Recent Higgs searches at the LHC

In summary, the conversation discussed the recent Higgs searches at the LHC and whether there are any current trials to find another Higgs particle. It was mentioned that there is no necessity to find a second Higgs, but it may be important for investigating physics beyond the Standard Model, such as Supersymmetry. The role of the Higgs in solving the hierarchy problem was also discussed, with one participant noting that the corrections to the Higgs mass are connected to the yukawa couplings and that the stops, as superpartners of the heaviest fermion (top), would need to be light for naturalness. Another participant argued that the mass difference between superpartners and their partner particles should not be too large for proper cancellation.
  • #1
Hi all,

Have anyone idea about the recent Higgs searches at the LHC ?
I mean after finding the SM Higgs , is there now any trials to find another Higgs ?
or just now they are confirming and rechecking data, for example if the newly discovered Higgs is the SM one
or " SM- like Higgs".

Physics news on
  • #2
is there now any trials to find another Higgs ?
Yeah sure.
or just now they are confirming and rechecking data, for example if the newly discovered Higgs is the SM one or " SM- like Higgs".
That happens at the same time.

ATLAS results
CMS results
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  • #3
# is there now any trials to find another Higgs ?
Yeah sure.

I think there no a big necessity in nature to find a second Higgs, weather if we want to investigate physics beyond SM,
like SUSY for example , is not ?
  • #4
SUSY always comes with multiple Higgs particles, and some other models have similar particles as well.
  • #5
mfb said:
is there now any trials to find another Higgs ?
Yeah sure.
Let us find selectron first. Another higgs will be needed later.
  • #6
andrien said:
Let us find selectron first. Another higgs will be needed later.

I guess the Higgs will play a greater role for low energy SuSy (hierarchy problem)...
  • #7
Given the energy scale to which we have gone, it will be better to find a selectron otherwise the mass differences of SUSY partners will be too huge and the cancellation needed for solving the hierarchy problem will be in a little trouble.
  • #8
andrien said:
Let us find selectron first. Another higgs will be needed later.
I guess that depends on the SUSY model.
Anyway, it is a fact that searches for additional Higgs-like particles are ongoing.
  • #9
andrien said:
Given the energy scale to which we have gone, it will be better to find a selectron otherwise the mass differences of SUSY partners will be too huge and the cancellation needed for solving the hierarchy problem will be in a little trouble.

Well it is stops, not selectrons, that are the hot topic for that reason. The corrections to the Higgs mass which constitute the hierarchy problem are connected to the yukawa couplings, that is the fermion masses. The top is the heaviest fermion by a lot, so they have the largest yukawa coupling, so their superpartners, the stops, also have big yukawa couplings. So they, naively speaking, are the particles which need to be light to give naturalness a chance. Selectrons have very small yukawa couplings so they aren't such a big deal and could be really heavy without much problem.

It is more complicated than that and depends on model details of course, but that is the general picture which drives a lot of the SUSY searches.
  • #10
This is not the point, the point is that superpartners are not supposed to be very heavy compared to their partner particle. So selectron is not supposed to be very heavy as compared to electron and it is wrong that hierarchy problem is connected to the yukawa coupling directly. It is rather connected to the self interaction energy of a scalar particle which contributes to it's mass and fermions and bosons connected by supersymmetry contribute equal and opposite to balance the correction. If the masses don't differ by too much, then cancellation can be carried out for the higgs mass.
  • #11
andrien said:
This is not the point, the point is that superpartners are not supposed to be very heavy compared to their partner particle. So selectron is not supposed to be very heavy as compared to electron and it is wrong that hierarchy problem is connected to the yukawa coupling directly. It is rather connected to the self interaction energy of a scalar particle which contributes to it's mass and fermions and bosons connected by supersymmetry contribute equal and opposite to balance the correction. If the masses don't differ by too much, then cancellation can be carried out for the higgs mass.

Yes but the amount of mass difference which is "too much" scales with the yukawa coupling. So |m_stop - m_top| is not "allowed" to be as large as |m_selectron - m_electron| is "allowed" to be.

edit: that is, at 1-loop the MSSM higgs mass goes like


where only the stop/top mass ratio is mentioned because it is dominant (also ignoring a-terms and such)
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  • #12
Yes, that is true but it will be dependent on the SUSY model and we would really not like it to be too far off with the given energy scales we have reached.

FAQ: Recent Higgs searches at the LHC

1. What is the Higgs boson and why is it important?

The Higgs boson is a subatomic particle that was predicted to exist by the Standard Model of particle physics. Its existence was finally confirmed in 2012 by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The Higgs boson is important because it gives particles their mass and helps explain why some particles have mass while others do not.

2. What is the LHC and how does it work?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It consists of a 27-kilometer ring of superconducting magnets that accelerate particles to nearly the speed of light. These particles are then made to collide, creating new particles that can be studied by scientists.

3. What have recent Higgs searches at the LHC revealed?

Recent Higgs searches at the LHC have revealed more information about the properties and behavior of the Higgs boson. Scientists have been able to measure its mass, spin, and interaction with other particles. They have also been able to study its decays and confirm its predicted role in giving particles their mass.

4. How do scientists search for the Higgs boson at the LHC?

Scientists search for the Higgs boson by analyzing the data produced from high-energy particle collisions at the LHC. They look for specific signatures or patterns in the data that indicate the presence of the Higgs boson. These signatures can also help identify the properties and behavior of the Higgs boson.

5. What are the implications of recent Higgs searches at the LHC?

The implications of recent Higgs searches at the LHC are significant for our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. They confirm the validity of the Standard Model of particle physics and provide important insights into the nature of mass and the origin of the universe. These findings also open up new avenues for further research and exploration in the field of particle physics.

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