Vectors with different coordinate systems

In summary, the conversation discusses how to express the coordinates of the tip of a vector in one coordinate system in the coordinate system of another vector, given the known angles and relationships between the two coordinate systems. The problem is solved by projecting the components of the second vector onto the axes of the first coordinate system. The accuracy of the solution still needs to be verified.
  • #1
I am trying to simulate a freely jointed chain polymer to do that I want to put several rods (length a) on top of each other but with different angles. My problem is like this
I have a vector(1) and at the end of this vector(1) I put another vector(2), the z-axis of this vector(2)'s coordinate system is the direction of vector(1), but how do express the coordinates of the tip of this vector(2) in the coordinate system of vector(1)
t=theta f= phi a= radius
x = a sin t cos f
y = a sin t sin f
z = a cos t

and in another coordinate system
x2 = a sin t2 cos f2
y2 = a sin t2 sin f2
z2 = a cos t2

The direction of V1 is the z-axis in the coordinate system of V2
Given the fact that all the angles are known, how do I express the location of V2 in the coordinate system of V1?
Probably something with Euler transformations but i haven''t been able to figure it out.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • #2
You say "another coordinate system" but how are the two coordinate system related? You will need to know that before you can say anything about how descriptions of vectors in the two coordinate systems are related.
  • #3
As I said: "The direction of V1 is the z-axis in the coordinate system of V2"
This was kind of the whole point of the question considering what I said about the freely jointed chain.

But I think I might have solved it, I used x2,y2,z2 ( derived from t2, a, and f2) and with some geometry I projected all these components on the three axes in the coordinate system of v1. My result:
x = x2 cos f + y2 cos t cos f + z2 sin t cos f
y = x2 sin f + y2 cos t sin f + z2 sin t cos f
z = 0 + y2 sin t + z2 cos t

But I need to check if I did al the calculations right.

FAQ: Vectors with different coordinate systems

1. What are vectors with different coordinate systems?

Vectors with different coordinate systems refer to vectors that are represented using different sets of coordinates, such as Cartesian, polar, or spherical coordinates. Each coordinate system has its own set of rules for representing vectors, and understanding how to convert between them is important for many applications in mathematics and physics.

2. How do you convert between vectors with different coordinate systems?

To convert between vectors with different coordinate systems, you will need to use the appropriate conversion formulas for the specific coordinate systems involved. For example, to convert a vector from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, you would use the formulas:
r = √(x2 + y2)
θ = tan-1 (y/x)
Where r is the distance from the origin and θ is the angle with the positive x-axis.

3. What is the significance of using different coordinate systems for vectors?

Using different coordinate systems for vectors allows us to represent vectors in different ways and make calculations easier for specific situations. For example, polar coordinates are often used for describing circular or rotational motion, while Cartesian coordinates are useful for representing linear motion. By converting between coordinate systems, we can better understand and analyze the behavior of vectors in different scenarios.

4. What are some common examples of vectors with different coordinate systems?

Some common examples of vectors with different coordinate systems include displacement vectors in physics, which can be represented in Cartesian, polar, or spherical coordinates depending on the situation. Another example is velocity vectors, which are often represented in polar coordinates for circular motion problems. Forces in mechanics can also be represented in different coordinate systems, such as Cartesian or spherical coordinates.

5. How do vectors with different coordinate systems affect vector operations?

When performing vector operations, it is important to use vectors that are in the same coordinate system. If vectors are in different coordinate systems, they must be converted to the same system before any operations can be performed. This is because the rules for vector addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication differ depending on the coordinate system. Additionally, the direction and magnitude of the resulting vector may be different when using different coordinate systems, so it is important to choose the appropriate system for the specific problem at hand.

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