Sphere of magnetic material in an applied field

In summary, the conversation discusses finding an expression for the total current and net field in a sphere of magnetic material with given parameters. The attempt at a solution involves using the equation I=\int J.dS = \int (\nabla \times M).dS = 4\pi R^{2}M and addresses the presence of the applied field B_{applied}. The person also asks for pointers on solving the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a sphere of magnetic material with radius R and magnetisation M in an applied field [tex]B_{applied}[/tex]. Find an expression for:

a) the total current flowing around the surface of the sphere;
b) the net field at the centre of the sphere.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I am totally new to the magnetisation physics, and am having trouble getting to grips with it, any pointers on how to go about solving this?
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  • #2
[tex]I=\int J.dS = \int (\nabla \times M).dS = 4\pi R^{2}M[/tex]

Is this correct without [tex]
[/tex]? If so, what happens when [tex]
[/tex] is present?

FAQ: Sphere of magnetic material in an applied field

What is a sphere of magnetic material?

A sphere of magnetic material is a solid object made of a substance that has magnetic properties, meaning it can be attracted or repelled by a magnetic field.

How does a magnetic field affect a sphere of magnetic material?

When a magnetic field is applied to a sphere of magnetic material, the material becomes magnetized and develops its own magnetic field. The alignment of the molecules within the material changes, causing it to either attract or repel other magnetic materials depending on the direction of the applied field.

What factors determine the strength of the magnetic field of a sphere of magnetic material?

The strength of the magnetic field of a sphere of magnetic material is determined by the strength of the applied magnetic field, the size and shape of the sphere, and the properties of the material itself (such as its magnetic susceptibility and permeability).

Can a sphere of magnetic material be demagnetized?

Yes, a sphere of magnetic material can be demagnetized by exposing it to a strong enough magnetic field in the opposite direction of its magnetization. Additionally, heating the material above its Curie temperature (the temperature at which it loses its magnetic properties) can also demagnetize it.

What are some common uses for spheres of magnetic material in an applied field?

Spheres of magnetic material can be used in a variety of applications such as magnetic levitation, data storage in hard drives, and in electronic devices for sensing and controlling magnetic fields. They are also commonly used in education and research to demonstrate magnetic properties and principles.

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