Storing an Image with a Single Photon: Quantum Mechanics at Work

In summary, researchers have found a way to use a single photon to store and retrieve whole images. By shining a beam of light through a stencil with the image etched out, the photon acts as both a particle and a wave, carrying the "shadow" of the image with it. The image is then retrieved through a scanning single photon detector and can even be slowed down to 1/300th of the speed of light while retaining all information. This experiment serves as evidence for the principles of quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Gold Member
These guys are storing whole images using a single photon!

I didn't think too much of the article until I read how they're doing it. It is pretty much living, breathing proof of QM's basic, weirdest principle.

"To produce the UR image, Howell simply shone a beam of light through a stencil with the U and R etched out. Anyone who has made shadow puppets knows how this works, but Howell turned down the light so much that a single photon was all that passed through the stencil.

Quantum mechanics dictates some strange things at that scale, so that bit of light could be thought of as both a particle and a wave. As a wave, it passed through all parts of the stencil at once, carrying the "shadow" of the UR with it. "
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  • #2
How do they get so much info back out? Do they pass the single photon through a gain medium afterwards?
  • #3
That wouldn't make sense, since a gain medium can only amplify information, I don't think it can actually write info in...

Anyway, even though I read about the double slit experiment, I don't fully understand it, so I'll leave this to the experts :)
  • #4
cesiumfrog said:
How do they get so much info back out? Do they pass the single photon through a gain medium afterwards?
The image is not retrieved from a single photon. The picture is made up of
many photons gathered by a scanning single photon detector.

The proof that the image information was available in the wave-function of
the photon comes from a separate high intensity beam experiment which
shows clearly visible interference.

The point they make is that they can slow down the propagation to 1/300th
of the speed of light while retaining both phase and amplitude information.
Here is a description of the experiment on the web page of the authors: Regards, Hans
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FAQ: Storing an Image with a Single Photon: Quantum Mechanics at Work

1. How is an image stored with a single photon?

In quantum mechanics, a photon can exist in multiple states at once, known as superposition. By using a special type of camera called a single-photon detector, an image can be captured by detecting the superposition of photons. This information is then stored and can be retrieved using quantum memory techniques.

2. What is the advantage of storing an image with a single photon?

Storing an image with a single photon allows for much higher resolution and sensitivity compared to traditional imaging methods. This is because a single photon can carry much more information than a group of photons, allowing for more detailed and accurate images to be captured.

3. Can images be retrieved from a single photon?

Yes, images can be retrieved from a single photon using quantum memory techniques. These techniques involve storing the information of the superposition of photons and then retrieving it at a later time. This allows for the image to be reconstructed and viewed.

4. How is quantum mechanics used in storing an image with a single photon?

Quantum mechanics is used in storing an image with a single photon through the principles of superposition and entanglement. Superposition allows for the information of an image to be stored in a single photon, while entanglement allows for the information to be retrieved and reconstructed using quantum memory techniques.

5. Are there any real-world applications for storing an image with a single photon?

Yes, there are many potential real-world applications for storing an image with a single photon. Some examples include high-resolution imaging for medical and scientific purposes, advanced security and encryption methods, and quantum computing. Further research and development in this area may lead to even more practical applications in the future.

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