What should my girlfriend name her tiger?

  • Thread starter chroot
  • Start date
In summary: Kooritza...Kirin...Bladibla's suggestion...Chroot's suggestion...Dexter...Apple...Roy...Moby Jack...Linux...World of Warcraft...role-playing game...girlfriend...white...pet...large...online...game...player...Warren...Daniel...Linell...Shroedinger...
  • #1
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My girlfriend has a large pet white tiger in the online role-playing game World of Warcraft. What should she name it?

- Warren
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You should suggest chroot. :smile:
  • #3

name it bekho.

It literally means white tiger in korean :wink:
  • #4
Not exactly white, and I'm not sure if you can purchase boots, but what about:

Puss in Boots

Although, I do like Bladibla suggestion.
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  • #5
Moby Jack, perhaps?
On the other hand, Bladibla's suggestion was very good, whereas mine was not.
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  • #6
dduardo said:
Not exactly white, and I'm not sure if you can purchase boots, but what about:

Puss in Boots

Although, I do like Bladibla suggestion.

Or you could tell chroot to take the linux way out and name the tiger Linux. :biggrin:
  • #7
If we're talking about a smart tiger,advise her to name it:"Dexter"... :cool:

  • #8
motai said:
Or you could tell chroot to take the linux way out and name the tiger Linux. :biggrin:

They gave me an idea. Why doesn't she call the tiger "Apple". That's a nice feminine name and it runs on the freebsd kernel. :-p
  • #9
how about, "roy"?


no? ok...
  • #10
chroot said:
My girlfriend has a large pet white tiger in the online role-playing game World of Warcraft. What should she name it?

- Warren

Sigfried's Nemesis?
  • #11
dduardo said:
They gave me an idea. Why doesn't she call the tiger "Apple". That's a nice feminine name and it runs on the freebsd kernel. :-p

Or name it Daemon. I like that one
  • #12
Is it a boy tiger or a girl tiger?
  • #13
chroot said:
My girlfriend has a large pet white tiger in the online role-playing game World of Warcraft. What should she name it?

- Warren
You need some help! :smile:

She is your real girlfriend and not, just, your role playing girlfriend right? :-p

Back on topic, I like Bladibla's idea. Find a foreign name for tiger and use it.
  • #14
Call the tiger Kooritza
  • #15
I love WoW.

So addicted...

Can't... stop... playing...

I just got a mount for my L45 mage. (this is after I got tired of playing on the PvP server with my L54 warrior)
  • #16
enigma said:
I love WoW.

So addicted...

Can't... stop... playing...

I just got a mount for my L45 mage. (this is after I got tired of playing on the PvP server with my L54 warrior)

I've been wanting to get it for a while now. Just been debating on whether i want it enough to pay for the game and the monthly fee too.
  • #17
Graham, without contest.
  • #18
If you want a really scary name call the tiger Bin Ladin :biggrin:
  • #19
I've been wanting to get it for a while now. Just been debating on whether i want it enough to pay for the game and the monthly fee too
The monthly fee is the cost of 3 meals at McDonalds.

It really depends on how much time you think you will spend playing. I have played the game for at least a little bit almost every day since I got it. A worthwhile expenditure, IMO.

My friends and I refer to it as WoWcrack.

And no, I have no social life.

If you do pick it up, and want to play alliance, register on silvermoon server and send Linell a tell ingame :cool:
  • #20
It's sad how many friends I've lost to WoW. :cry:
  • #21
Since no one has linked anything and not everyone would know what we're talking about:

  • #22
enigma said:
The monthly fee is the cost of 3 meals at McDonalds.

It really depends on how much time you think you will spend playing. I have played the game for at least a little bit almost every day since I got it. A worthwhile expenditure, IMO.

Its not so much the money spent as dealing with a parental hassle involving the payment methods (don't really want to go into it, just suffice to say my mother is a money nazi control freak).

My friends and I refer to it as WoWcrack.

And no, I have no social life.

If you do pick it up, and want to play alliance, register on silvermoon server and send Linell a tell ingame :cool:

WoWcrack, hehe.

Scoial lives are overrated, they're dependent on other people being interesting.
  • #23
Oh, and Warren.

Your girlfriend should name her cat: "Shroedinger"

edit: came up with a better name
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  • #24
I love mythological names for fantasy characters. Qilin is the white tiger of the west in Chinese mythology - one of the four celestial emblems. Spelling variants include:

Traditional Chinese: Qilin, or kylin;
Cantonese: kay-lun;
Hokkien: kee lin;
Japanese: Kirin.
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  • #25
Chronos said:
I love mythological names for fantasy characters. Qilin is the white tiger of the west in Chinese mythology - one of the four celestial emblems. Spelling variants include:

Traditional Chinese: Qilin, or kylin;
Cantonese: kay-lun;
Hokkien: kee lin;
Japanese: Kirin.

Interesting, Kirin is a brand of japanese beer.

Tiger Beer...hmmm...
  • #26
  • #27
Following the trend of nomenclature of the cross-bred felines, you might try something along the lines of Whiger, but that might just sound unoriginal to the casual observer.

How about Snowball ? The obvious relationship is that snow is white. The less obvious relationship is through the famous pig (of the same name in Orwell's Animal Farm), who is modeled upon Leon Trotsky. Trotsky, of course, spent several prison terms in Siberia, the main habitat of the white tiger.
  • #28
What...?What do you mean by "Siberia,main habitat of the white tiger"...?

  • #29
Tigers are mostly found in Siberia, India (Bengal) and Indonesia (Sumatra, I think). I thought there were more in Siberia than the other places, but I may be wrong. Also, the albinos are more common among the Siberian and Bengal tigers (also, "I think")

Edit : OOPS ! White tigers appear to be only Bengals. Scratch Snowball.
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  • #30
Gokul43201 said:
Edit : OOPS ! White tigers appear to be only Bengals. Scratch Snowball.

Yeah i was just going to say...

Its kinda odd when you think about it. It would make more sense for white tigers to be in siberia, but oh well.
  • #31
I think you're wrong about the habitat.They inhabit Indochina as well (especially Thailand).In Siberia they are the least of them all...And the white tiger is a gene modified "version" of Bengal tiger...The Siberian tiger is the largest among cats and second in size behind white polar bear among land mammals...

  • #32
dextercioby said:
I think you're wrong about the habitat.They inhabit Indochina as well (especially Thailand).In Siberia they are the least of them all...And the white tiger is a gene modified "version" of Bengal tiger...The Siberian tiger is the largest among cats and second in size behind white polar bear among land mammals...


Your statement either makes no sense or is just repitisious or some combinations. And i have no idea which.
  • #33
It makes sense,but only if you're sober...:devil:

  • #34
dextercioby said:
It makes sense,but only if you're sober...:devil:


Its friday though, since when am i ever sober on friday?
  • #35
The white tiger is pretty rare in the wild (they're pretty easy to spot by predators when they are young and still tasty I guess). There are more of them born in captivity due to inbreeding.

What about Bianca?

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