G Forces 101: Understanding and Estimating the Impact on Moving Bodies

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In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of g forces and how they affect moving bodies. The speakers discussed their lack of knowledge on the subject and expressed their curiosity about how to estimate the impact of g forces on animals. They also mentioned keywords such as biomechanics, biophysics, and the square-cube law as potential resources to learn more about the topic. The conversation also touched on the mechanics of g forces and how they can be calculated using the formula a=v^2/r. The speakers also mentioned that pilots and astronauts are tested for their ability to withstand high g forces and that individuals with certain genetic traits may be better equipped to handle them. Overall, the speakers were interested in gaining a better understanding of g forces and
  • #1
Just had a couple of discussions with a pal of mine lately about g forces. i notived me laking there knowledge about how those forces act on moving bodies and how to calculate (better said estimate) what impacts this has.

Mainly we try to figure out how a moving animal is unfluenced by g forces and how we can estimate what gf they have to sustain.

If there is a nice page around that could help us to understant this better or any help from the peops here this would be nice.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can't point you to a page, but I can give you a couple of google keywords, biomechanics and biophysics. Also check out square-cube law, one of the basic principles.
  • #3
thx... i'll try to see what i can find out with them.
  • #4
If the moving object or animal were on a frictionless plane and no other opposing forces - it will continue to move at a constant speed infinately, reguardless of g.

G only pulls down and continues to pull the animal toward the ground, while the animal must oppose this force, as soon as it stops opposing this force, it will be pull to the ground and its foward momentum will be stopped by friction.

Is this what you are asking? Or are you wanting the actual mechanics of the animals body?

  • #5
Not really. We both tried to figure out what g forces an animal (of what size ever) has to deal with it it makes for an example a steep turn like this. If you do this in a plane you will encounter several g during this procedure.
So for beeing able to make an estimation about this I need to understand the physics behind g forces first.
It has to do with cirular motion and centripetal forces but I need a bit more understanding of this.
  • #6
Calculate centripetal acceleration for circular motion using a=v^2/r This acceleration will be what you call a 'g' force.

Pilots and astronauts are spun round in centrifuge type contraptions to see how they cope with g forces. Mere mortals tend to pass out at 5-7 g, but with training, an inflating suit, and a good genetic mix to help you cope, 11 g or more is possible. The Airforce in many countries now check their candidates for genetic ability to cope with g forces before deciding wether to train them or not!

By 'guestimating' the speed at which an animal runs and the radius of its turning circle, you can calculate its g force. :smile:

FAQ: G Forces 101: Understanding and Estimating the Impact on Moving Bodies

1. What is a G force?

A G force, or gravitational force, is a measurement of the amount of acceleration experienced by an object due to gravity. It is typically measured in units of g, with 1 g being equal to the force of gravity on Earth.

2. How do G forces affect the human body?

G forces can have varying impacts on the human body depending on the direction and duration of the force. In general, high G forces can cause physiological effects such as loss of consciousness, blurred vision, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

3. How are G forces calculated?

G forces can be calculated by dividing the acceleration of an object by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth). This will give the G force in units of g. For example, an acceleration of 10 m/s^2 would result in a G force of 10/9.8 = 1.02 g.

4. What are some examples of G forces in everyday life?

Some common examples of G forces in everyday life include riding in a car or on a rollercoaster, where the acceleration and changes in direction can result in G forces on the body. Pilots and astronauts also experience G forces during takeoff, landing, and maneuvers in flight.

5. How can G forces be minimized or mitigated?

G forces can be minimized or mitigated through proper training and techniques, such as practicing breathing and muscle tensing to prevent blood from pooling in the legs during high G maneuvers. Protective equipment, such as G-suits, can also help to distribute the force more evenly on the body.
