How can I use automatic gain control for variable resistance in electronics?

In summary, the speaker is looking for a circuit or IC that can downconvert voltage while maintaining the same frequency and signal pattern over a wide range of frequencies. They specifically need the output voltage to be between 0-5v, with the original input voltage displayed for reference. They have tried using a PNP transistor and voltage divider, but have not been successful. They are now looking into AGC circuits and have found them to be application-specific and require knowledge of math. They are seeking additional information and resources on AGC circuits.
  • #1
Hi, I am new to electronics and haven't been successful in my search, nor my efforts to create a solution to the problem.

I need a circuit or IC that downconverts voltage but keeps the same frequency and signal pattern as the input over a very wide range of frequencies. No matter what the input voltage is (will always be less than 24v), I need the output voltage to be a maximum of 5v and minimum of 0v. For example, say I had an two input signals with a triangle wave running between 0 and 14v and a triangle wave running between 0 and 24v, the output in both cases would be a triangle wave with the same frequency as input but scaled to 0 to 5v. It would be nice to be able to tell what the original input voltage was for reference as well, but I can create a digital ciruit to do this if need be. :) Also, I am working with a very high input signal impedence, 1Mohm.

I tried using a PNP transistor with a voltage divider on Vin and then ran the divided voltage to the base, without much success. I have looked into Op-Amps for this task, but can't seem to quite wrap my head around how to do it correctly. I have also scoured for an IC that does this for me, but can't seem to find anything.

I am sure it is just my lack of knowledge and experience, please tell me that there is such a device or circuit out there.

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  • #2
Look into AGC circuits. (Automatic Gain Control) Is it always the same type of waveform on the input?
  • #3
draktheas said:
I tried using a PNP transistor with a voltage divider on Vin and then ran the divided voltage to the base, without much success. I have looked into Op-Amps for this task
The voltage divider is generally the correct way to reduce the voltage.

However, you have to take into account the load your transistor imposes on the divider.
Practially speaking, the transistor shorts out lower resistor of the divider.
So in many cases there is only one physical resistor in the divider, with the transistor forming the other resistor.
One problem is biasing the transistor in the liner range.

Unlike a transistor an op amp has a very high input inpeadance, so they are actually easier to use.

If you need a 1v signal to look like a 5v signal as well as the 24v signal looking like a 5v signal then you will need to consider AGC as Averagesupernova suggested.
  • #4
Automatic Gain Control it is

Thanks for the help. AGC's are indeed what I am looking for. I found a lot of information about what an AGC does, usually in relation to audio applications, but not a lot of circuit diagrams. Then I found a thesis paper talking about AGC's. Now I understand why. It appears that AGC's are very application specific and have to be tailored to the application.

Looks like I am going to have brush up on my math (what I really mean is re-learn my math), especially since what I want is a non-linear system. :) Any help with links, circuit diagrams or additional information on this would be greatly appreciated.


FAQ: How can I use automatic gain control for variable resistance in electronics?

What is automatic variable resistance?

Automatic variable resistance refers to a type of electrical component that can adjust its resistance automatically in response to changes in the electrical current passing through it.

How does automatic variable resistance work?

Automatic variable resistance works by using a mechanism, such as a thermistor or photoresistor, that changes its resistance based on external factors like temperature or light intensity. This allows it to regulate the flow of current through a circuit.

What are the benefits of using automatic variable resistance?

The main benefit of using automatic variable resistance is that it can provide more precise control over the flow of current in a circuit. It can also help to protect other components from damage by regulating the amount of current they receive.

Where is automatic variable resistance commonly used?

Automatic variable resistance is commonly used in electronic devices such as dimmer switches, temperature control systems, and light sensors. It can also be found in industrial equipment and automotive applications.

What are the limitations of automatic variable resistance?

One limitation of automatic variable resistance is that it can be affected by external factors, such as changes in temperature or light, which can cause fluctuations in its resistance. It also may not be suitable for high-power or high-voltage applications.
