What do the symbols in quantum equations mean?

In summary, you should read the wikipedia article on quantum field theory to understand the equations, and then look for a website that has an index of the symbols used.
  • #1
I have a good understanding of general quantum physics but not so much of an understanding of the mathematics around equations,
such as the equations on wikipeadia under the quantum physics page to understand any of the equations you much first know what the symbols in the equation means
can anyone suggest a website that may have some form of index for these symbols on
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is no 100% standard notation.

Can you tell us exactly which wiki page you are wondering about? Almost all wiki pages have explanations of formulas.

And who can you understand quantum physics with no mathametics? :P
  • #3
for example i would like to understand the working of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_notation"
but there other pages which don,t have any explanation to the the symbols used
such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Field_Theory"

thankyou for helping
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  • #4
But everything is introduced in that wiki-article, there is nothing more to add. It is just what you would find in an ordinary QM textbook such as Sakurai.

There are not so many equations in the QFT page, just some fields etc.
  • #5
Welcome to PF!

Hi electrogluon! Welcome to PF! :wink:

Type out the symbols you don't understand, and then we can help! :smile:
  • #6
electrogluon said:
I have a good understanding of general quantum physics but not so much of an understanding of the mathematics around equations,
such as the equations on wikipeadia under the quantum physics page to understand any of the equations you much first know what the symbols in the equation means
can anyone suggest a website that may have some form of index for these symbols on

? how does that even make sense ?
  • #7
[tex]\sum[/tex] "sum"

[tex]\phi[/tex] "phi"

[tex]\prod[/tex] "prod"

these are the main symbols i don,t understand but also i don,t understand what the doots mean inbetween symbols like in this equation
  • #8
ok … ∑ means the sum of the thing after the ∑, over all possible values of the variable (in your example. over all values of p in the set SN)

that big π is the same, except it means the product, not the sum (so n! = bigπ(i) over i ≤ n)

φ is just the usual syymbol for a wave-function … it's an unknown, like "x" … you could use any symbol, but it's easier to read if everybody uses the same one :wink:

and the dots mean φ1, φ2, φ3, and so on until you get to φN )

Anything else? :smile:
  • #9
thankyou for explaining it you've helped a lot with my research

FAQ: What do the symbols in quantum equations mean?

1. What are quantum equation symbols?

Quantum equation symbols are mathematical notations used to represent the various physical quantities and operations involved in quantum mechanics.

2. How are quantum equation symbols used?

Quantum equation symbols are used to write and manipulate equations that describe the behavior of subatomic particles and systems at the quantum level.

3. What are some commonly used quantum equation symbols?

Some commonly used quantum equation symbols include the wavefunction symbol (Ψ), the Hamiltonian symbol (^H), and the position (x) and momentum (p) operators.

4. What is the significance of quantum equation symbols?

Quantum equation symbols play a crucial role in understanding and predicting the behavior of particles and systems at the quantum level, and have led to many groundbreaking discoveries in physics.

5. Are quantum equation symbols difficult to understand?

While quantum mechanics can be a complex and abstract field, the basic concepts and symbols can be understood with some effort and study. With practice, one can become proficient in using and interpreting quantum equation symbols.

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