Atomic Model of Hadrons mass of excited particles

In summary: The difference in mass between different atomic states is very small, and is mostly due to the energy difference between the states.
  • #1
So in a lecture I'm reading up on we are given questions to answer during the lectures with no answers, and for this particular lecture the answer has been omitted and it is in none of our textbooks.

But basically it says that a proton and a sigma plus, both have the same quark composition and hence should have the same mass, but the sigma + has a great mass than the proton. Basically the sigma + has a greater energy, but this seems weird to me because as an object gains energy does that necessarily mean it gains mass? I thought that was only in relativity as the variable mass, which is actually fallacious and that mass is actually a lorentz scalar.

Can anybody explain this difference in mass to me clearly?

Thanks :)
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  • #2
Like in an atom when the electrons are in excited states, higher energy levels, I've never heard that this means that the electrons have a greater mass. When you accelerate an electron and it gains energy I've never heard that it gains mass.
  • #3
Sorry I mean delta plus not sigma plus.
  • #4
"mass" can mean a lot of things. The equation
only holds for a system at rest, otherwise we need to include the momentum terms.
E^2 -(pc)^2 = (mc^2)^2

That "m" there is indeed a Lorentz scalar as you mentioned. It is also called the rest mass.

So for an atom, the rest mass _does_ depend on what energy level the electrons are in. It just turns out this energy difference is very small compared to the rest mass of the atom's nucleus and so it is basically negligible. For the light baryons though, the mass of the quarks is quite small compared to the 'strong field' interaction energy. So it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that the energy level difference (and hence mass difference) of different excited states is a sizable fraction of the ground state.
  • #5
cooev769 said:
Like in an atom when the electrons are in excited states, higher energy levels, I've never heard that this means that the electrons have a greater mass. When you accelerate an electron and it gains energy I've never heard that it gains mass.

You cannot treat the particles as separate entities when bound together in an atom. They compose a system and it is the system as a whole, aka the whole atom, that gains mass.
  • #6
cooev769 said:
But basically it says that a proton and a sigma plus, both have the same quark composition and hence should have the same mass
No. Why should they? They are different particles, and most of their rest energy (and therefore most of the mass) comes from QCD anyway.

An excited atom is heavier than an atom in its ground-state, but the difference is extremely tiny (of the order of 10-9 of the total mass).

FAQ: Atomic Model of Hadrons mass of excited particles

What is the Atomic Model of Hadrons?

The Atomic Model of Hadrons is a scientific theory that explains the structure and behavior of subatomic particles called hadrons. Hadrons are made up of smaller particles called quarks and gluons, which are held together by strong nuclear force.

How does the Atomic Model of Hadrons explain the mass of excited particles?

The Atomic Model of Hadrons explains the mass of excited particles by describing how quarks and gluons interact with each other through strong nuclear force. The mass of excited particles is a result of the energy and momentum of these interactions.

What is the significance of the Atomic Model of Hadrons in particle physics?

The Atomic Model of Hadrons is significant in particle physics because it helps us understand the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions. It also provides a framework for predicting and studying the behavior of particles in various experiments.

Are there any limitations to the Atomic Model of Hadrons?

Like any scientific theory, the Atomic Model of Hadrons has its limitations. It does not fully explain the behavior of all subatomic particles, such as leptons, or the phenomenon of particle decay. However, it is continually being refined and expanded upon as we gather more evidence and knowledge about the subatomic world.

How does the Atomic Model of Hadrons relate to the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Atomic Model of Hadrons is a crucial component of the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the most widely accepted theory that describes the behavior of all known particles and their interactions. The Standard Model incorporates the Atomic Model of Hadrons to explain the structure and behavior of hadrons.

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