Understanding classical stochastic systems

In summary, classical stochastic systems are governed by standard probability laws and have a continuous distribution in phase space. They arise due to lack of experimental control and have a non-negative probability. Quantum systems also have probability inherent in their physics, but their distributions can be discontinuous and may have negative probabilities due to the uncertainty principle.
  • #1
This is an extract from my lecture notes:

"For classical stochastic systems, w(p,x,t)dpdx = prob. particle is in dpdx.
[itex] w\geq0 \int dp \int dx w(p,x) = 1.[/itex]"

1. Can anyone please explain what a classical stochastic system is?
2. Why is there a question of probability in analysing such a system?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
failexam, Stochastic is just a fancy word for random. A stochastic system in physics is one that's governed by statistical mechanics.

The word 'classical' is in there because for a classical system x and p may be specified independently and take on any value, so you can speak of w(p,x) as a continuous function in phase space. For a quantum system only some values of x and p are allowed. For example for a harmonic oscillator, ½(p2 + x2) = nħ, and so the distribution in phase space is discontinuous.
  • #4
In classical systems, randomness arises because of lack of experimental control. For example, the experimentalist may not be able to prepare the system in exactly the same state every time. He may only be able to prepare the system in some states with higher probability than others. This is how probability enters classical systems.

In quantum systems, even if the experimentalist has perfect control, probability still enters the physics.

Also, for a classical system, w is always greater than or equal to zero. Also, for a quantum system w is not always greater than or equal to zero, but can be negative. This is because a classical particle can have definite position and momentum. However, a quantum particle with definite position cannot have definite momentum.
  • #5

I would be happy to provide a response to the content you have shared from your lecture notes.

1. A classical stochastic system refers to a system that exhibits random behavior or variability in its physical properties or behavior. This can include systems such as gas molecules moving in a container, atoms in a crystal lattice, or the movement of particles in a fluid. These systems are often described using statistical mechanics and probability theory.

2. The question of probability arises in analysing classical stochastic systems because these systems are inherently unpredictable due to their random nature. This means that we cannot accurately predict the exact behavior or properties of the system at any given moment. Instead, we can only determine the likelihood or probability of a particular outcome occurring. This is why the equation in your notes includes the term "prob." which stands for probability. By understanding the probability distribution of the system, we can gain insight into its behavior and make predictions about its future state.

FAQ: Understanding classical stochastic systems

What is a classical stochastic system?

A classical stochastic system is a system that exhibits random behavior due to the influence of external factors or inherent randomness in its components. These systems are often described using probability theory and are used to model a wide range of phenomena, from physical systems to financial markets.

How is a classical stochastic system different from a deterministic system?

A deterministic system is one in which the future behavior of the system can be predicted with certainty based on its initial conditions. On the other hand, a classical stochastic system is characterized by uncertainty and randomness in its behavior, making it impossible to predict the exact future state of the system.

What are some examples of classical stochastic systems?

Some examples of classical stochastic systems include the movement of particles in a gas, the stock market, and the spread of diseases in a population. These systems are influenced by random factors such as collisions between particles, fluctuations in market conditions, and chance encounters between individuals.

How are classical stochastic systems studied and analyzed?

Classical stochastic systems are typically studied using mathematical models and computer simulations. These tools allow scientists to simulate the behavior of the system under different conditions and make predictions about its future behavior. Statistical analysis is also used to analyze data from real-world systems and validate the accuracy of the models.

What are the practical applications of understanding classical stochastic systems?

Understanding classical stochastic systems has many practical applications, including predicting the behavior of complex systems, designing more efficient and reliable systems, and making informed decisions in fields such as finance and healthcare. It also allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of nature and the universe.

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