Academic and Research Programs in Science, Math and Engineering

In summary: There are many great physics programs around the world. However, if you are looking for the best graduate program in the US, you should apply to Harvard.
  • #36
does anyone have any experience with compley systems? what universities offer good programs for that. the wiki article is still quite short, well, it's also more of an emerging field.
Physics news on
  • #37
Don't know if anyone can use this, but I put together some resources on Astronomy graduate schools here:
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  • #38
can I have a new nrc rangking in physics for 2008 or 2009 ?
  • #39
They don't exist, as far as I know.
  • #40
I'm at the end on my science/engineering bachelor degree from the Bucharest University and I'd like to go for my master's degree somewhere in Europe. Do you have any advice regarding where should I apply? The fields I'm interested in for my masters degree are cosmology and particle physics (by that I mean a lot of cosmology with the possibility of taking some particle physics courses). I have an average for my marks of about 9/10 (if that's relevant).
  • #41
Sorry, I have no experience with European schools.
  • #42
Is there any Accelerated BS or BEng Degree in Engineering which I can complete in 2 years. I am 29 & I have 4 years of Work experience in Project Management Office (IT). I am looking for a career in Engineering but does not have relevant qualification or experience.
  • #43
Just got an email about this today, thought some of the NYC high school students (there seems to be a strong contingent) might be interested:
The is offering a whole slew of after school programs. They also have a really cool (and respected) phd program in so some of these programs may be a great place to start for someone interested in going down that road.
  • #44
i just find this link very helpful
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  • #45

Here is a list of (not sure how recent) all departments and institutions around the world who are working in quantum computing and quantum information science. It gives details about which department, what institution, and links to groups and papers I think as well. Great resource especially considering that QIS is such an interdisciplinary field... you'll find physics departments as well as EE, math, and CS departments on there.
  • #46
ice109 said:
what does it take to get into a top 25 school?

Undergraduate or graduate?

Undergraduate - high SAT's & good recommends from h.s. faculty.

graduate - the best grad schools demand high college gpa's. However, I have also heard that if you have the money you can get in most places with good if not sterling grades.

I graduated in '62 & '64 so probably things have changed greatly since.
  • #47
Anyone heard of a ranking list for mathematics REU program? I know Duluth and SMALL are the top 2, but after that it's all a blur.