How Do I Factor in Air Resistance for Projectile Motion?

In summary, the conversation is about writing a game that involves two tanks shooting at each other with user input for firing angle and gravitational acceleration. The problem discussed is how to incorporate air resistance into the game, with the equation for drag being F_D = 1/2CρAv^2. The issue is determining the velocity for use in this equation, as the formula for velocity at time t typically ignores air resistance. The solution proposed is to calculate acceleration using F=ma and then use V2=V1+at to determine the velocity at the end of each time step. The conversation also suggests a helpful resource for further understanding.
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I'm to write a program ("game") in which two tanks take shots at each other, with a user who inputs firing angle, gravitational acceleration and the like, I'm sure you've all heard of it.

Anyway, I'm having trouble in dealing with air resistance. Without knowing too much on the subject (not covered in any particular detail at the grade 11 level) the equation for drag is of course:

[tex]F_{D} = \frac{1}{2}C\rho\\Av^2[/tex]

The problem I have is for calculating velocity for use in that formula. First of all, I would I assume I would take both the x-component and y-component of velocity and vector-add them to get a composite velocity, but the formulae normally given for a velocity at time, [tex]t[/tex], ignore air resistance, for example:

[tex]V_{y} = sin\theta\\-gt[/tex]

There is of course no problem if a constant air resistance, [tex]F_{air}[/tex], is used, but air resistance is directly proportional to velocity, so I'm in a bit of a loop here, do I not have a problem of requiring velocity to calculate air resistance and air resistance to calculate velocity?

Any help is greatly appreciated, and of course not just a formula but an explanation.

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I'd assume your game calculates the position of the projectile at distinct points in time, such that the entire flight of the projectile is broken up into small bits in time.

You'll need a mass for the projectile. Apply F=ma and determine acceleration. The force on the projectile is the force due to air resistance per your equation above. The accelleration is then a=F/m. Assume this acceleration (decelleration) is applied during the time step. The velocity at the beginning of the time step is V1 and at the end is V2. I'd assume the time steps are going to be very small, a fraction of a second. So now determine velocity V2 from V2=V1+at where acceleration is negative because the force is slowing the projectile down.

FAQ: How Do I Factor in Air Resistance for Projectile Motion?

1. What is air resistance and how does it affect the trajectory of objects?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion through the air. It is caused by the collision of air molecules with the surface of the object. Air resistance can affect the trajectory of objects by slowing them down and changing their direction.

2. How can air resistance be calculated for a given object?

Air resistance can be calculated using the equation Fd = 0.5 * ρ * Cd * A * v^2, where Fd is the drag force, ρ is the density of air, Cd is the drag coefficient, A is the surface area of the object, and v is the velocity of the object.

3. What factors can affect the amount of air resistance on an object?

The amount of air resistance on an object can be affected by several factors including the shape and size of the object, the speed at which it is moving, the density of the air, and the surface roughness of the object.

4. How does air resistance change the trajectory of a projectile?

Air resistance can cause a projectile to travel in a curved rather than a straight path. As the projectile moves through the air, it experiences a drag force that increases as its velocity increases. This causes the projectile to slow down and change direction, ultimately leading to a curved trajectory.

5. Can air resistance be reduced or eliminated for a given object?

Air resistance cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be reduced by changing the shape and size of the object, smoothing out its surface, and decreasing its speed. Objects that are designed to have minimal air resistance are often streamlined and have a smaller surface area.
