm designing connects to an existing railway station. Freight is transferred directly into the building from the train. The goods are then being delivered locally on the back of freight cycles.

The train platform is raised to first floor level and this can't be altered. The concept of the facade of the building is to celebrate the delivery process and the sense of movement within a factory. Instead of the current trend of screens creating sheds on the landscape I wish to use similar principles to those demonstrated at the 'Transparent Factory' in Dresden.


So passers walking by or using the train, witness this horizontal flow of cycles riding through the building on a vertical and horizontal plain. Couple with the vertical and horizontal flow of freight.

Thanks for your input thus far, often when faced with a problem, the solution can be fairly simple... I just need a nudge in the right direction!
  • #8
This may give you some ideas -- Falkirk Wheel (boat lift)
... floating objects displace their own weight in water, so when the boat enters, the amount of water leaving the caisson weighs exactly the same as the boat. This keeps the wheel balanced and so, despite its enormous mass, it rotates through 180° in five and a half minutes while using very little power. It takes just 22.5 kilowatts (30.2 hp) to power the electric motors, which consume just 1.5 kilowatt-hours (5.4 MJ) of energy in four minutes, roughly the same as boiling eight kettles of water.

FAQ: Lift design -no electricity supply?

1. How does a lift without electricity work?

A lift without electricity works using a mechanical system, typically a pulley and counterweight system, to lift and lower the elevator car. When the car is empty, the counterweight balances out its weight, making it easier to move. The energy required to operate the lift comes from the force of gravity and the work done by the person pulling the rope or operating the lever.

2. What are the benefits of using a lift without electricity?

The main benefit of using a lift without electricity is that it can still function during power outages. This can be particularly important in emergency situations, such as during a fire evacuation. Additionally, lifts without electricity are more environmentally friendly and can save on energy costs.

3. Are there any limitations to using a lift without electricity?

Yes, there are some limitations to using a lift without electricity. It can only travel a limited number of floors, typically no more than six or seven. It also requires manual operation, so it may not be suitable for buildings with a high volume of traffic or for individuals with mobility impairments.

4. What are some common types of lifts without electricity?

Some common types of lifts without electricity include manual elevators, also known as hand-powered or rope elevators, and hydraulic elevators. Manual elevators use a pulley and counterweight system, while hydraulic elevators use a pump to push hydraulic fluid and lift the car. Another type is the pneumatic vacuum elevator, which uses air pressure to move the car.

5. How are lifts without electricity maintained and serviced?

Lifts without electricity require regular maintenance and servicing to ensure their safe and efficient operation. This includes checking the mechanical components, lubricating moving parts, and replacing worn or damaged parts. It is important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for maintenance and to have a trained professional perform any repairs or inspections.
