Minimization help in mathematica

In summary, the conversation discusses a minimization problem in Mathematica with 8 variables and constraints, which can also be solved in other software like MATLAB or Maple. The solution involves quadratic expressions and a constraint that can be satisfied on the boundary.
  • #1
i am finding difficulty in minimzing the following in mathematica.
Can someone try it out and share with me the results.
Its urgent.

Its a constrained minimization problem in 8 variables c2,c3...c9
Can it be tried out in MATLAB or maple?

NMinimize[{1.383` c2^2 + 1.377` c3^2 + 1.2618` c4^2 + 1.36` c5^2 +
1.357` c6^2 + 1.29` c7^2 + 1.35` c8^2 + 1.349` c9^2 +
2 (-0.016892` c2 c3 - 0.02962` c3 c4 - 0.01903` c3 c5 -
0.03682` c4 c5 - 0.0170` c4 c6 - 0.03789` c5 c6 +
0.0107` c3 c7 - 0.02034` c5 c7 - 0.05074` c6 c7 +
0.01112` c3 c8 + 0.01282` c4 c8 - 0.0299` c6 c8 -
0.05788` c7 c8 - 0.0275` c7 c9 - 0.0588` c8 c9),
466 < c2 < 2059, 272 < c3 < 893, 171 < c4 < 475,
116 < c5 < 288, 83 < c6 < 191, 63 < c7 < 135, 49 < c8 < 101,
40 < c9 < 78}, {c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9}]
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  • #2
Why do you have problems with that in Mathematica?
Which version are you using?
It takes my version 6.0 only 0,25 second to produce
{465436., {c2 -> 466., c3 -> 272., c4 -> 171., c5 -> 116., c6 -> 83., c7 -> 63., c8 -> 49., c9 -> 40.}}
  • #3
CompuChip said:
Why do you have problems with that in Mathematica?
Which version are you using?
It takes my version 6.0 only 0,25 second to produce
{465436., {c2 -> 466., c3 -> 272., c4 -> 171., c5 -> 116., c6 -> 83., c7 -> 63., c8 -> 49., c9 -> 40.}}

My dear friend i too got the same thing but are you blind to not notice that it gives only trivial values,that is the c values are just the values of the less then equality.
  • #4
And have you noticed yet that in each of the ci, the expression is quadratic so if the map
[tex]c_i \mapsto f(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_i, \cdots, c_9)[/tex]
where f is the expression you want to minimize, and all other values of c are fixed, has its minimum on the boundary (in particular, on the left boundary) then it is not strange that f is minimized by taking all the c on their left boundaries?
  • #5
CompuChip said:
And have you noticed yet that in each of the ci, the expression is quadratic so if the map
[tex]c_i \mapsto f(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_i, \cdots, c_9)[/tex]
where f is the expression you want to minimize, and all other values of c are fixed, has its minimum on the boundary (in particular, on the left boundary) then it is not strange that f is minimized by taking all the c on their left boundaries?

Sorry i forgot to add the following additional constraint:


try it now
  • #6
Then I get a somewhat larger answer

{1.04414*10^6, {c2 -> 466., c3 -> 466., c4 -> 475., c5 -> 288., c6 -> 191., c7 -> 135., c8 -> 101., c9 -> 78.}}

That is still not what you want?
  • #7
CompuChip said:
Then I get a somewhat larger answer

{1.04414*10^6, {c2 -> 466., c3 -> 466., c4 -> 475., c5 -> 288., c6 -> 191., c7 -> 135., c8 -> 101., c9 -> 78.}}

That is still not what you want?

The soln does satisfy the constraint,but since i have included e\inequality constraints as well,why are some solutions on the boudary.Should,nt they be within in?

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  • #8
Not necessarily. For example,

NMaximize[{x + y, 0 < x < 100, -10 < y < 10}, {x, y}]

gives x = 100, y = 10; the best way to maximize x + y is to make both variables as large as possibly allowed. If x = 100 and y = 10 is really not allowed, you should get as close as you can (e.g. x = 99, y = 9; if they must be integers).

FAQ: Minimization help in mathematica

1. What is minimization in Mathematica?

Minimization in Mathematica is a process of finding the minimum value of a function or expression. This can be useful in solving optimization problems, where the goal is to find the point at which a function reaches its minimum value.

2. How does Mathematica perform minimization?

Mathematica uses a variety of algorithms to perform minimization, depending on the type of function or expression being minimized. These algorithms include gradient descent, conjugate gradient, and Newton's method.

3. Can Mathematica handle constrained minimization?

Yes, Mathematica has built-in functions for constrained minimization, such as FindMinimum and Minimize. These functions allow you to specify constraints on the variables being minimized.

4. How do I interpret the output of Mathematica's minimization functions?

The output of Mathematica's minimization functions will depend on the specific function being used. Generally, the output will include the minimum value of the function, as well as the values of the variables at which the minimum occurs.

5. Can I customize the minimization process in Mathematica?

Yes, Mathematica allows for customization of the minimization process through options and parameters. These can be used to specify the algorithm to use, the tolerance for the minimum value, and other parameters that can affect the accuracy and speed of the minimization process.
