Removing RF Frequencies from Smart Meter w/Capacitor

In summary, the conversation discussed a dirty electricity problem caused by a smart meter and the use of filters to remove incoming RF frequencies and transfer them onto the neutral wire. There was also mention of using a capacitor to remove the frequencies from the hot wire and send them back on the neutral wire, but this may be complicated and it was advised to purchase a commercial filter instead. The issue was also questioned for clarification and it was suggested to check if the meter is properly tested for compatibility.
  • #1
I got a dirty electricity problem from a smart meter

There is supposedly filters on the market that remove
the incoming RF frequencies and puts them onto the neutral.

Does anyone know how a capacitor plugged in would
remove RF frequencies from the hot wire and send
them back on the neutral?
Engineering news on
  • #2
kdrifter4400 said:
I got a dirty electricity problem from a smart meter

There is supposedly filters on the market that remove
the incoming RF frequencies and puts them onto the neutral.

Does anyone know how a capacitor plugged in would
remove RF frequencies from the hot wire and send
them back on the neutral?

Could you please clarify? How does a smart meter make a "dirty electricity problem"? Dirty in what way?

What country are you in, and what utility serves your area?
  • #3
Does it mean that you have an electricity meter that transmits its readings over the power line by HF which interferes with your apparatus connected to the power?

First, apparatus should not get trouble from a meter, as I suppose (properly?) said meter has been tested to comply with compatibility rules.

Then, a filter may help, which in its simplest form is a capacitor between the phase and the neutral. But choosing and cabling the capacitor is not obvious, for it to survive, possibly for the rest of the home as well, and for the capacitor to be efficient. If you didn't guess how to cable it, I suggest to refrain from doing it and buy a commercial filter.

FAQ: Removing RF Frequencies from Smart Meter w/Capacitor

1. What is a capacitor and how does it work?

A capacitor is an electronic component that is used to store energy in an electric field. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material. When a voltage is applied to the capacitor, one plate becomes positively charged and the other becomes negatively charged, creating an electric field between them. This electric field stores the energy until it is discharged.

2. Why would I want to remove RF frequencies from a smart meter?

RF (Radio Frequency) frequencies are electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by electronic devices, such as smart meters. Some people may be concerned about the potential health effects of prolonged exposure to RF frequencies, and therefore may want to reduce their exposure by removing them from their smart meter.

3. How can a capacitor remove RF frequencies from a smart meter?

A capacitor can act as a high-pass filter, allowing high-frequency signals (such as RF frequencies) to pass through while blocking low-frequency signals. By placing a capacitor in parallel with the smart meter, the RF frequencies can be shunted to ground, effectively reducing their strength and minimizing their impact.

4. Are there any potential risks or drawbacks to using a capacitor to remove RF frequencies from a smart meter?

While using a capacitor to remove RF frequencies may reduce exposure to these frequencies, it is important to note that smart meters are designed and tested to meet strict safety guidelines and regulations. Altering the functionality of a smart meter may potentially impact its accuracy or reliability, and could potentially pose safety risks if not done properly.

5. Is it necessary to hire a professional to install a capacitor for removing RF frequencies from a smart meter?

Due to the potential risks and safety concerns involved in modifying a smart meter, it is recommended to consult with a professional electrician or engineer who is knowledgeable in this area. They can properly assess the situation and ensure that the capacitor is installed correctly and safely.
