Using a photodiode in near darkness

  • Thread starter Artlav
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In summary: It seems like you are oscillating with the input current, would adjusting the feedback resistor (or the photo diode itself) solve the problem?In summary, the AD820 Data Sheet recommends a +3 V to +36 V range for a single supply, and adding an amplifier after the photo diode does not improve the situation. Adding more resistors does not work either. There might be a parasitic problem with the circuit that you are not aware of. The oscillations are likely caused by the long lead from the detector to the amplifier. The capacitance of the photo diode is not specified, so you might try measuring it. The frequency response of the circuit is too low, and adjusting the feedback resistor
  • #1

How can get maximum sensitivity out of a photodiode?

So far the best result i got is by using a current-to-voltage amplifier:

But with R at 1 MOhm it's still not good enough, and any more causes the thing to start oscillating out of control.

Would adding another amplifier after that improve the situation, or would it just amplify some noise? If yes, what kind of amplifier should it be?

Is there a way or point to remove whatever noise or oscillation this circuit gives with R>1MOhm, and keep adding resistors?

Or, how to do it some other (proper?) way?
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  • #2
According to the AD820 Data Sheet, for a single supply, the voltage can be +3 V to +36 V. You could try a higher supply voltage than the 5 V you're showing. i.e. if you're looking for a larger output voltage.
  • #3
Just by the fact that the Rf=1M tells me that your photo diode give a lot of close to 1uA range. This is no where even push any boundary unless you are looking for 100MHz + bandwidth.

You are right into transimpedance amp that we had two post talk extensively about. Tell us what is the condition, frequency response requirement etc.

For oscillation, first you have to tell us what is the capacitance of the photo diode. It is all about adjusting the close loop poles and zeros to tame the amp.

Post the spec and we'll talk more. I have a suspicion that you have parasitic problem that has nothing to do with the circuit in the schematic. eg, if the lead from the detector to the amp is very long, you'll have a serious problem.

More info.

What happen, all of a sudden transimpedance amp is in style?!
  • #4
I should mention that i had no prior experience with op-amps, and all i do now is based on a few days worth of reading the theory and experimenting.

dlgoff said:
You could try a higher supply voltage than the 5 V you're showing. i.e. if you're looking for a larger output voltage.
As far as i understand, supply voltage defines the range of the output, not amplification?
So, if I'm trying to tell millivolts apart, what good would it be?

yungman said:
Just by the fact that the Rf=1M tells me that your photo diode give a lot of close to 1uA range.
Is it normal to have MOhm range resistance in this kind of application?
I.e. is there a limit on how low a current can be amplified that way?

yungman said:
Tell us what is the condition, frequency response requirement etc.
Light level measurement, 10-100 samples per second ideal.
With the provided circuit i get output indistinguishable from zero most of the time.

yungman said:
For oscillation, first you have to tell us what is the capacitance of the photo diode. It is all about adjusting the close loop poles and zeros to tame the amp.
Not specified, nothing to measure with.

yungman said:
Post the spec and we'll talk more. I have a suspicion that you have parasitic problem that has nothing to do with the circuit in the schematic. eg, if the lead from the detector to the amp is very long, you'll have a serious problem.
The oscillations are white noise or close it it.
In case of 2M and 0.1uf it looks similar to 1M and no capacitor.
With 1M and 0.1uf there is no detectable noise.

Lead length is supposed to be half a meter, but the problem appears with the diode sitting right next to the amp.
  • #6
Artlav said:
I should mention that i had no prior experience with op-amps, and all i do now is based on a few days worth of reading the theory and experimenting.

As far as i understand, supply voltage defines the range of the output, not amplification?
So, if I'm trying to tell millivolts apart, what good would it be?

Is it normal to have MOhm range resistance in this kind of application?
I.e. is there a limit on how low a current can be amplified that way?
I worked mostly with value much bigger than that!
Light level measurement, 10-100 samples per second ideal.
With the provided circuit i get output indistinguishable from zero most of the time.

Not specified, nothing to measure with.
The capacitance of the diode should be given in the data sheet.

The oscillations are white noise or close it it.
In case of 2M and 0.1uf it looks similar to 1M and no capacitor.
With 1M and 0.1uf there is no detectable noise.

Lead length is supposed to be half a meter, but the problem appears with the diode sitting right next to the amp.

How do you come up with the 1M as feedback resistor? What is the range of current you are trying to detect?

You put a 0.1uF cap across the 1M resistor, your frequency response is 1.59Hz! That is too slow. Transimpedance amp is more than just design basic op-amp circuit. Read the article Skeptic2 posted.

If your lead is 1/2m, you might have to put a 50Ω resistor in series with the photo diode close to the input of the op-amp to give some isolation.
  • #7
skeptic2 said:
Here is an application bulletin from Burr Brown, a manufacturer of very high quality op amps. You might try some of the ideas in it.
Thanks, that's certainly of use.

yungman said:
The capacitance of the diode should be given in the data sheet.
Indeed it is in full one, and i was checking abbreviated one.
Diode Capacitance:
(VR = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0) 70 pF
(VR = 3 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0) 40 pF

Also, I've drawn the diode wrong way around in the schematic above.

yungman said:
How do you come up with the 1M as feedback resistor?
V=IR, and 1M is the largest resistor I've seen on sale.
So i guesstimeted it to be close to the limit or something.

Now, a Giga-Ohm resistor?
Not sure where to buy, not straightforward to make, nothing to measure with directly.
10M ones seem to be available, so about 100M is the highest i know i can go at the moment.

yungman said:
What is the range of current you are trying to detect?
Apparently, below 5nA.
Assuming 5nA to be the upper level (at 5V), 20pA would be the lower sensitivity level.

yungman said:
You put a 0.1uF cap across the 1M resistor, your frequency response is 1.59Hz! That is too slow. Transimpedance amp is more than just design basic op-amp circuit.
Sounds about right.
If i understand correctly that it's 1/(2*pi*R*C), then for 100Hz i'll need C about 1.5nF?

I don't have anything from this range at hand today, so can't check.
The noise is what troubles me - with 2M it exist with any C i tried (100pF, 47nF, 100nF) and is white noise, while with 1M it only appear at 100pF and less and looks like mains hum with something about 4Hz added over.

I've looked over MT-050 article from the thread below, and the diode's capacitance seems to be the C1, R1 is the lead resistance, and C2 and R2 are out feedback/gain ones?
But I'm too slow at the moment to get just what does this give me, and how does the stark change in the noise kind come in.

yungman said:
Read the article Skeptic2 posted.
That is certainly of use.
Also, this thread that you seem to have mentioned, is an interesting read.

yungman said:
If your lead is 1/2m, you might have to put a 50Ω resistor in series with the photo diode close to the input of the op-amp to give some isolation.
Where does the number come from?
  • #8
Artlav said:
Thanks, that's certainly of use.

Indeed it is in full one, and i was checking abbreviated one.
Diode Capacitance:
(VR = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0) 70 pF
(VR = 3 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0) 40 pF
That's not too bad. Your circuit bias a 0V, so 70pF it is.
Also, I've drawn the diode wrong way around in the schematic above.

V=IR, and 1M is the largest resistor I've seen on sale.
So i guesstimeted it to be close to the limit or something.
Now, a Giga-Ohm resistor?
Not sure where to buy, not straightforward to make, nothing to measure with directly.
10M ones seem to be available, so about 100M is the highest i know i can go at the moment.

Apparently, below 5nA.
Assuming 5nA to be the upper level (at 5V), 20pA would be the lower sensitivity level.
For 5nA to full scale of 5V, you need R=V/I=1GΩ
Sounds about right.
If i understand correctly that it's 1/(2*pi*R*C), then for 100Hz i'll need C about 1.5nF?
[tex] f=\frac 1 {2\pi R C}[/tex]
For 1G and 100Hz, [itex]C=\frac 1 {2\pi R f}=1.6pF[/itex]
Again, look in Digikey. They ship fast.

I don't have anything from this range at hand today, so can't check.
The noise is what troubles me - with 2M it exist with any C i tried (100pF, 47nF, 100nF) and is white noise, while with 1M it only appear at 100pF and less and looks like mains hum with something about 4Hz added over.

I've looked over MT-050 article from the thread below, and the diode's capacitance seems to be the C1, R1 is the lead resistance, and C2 and R2 are out feedback/gain ones?
But I'm too slow at the moment to get just what does this give me, and how does the stark change in the noise kind come in.

That is certainly of use.
Also, this thread that you seem to have mentioned, is an interesting read.

Where does the number come from?

Yes, you need to learn more as you have to taylor the circuit. Use the last op-amp suggest in that post.
  • #9
Good news, I've figured out where the white noise came from - for the 2+ MΩ tests i put several 1MΩ resistors in series, but the capacitor spanned only the first one!

With that fixed, i got it up to 10MΩ, and things still look good.
Looks like finding these mythical 1GΩ resistors could actually be worth the trouble. :)

Thanks for all the info, that'll take some time to digest.
  • #10
Artlav said:
Good news, I've figured out where the white noise came from - for the 2+ MΩ tests i put several 1MΩ resistors in series, but the capacitor spanned only the first one!

With that fixed, i got it up to 10MΩ, and things still look good.
Looks like finding these mythical 1GΩ resistors could actually be worth the trouble. :)

Thanks for all the info, that'll take some time to digest.

Look up Caddock resistor. 1G is nothing! Make sure to get a resistor with longer body because the surface leakage might present problem if the body is too short. If you don't want to deal with 1G, do the 100M and follow with the next stage with gain of 10. Read the post you put in the last one, read the link in detail. You need exactly the gain as that one. All the discussion implies to you. You are lucky that you don't need high speed like the other post, for you, it would be much easier. The other poster is running into wall at the moment because his detector is higher capacitance, and he need much higher speed.

What! Transimpedance amp and diode detector are the latest fashion? All these post about this topic!
  • #11
Noise is a problem.
On a breadboard with 50 MΩ (5x10M) and 10pF there is no detectable noise.

But for real, with almost a meter long leads there is noise.
Adding 100Ω in series near the amp didn't help.

In the dark the noise looks like this (FFT at the output, 0-100Hz):

Does this look familiar?
Any ideas how to fix it?

Also, I've never worked with resistance this high before - anything to be aware of? Like leakage across a moisture film along the board or something?
  • #12
With leads a meter long, are you using shielded cable? In the Burr Brown Bulletin, the oval loop tied to ground represents shielded cable.
  • #13
Artlav said:
Noise is a problem.
On a breadboard with 50 MΩ (5x10M) and 10pF there is no detectable noise.

But for real, with almost a meter long leads there is noise.
Adding 100Ω in series near the amp didn't help.

In the dark the noise looks like this (FFT at the output, 0-100Hz):

Does this look familiar?
Any ideas how to fix it?

Also, I've never worked with resistance this high before - anything to be aware of? Like leakage across a moisture film along the board or something?

You are picking up noise on the long input wires. Look into what Skeptic2 suggested.

As for resistance, don't be afraid, it's just a resistor. I gave you the hint that you need long body resistor. When I did the transimpedance amp with high value resistor, I used DIP package and I bent the -ve input up and solder the resistor on the pin up in the air. You need very good cleaning spray, compressed air to blow away the solvent right after cleaning. 1G is not that high, you do this, you'll likely be fine.

If you measure down to pA, watch out for vibration. I worked on Mass Spectrometers and the vibration from the turbo pumps introduce vibration noise. We end up using rigid coax for input and mount the amp on the frame to lower the vibration to the amp.
  • #14
yungman said:
You are picking up noise on the long input wires. Look into what Skeptic2 suggested.
The most annoying part is a ~2-4Hz regular-looking oscillation, with up to +-0.5V of amplitude at output. That one happens on a breadboard as well, with no extra wires.
It's not in the light or surroundings - happens from many lightsources and in many places, don't happen in none.
The "no detectable noise" part was about full darkness and near the upper limit.

Have i missed something again?
  • #15
This is unique in your situation. You have to chase down the 2 to 4 Hz noise.

Can you explain:

It's not in the light or surroundings - happens from many lightsources and in many places, don't happen in none.
The "no detectable noise" part was about full darkness and near the upper limit.

Is it a regular periodic frequency or random of about 2 to 4 Hz? If it is happening on the breadboard, then put Faraday cage around as see whether it is EM or not. Also tape the top of the photo diode so no light can go through and see whether that change the amplitude.
  • #16
Regular and periodic, but not real - going from 100 samples per second to 200 turned it into a much higher frequency one, also periodic. Something is interfering or plain broken in the serial link part.

Time-out, i shouldn't be asking questions until i rule out all the obvious possibilities.
  • #17
Artlav said:
Regular and periodic, but not real - going from 100 samples per second to 200 turned it into a much higher frequency one, also periodic. Something is interfering or plain broken in the serial link part.

Time-out, i shouldn't be asking questions until i rule out all the obvious possibilities.

Now you are talking. Good thing you can produce the problem on the breadboard, try different shielding method including blocking light, copper tapes and report back. Use a scope to look at the signal, don't rely on the digitizing result, it might fool you.

One thing of interest, replace the photo diode with a 70pF cap and see whether you pick up the same noise.
  • #18
50Hz, mains hum.
At 100 samples/sec it was synced up almost perfectly, giving ~2Hz from drift, but at higher and non-divisible read-out frequencies it's plain and obvious.

It's RF - any light source indoors - hum.
Outdoors - no hum, no detectable noise at any light level with a flashlight.

How do you filter out mains hum...?
Any better ideas than a Faraday cage?
  • #19
Artlav said:
50Hz, mains hum.
At 100 samples/sec it was synced up almost perfectly, giving ~2Hz from drift, but at higher and non-divisible read-out frequencies it's plain and obvious.

It's RF - any light source indoors - hum.
Outdoors - no hum, no detectable noise at any light level with a flashlight.

How do you filter out mains hum...?
Any better ideas than a Faraday cage?

Any way to take pictures of the real circuit and the breadboard? One look might worth more than a thousand words. 50Hz, are you in Europe? I can't even get a sandwich out of you even if I can too far away!:smile:
  • #20
Hold your horses! Did you do what I asked to tape the window of the detector diode? If you did not, the 50Hz is likely from the light! Forget the picture, answer this first.

If it is from the light source to the detector, you need to talk to the one designing the optics. If that cannot be avoid, you might have to do cancellation. I did it on one of the transimpedance amp that has switching supply noise. We needed a Faraday Cup amp floating on 200V. I decided to use a small switching supply build inside the FC amp box!. To cancel the noise, take the ground noise and sum with the output of the FC amp and cancel or reduced the switching noise, it worked.

If so, and there is no way out as your signal has the 50Hz, then you might have to generate the 50Hz of opposite phase and sum to cancel the noise.
  • #21
yungman said:
Did you do what I asked to tape the window of the detector diode? If you did not, the 50Hz is likely from the light!
Both, actually.
With any mains lights (bulbs and lumenescent ones) i always get noise to one degree or another.
In total darkness there is no noise unless i get right next to a fridge or something.

With a flashlight i get various amount of noise depending on where i stand - away from any wires there is no noise.
It's also light level dependent - if there is no light the noise is tiny, but if i shine a flashlight while in the same spot, it can be +-0.5V at the output.

Weird, i thought incandescent light bulbs didn't pulsate.
Not sure yet if it's a problem or a result.

Everything is battery powered, so as far as i understand there is no reference to cancel it out on the analog side.

yungman said:
50Hz, are you in Europe?
More or less - I'm in the western part of Russia.
  • #22
First things first- your diode in the schematic looks reversed. If you are using a one-sided supply this will give erratic results.
  • #23
Antiphon said:
First things first- your diode in the schematic looks reversed. If you are using a one-sided supply this will give erratic results.
The diode is in the correct orientation. This circuit diagram came from the Application Bulletin - DESIGNING PHOTODIODE AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS WITH OPA128 that skeptic2 provided in post #5.


Note also that it's a "one-sided" supply.


  • OPA128-figure 2.jpg
    OPA128-figure 2.jpg
    10.4 KB · Views: 1,070
  • #24
Artlav said:
Both, actually.
With any mains lights (bulbs and lumenescent ones) i always get noise to one degree or another.
In total darkness there is no noise unless i get right next to a fridge or something.

With a flashlight i get various amount of noise depending on where i stand - away from any wires there is no noise.
It's also light level dependent - if there is no light the noise is tiny, but if i shine a flashlight while in the same spot, it can be +-0.5V at the output.

Weird, i thought incandescent light bulbs didn't pulsate.
Not sure yet if it's a problem or a result.

Everything is battery powered, so as far as i understand there is no reference to cancel it out on the analog side.

More or less - I'm in the western part of Russia.

1)Well so much for the idea of power supply. So the unit is totally isolated from's a handheld? But how do you measure the 50Hz? You must have to hook up the scope ground! Tell me more about your device if you need help as I can't trouble shoot with the info given. How do you digitize and get the result? Is all the digitizing circuit in the same unit and all power by battery?
2) Want to verify that if you tape the diode, you don't get any noise unless you are close to the fridge.
3) If you are in the room that you have lights on, you get 50Hz, but if you leave the unit in the exact place and turn off all lights, the noise goes away?
4)Then with the unit at the same place as 3) with no lights on, but when you shine a flash light, the noise come back even the room light is off and is total darkness other than the flash light?

1, 2 and 3 points to the 50Hz is from the light source. BUT 4 don't make sense at all. Assuming the flash light is battery powered, you should not have 50Hz.

Take a picture and post it anyway.

I don't think the noise is electrical, but humor me, use some kitchen aluminum foil and cover the circuit and make sure it is grounded. See whether there is any improvement. At least whether you get rid of the noise when you are close to the fridge with the diode taped.

What is your application, do you have to work in the lights? If all else fail and the 50Hz is from the light source that you have to work with, then:

1) can you lower the bandwidth to below 25Hz? If so, at least you can use steep low pass or notch filter the get rid of the 50Hz.
2) If you need to cover to over 50Hz, active cancellation is the way to go. Set up another amp with diode but point the diode at place that you are not measuring but still can detect light and sum.

Tell more info.
Last edited:
  • #25
Antiphon said:
First things first- your diode in the schematic looks reversed. If you are using a one-sided supply this will give erratic results.
dlgoff said:
The diode is in the correct orientation.
I've mentioned it somewhere in the thread- it should have been drawn other way around.
I'm using it in photovoltaic mode, not backwards.

yungman said:
But how do you measure the 50Hz?
In the output.
Most of it seems to come from the lights.
None if the PD is covered, unless really close to the wires or motors of some sort.
None at all in the sun outside, little to none in sunlight inside, as above dependant on the presence of wiring.
So far that's fine for me.

Thanks for help so far, i'll post in details if i run into something unsolvable.
  • #26
All right, here is the next problem.

I got the 2GΩ resistors, and suddenly all the flickers at the edge of detection became a flood of noise.

The mains hum was omnipresent, as RF.
That was solved by wrapping the box into tin foil, grounded at the common ground of the batteries.

The only noise left now is from the stepper motors.

The thing is a 60x40x30cm box, with a coordinate table out of two steppers inside. The photodiode is mounted on the caret, the electronics are all around on the walls. The power is from two sets of batteries with common ground. Everything is ruled by an Arduino, with a USB cable going to a laptop.

The foil around the box is attached to the common ground.
Without it mains hum dominate the signal top to bottom, with it it's not here at all.

The amplifier board is on the side, far from everything else.

The problem:
With the motors at idle or not powered, there is no noise in the photodiode reading.
Once the motor starts running, there is a flood of white noise (Only one motor runs at a time).
At 50MΩ that noise was undetectable, at 2GΩ it dominates.

What i tried:
-Wrapping the wire to the PD in tin foil and grounding it to the box - no effect.
-Choke on the same wire - no effect.
-100nF capacitors between the motor wires - no effect.

What i can't think of how to do or can't be done:
-Decouple the ground of the motor and the sensor - no conceivable way to sync up the motion and readings.
-Reduce the PD bandwidth to leave the noise out - by now the requirement is >=700Hz, and the noise is all over it.

Any help would be appreciated, if that's not too far off-topic by now.
  • #27
Could your amp be picking up noise from the motor through the power supply?
  • #28
I just have time to take a quick look only. This really bring the meaning of one picture speak a thousand words. The first and fatal problem is you did not use a board with ground plane. You need to have a shielded cable from the PD all the way to the ground plane on the board and ground the shield on the amp board. BUT don't ground or even touch the shield on the ground on PD side. I can't see you stepper motor control boards, but don't look like you are using ground plane either. This will also cause noise to emitted out. Always use ground planed boards. When you do pcb, make sure you use ground plane. For simple amp circuit like this, I can easily do it on a two sided pcb so it will be cheaper.

If you have a torroid, put at the power feed to the board and one on the output wires. This will get rid of some noise if it comes in from the output line or the power line.

This is the general bandaid first. I am not surprised you pick up so much noise looking at the picture.

We literally have a metal box for the amp alone. Stepper motor is very noisy!

To be honest, if you have a cable to the PD, and your circuit is so small, I would really consider putting the amp board right on the place with the PD and just have the power feed and the output line running out.

Now you getting to problem that there usually no one magic fix. It is more step by step working on the ground and shielding. Looks like you have a lot of space to mount the board right on where the PD is. You can make the board very small, the size mainly governed by the size of the 2G resistor. Also, I don't see any capacitor on from the power to ground of the op-amp.
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  • #29
skeptic2 said:
Could your amp be picking up noise from the motor through the power supply?
Possibly, but not all of it.
I tried running the stepper from a separate power source, ground and all, and the noise on PD is still here and looks pretty much the same.

yungman said:
Always use ground planed boards. When you do pcb, make sure you use ground plane.
Perfboards is all i have, no custom PCBs.

yungman said:
You need to have a shielded cable from the PD all the way to the ground plane on the board and ground the shield on the amp board. BUT don't ground or even touch the shield on the ground on PD side
A little slower please.
Ground plane is also the the ground to everything else?
The point the shielding is connected to it should be on the amp side, not PD side?
How can it be approximated? A piece of metal under the board?

I'm afraid i don't understand the concept yet.

yungman said:
If you have a torroid, put at the power feed to the board and one on the output wires. This will get rid of some noise if it comes in from the output line or the power line.
So far i gather that most of the noise is RF - running the stepper from a separate power supply does not reduce it noticeably.
I've put the choke on them - three wraps around a 2cm ferrite torroid - no noticeable effect.

yungman said:
I would really consider putting the amp board right on the place with the PD and just have the power feed and the output line running out.
I can put it on the black horizontal caret, but putting it right on the vertical one where PD is would be tricky.
First case would only reduce the cable length by the "shielded" part.

yungman said:
Also, I don't see any capacitor on from the power to ground of the op-amp.
What kind of capacitor should there be?
Tried 1000uF anti-hum one, no changes.
  • #30
Artlav said:
Possibly, but not all of it.
I tried running the stepper from a separate power source, ground and all, and the noise on PD is still here and looks pretty much the same.

Perfboards is all i have, no custom PCBs.
Buy copper plated FR4 boards on ebay and build on top of it. Something like this:

A little slower please.
Ground plane is also the the ground to everything else?
No, just for the amplifier, it is very small.
The point the shielding is connected to it should be on the amp side, not PD side?
Yes, prefer the ground shield don't even touch the mounting of the PD.
How can it be approximated? A piece of metal under the board?

I'm afraid i don't understand the concept yet.

So far i gather that most of the noise is RF - running the stepper from a separate power supply does not reduce it noticeably.
I've put the choke on them - three wraps around a 2cm ferrite torroid - no noticeable effect.

I can put it on the black horizontal caret, but putting it right on the vertical one where PD is would be tricky.
First case would only reduce the cable length by the "shielded" part.

What kind of capacitor should there be?
Tried 1000uF anti-hum one, no changes.

You should have 0.1uF parallel with a 10uF cap across the power pins of the op-amp. The connection from the PD to the amp board should be completely shielded. With the ground plane board and shielded cable input, try using aluminum foil to cover the circuit. You should see improvement.
  • #31
yungman said:
No, just for the amplifier, it is very small.
Ground as in electrical ground or separate thing to ground to?
I.e. it's a piece of metal that is only connected to the cable shielding, or a piece of metal connected to the ground wire?

Because ground for the amp = ground for the batteries = ground for everything.
  • #32
Artlav said:
Good news, I've figured out where the white noise came from - for the 2+ MΩ tests i put several 1MΩ resistors in series, but the capacitor spanned only the first one!

With that fixed, i got it up to 10MΩ, and things still look good.
Looks like finding these mythical 1GΩ resistors could actually be worth the trouble. :)

Thanks for all the info, that'll take some time to digest.

Have you considered that the internal resistances of the OP amp will be far lower than your suggested 1GΩ resistor? These resistance paths will provide a limit to the gain (being 'in parallel' with any external resistor you add). I should stick to resistors that are available and look at the application notes to see what values are used there. You are unlikely to do better. You won't do better than the open loop gain.
Also, increasing supply volts can worsen the noise performance and hence, the stability.
  • #33
sophiecentaur said:
Have you considered that the internal resistances of the OP amp will be far lower than your suggested 1GΩ resistor? These resistance paths will provide a limit to the gain (being 'in parallel' with any external resistor you add). I should stick to resistors that are available and look at the application notes to see what values are used there. You are unlikely to do better. You won't do better than the open loop gain.
Not sure what internal resistance there is (nothing named so in the spec), but i got a 2.2GΩ resistor across it now, and the sensitivity is between 10 and 50 times higher than with the 50MΩ one, with no extra noise on it's own.
So, it seem to work.
  • #34
Artlav said:
Ground as in electrical ground or separate thing to ground to?
I.e. it's a piece of metal that is only connected to the cable shielding, or a piece of metal connected to the ground wire?

Because ground for the amp = ground for the batteries = ground for everything.

Ground is electrical ground, the ground you ground the +ve input of the op-amp, or the ground on the cathode of the PD. You need a plane to provide better noise shielding.
  • #35
yungman said:
Ground is electrical ground, the ground you ground the +ve input of the op-amp, or the ground on the cathode of the PD. You need a plane to provide better noise shielding.
Ok, would mounting a metal plate below the board do it, or there is something more delicate at work?
I can just cover the bottom of the board with tin foil, and route all the ground things to it, is that a proper solution?

In other news - I've grounded the stepper's casing across a 0.1uF capacitor, and the noise roughly halved.
It should also be noted that the noise is less with the caret away from the motor, and more up close.

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