How to solve every physics problem ever and understand the universe

In summary: IQ and everyone thought he was going to change the world. then he got really busy with school and didn't have time for anything else so he stopped trying and now he's just a normal person with a normal IQ.In summary, a genetically modified genius would end up going to the highest bidder.
  • #1
Green Zach
so... i was thinking and please don't take me seriously lol because its just a fun idea. why don't we geneticaly modify someone to have a really realy large brain resulting in them haveing an iQ of like 1000 then just get them to solve all of the world problems? they can put an end to this "theory of everything" business lol

as i said... please please don't take me seriously lol just a fun idea i guess :rolleyes::wink:
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  • #2
If I found out how to modify someone to get smarter, I'd be the first one to get it done. :D

Basically, we don't know enough about the brain to know how to make it work better. =/
  • #3
I know one way to modify my brain and I am drinking one right now. :-p
  • #4
The genetically modified genius would end up going to the highest bidder. It undoubtedly would be used to figure out how to raise the price of gasoline....wait a minute some idiot already did that.:biggrin:
  • #5
lol well i was thinking that see... brain cells stop growing when a person is still younge and slow down quite a bit b4 that. what if we found the gene that tells the brain to stop growing and modify it to kick in latter in the subject's life? taht might work? lol if the person's skull was big enough i guess
  • #6
What makes you think a bigger brain or even a higher IQ would somehow equate to them acheiving anything? This appears to be an all too common misconception. Some of the people with the highest IQ's are bums.
  • #7
Green Zach said:
lol well i was thinking that see... brain cells stop growing when a person is still younge and slow down quite a bit b4 that. what if we found the gene that tells the brain to stop growing and modify it to kick in latter in the subject's life? taht might work? lol if the person's skull was big enough i guess

A bigger brain doesn't amount to higher intelligence. I once read a study which showed through simulations that a larger brain would be a more inefficient one (neurons having to fire longer distances et cetera), and that our brains were at a fairly optimal size-level (if I have the time later I'll find the study).

And truthfully we know so little about the brain it's scary. I say the best way to raise a genius is to do environmental fertilizing. Raise him with an insanely intense and rigorous educational system (the best private teachers for every subject, so on), perfect nutrition, idols to look up to, et cetera. Just my opinion, but I believe the right education and 10x the ambition and curiosity is what makes true genius - not an IQ score.
  • #8
Even a high IQ individual may not be able to solve our problems. So much more is involved in discovery... especially an element of luck. I don't think the human mind will ever truly grasp reality.
  • #9
einsteins brain was found to be 15% larger in certain areas than the average person
  • #10
Einstein's brain

Size doesn't matter

A second paper (Neuroscience Letters, 1996) describing Einstein's brain was published in 1996. Einstein's brain weighed only 1,230 grams, which is less than the average adult male brain (about 1,400 grams). The authors also reported that the thickness of Einstein's cerebral cortex (area 9) was thinner than that of five control brains. However, the DENSITY of neurons in Einstein's brain was greater. In other words, Einstein was able to pack more neurons in a given area of cortex.
  • #11
Evo said:
Einstein's brain

Size doesn't matter

what does an autistic persons brain do?
  • #12
montoyas7940 said:
I know one way to modify my brain and I am drinking one right now. :-p

You know, having a beer or two seriously makes me better at physics. Back in undergrad, a bunch of us went to the bar the night before the quantum mechanics exam. We all aced the test. I tried repeating the experiment in grad school. We went to the bar before the quantum exam. Same result. So there you go, empirical data that you can drink you way to better grades.

Disclaimer: I said a beer or two. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work if you get trashed.
  • #13
arunma said:
You know, having a beer or two seriously makes me better at physics. Back in undergrad, a bunch of us went to the bar the night before the quantum mechanics exam. We all aced the test. I tried repeating the experiment in grad school. We went to the bar before the quantum exam. Same result. So there you go, empirical data that you can drink you way to better grades.

Disclaimer: I said a beer or two. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work if you get trashed.

actualy i heard a funy story like this once. my brother told me that he knew some kid in year one uni taht got addicted to crystal meth but all he would do when he was on it was hyper focus on school work. he finished all his work for first year in like under three months lol. just thought it was a funny / appropriate story... don't do crystal meth becasue i don't really think it helps most people thou lol
  • #14
All physics and other problems are solved. :smile:

- There can be lots of unemployment
- If there's nothing left to solve, everything would too boring.
  • #15
rootX said:
All physics and other problems are solved. :smile:

- There can be lots of unemployment
- If there's nothing left to solve, everything would too boring.

no, no , NO

after the problems are solved, there would be 10 to the nth jobs working with the solutions and applications OF the solved problems--

---just look at what happened when they 'solved' the problems on making duct tape!
  • #16
rewebster said:
no, no , NO

after the problems are solved, there would be 10 to the nth jobs working with the solutions and applications OF the solved problems--

---just look at what happened when they 'solved' the problems on making duct tape!

Sorry but duct tape existence and stickiness is actually an axiom in every reliable physics theory.
  • #17
rewebster said:
no, no , NO

after the problems are solved, there would be 10 to the nth jobs working with the solutions and applications OF the solved problems--

---just look at what happened when they 'solved' the problems on making duct tape!

But all problems are solved.
just get them to solve all of the world problems?

- There is no disease
- There are no food problems

And, don't people work just to solve problems? :smile:

e.g. There is demand for cars, so that needs to be solved. So, GM hires people and make those cars to solve this particular problem.

putting theory into application is also a problem (?)
  • #18
rootX said:
But all problems are solved.

- There is no disease
- There are no food problems

And, don't people work just to solve problems? :smile:

e.g. There is demand for cars, so that needs to be solved. So, GM hires people and make those cars to solve this particular problem.

putting theory into application is also a problem (?)

OK--let's all just party, ****, do art, and make music --like the Eloi
  • #19
Einstein did not solve anything.
He propounded a theory [or two] that is still at the "Jury is Out" stage .
In 2015 it will be 100 years since he put forward his General Theory of Relativity.
Despite the "majority" of scientists and mathematicians and philosophers saying that Einsteins theories are "the best show in town". Citing experiments or analysis "supporting" or "confirming" his work; the minority still persist who claim his work was flawed and propound other theories.
The only problem is you will have had to spend five or more years in university gaining a doctorate in both Maths AND Physics to be anywhere near able to understand any strain of String Theory, Wave Theory, or any other Theory.
The important thing for Joe Average (like me) to understand , is, they are just theories. Attempts to explain how the world works and how the cosmos came into being and continues to be.
ALL of them are flawed and cannot FULLY explain everything.
They can put things in formulae which encapsulate VARIETIES of possibilities, that only doctorate maths professors can interpret, but none of them can put into everyday plain workaday language what all this stuff is and where it came from and how it will [possibly] end.
  • #20
aelbaruk---I still like Newton the best
  • #21
Imagine if we can breed a line of Newtons and Einsteins, will the world be better?

FAQ: How to solve every physics problem ever and understand the universe

1. How can I solve every physics problem ever?

In order to solve every physics problem ever, you must first have a strong foundation in basic physics principles and mathematical concepts. This includes understanding equations, units, and how to apply them in different scenarios. It is also important to practice regularly and constantly challenge yourself with new and more complex problems.

2. What is the best way to understand the universe through physics?

The best way to understand the universe through physics is to first have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of physics, such as mechanics, electromagnetism, and thermodynamics. Then, you can delve into more advanced topics such as quantum mechanics and relativity. It is also helpful to stay updated on current research and theories in the field.

3. How can I improve my problem-solving skills in physics?

The key to improving problem-solving skills in physics is practice. Regularly attempting and solving problems, even if they are challenging, can help you develop critical thinking and analytical skills. It is also helpful to seek out different resources and approaches to solving problems, as well as seeking guidance from teachers or tutors.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving physics problems?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving physics problems include not carefully reading and understanding the question, using incorrect formulas or units, and not showing all of your work. It is also important to check your answer and make sure it makes sense in the context of the problem.

5. How can I apply physics principles to real-world situations?

To apply physics principles to real-world situations, it is important to first understand the underlying concepts and equations. Then, you can identify the relevant variables and use them to solve the problem or make predictions. It is also helpful to look for connections between different physics principles and how they can be applied in different situations.

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