High Voltage Lines: Voltage, Resistance & Current

In summary, the voltage commonly used in high voltage lines for transporting electric energy over large distances ranges from 30 to 750 kilovolts. The current in these lines can vary, but it is typically around 50-100 amps. The power is generated at 11-15kV and then stepped up to 400kV for the supergrid, where it is then stepped down to 33kV for industry and 240V for towns and villages. In North America, the frequency is 60Hz and the voltage is typically 500kV. For distribution, the common voltages are 13.2kV or 4160V, and at the point of use, it can be 120V
  • #1
What is commonly the voltage in the high voltage lines used to transport electric energy over large distances? What is their resistance and inductance? What is the magnitude of the current flowing there?

Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I believe the range 30 to 750 kilovolts is relatively common. I'm not quite sure of the current in most lines, but I'd expect a 50-100 amps or so for most transmission lines. Don't quote me on this!

- Warren
  • #3
The Powerstation genarates 11-15kV at 50hz then it is stepped up to 400kV using transformers for the supergrid because more voltage = less current which means u don't need as big wires to carry the current long distences,then it is stepped down to 33k for industry, and then stepped down to 240V for towns and villages.

I hope that helps mate...
I even signed up to the forum just to help u out :)
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  • #4

But that's 60Hz in North America
  • #5

Originally posted by flexifirm
But that's 60Hz in North America
And 500kV. Distribution is more complicated. You can have 13.2kV or 4160V, and at the point of use, you can have 120V, 208V, 240V, 277V, 460V, and single or three phase.
  • #6
For transmission lines, I've seen 115kV, 230kV, and 345kV (phase to phase voltages).
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  • #7
Hello, I`m new to this forum and this is my first post.
I am an electrician in the making so to speak, and I think I can explain a bit here.

The most common voltage of a generator (let`s say a dam, 50MW) is about 13kV. Then depending on the distance of the energy beeng transported it is stepped up by a substation from anywhere like 200kV to 700kv or so. Experimental power lines in Siberia run on a relatively very high 1 megavolt (1000Kv).
The previous post that says that the main purpose of high voltage are thinner lines is not exactly it. Of cource companies want to save metal and money, but low currents result in lower losses. It is not unisual that many hundreds or thousands of kilowatts are lost in the power lines by the capacitive effect of the lines either hanging or as a cable buried in the ground. That is why high-voltage lines usually revolve (like a 4-twisted pair for a computer. A LAN cable in other words) to reduce the capacitive efect.
Tu usual inner-city distribution the common voltage ratings do not exceed 22kV if I recall, very commonly cables.
The it can be used directly by a large industry or transformed down to as low as 670 Volts (I`m talking about European systems) because that is the lowest "high voltage", a standard.
Households today can receive a 400V 3-pole TN or TN-C-S net that uses the PEN (Protective Earth & Neutral, yellow-green-blue) is split in a TN-C system where they use one plase an the N (zero point of either a Y or D transformer) point to get 2x1/3 of 400 which is 230! A brilliant system, however the second Earth error is extremely high...
Then again older households use IT systems usually, rarely TT. Those are usual D-transformer 230V systems that can eithe use 2 or 3 phases which both deliver 230V.
Usually you can find out what net you have by asking your electrical company.

FAQ: High Voltage Lines: Voltage, Resistance & Current

1. What is the purpose of high voltage lines?

High voltage lines are used to transmit electricity over long distances from power plants to homes and businesses. Since electricity loses energy as it travels, high voltages are necessary to minimize energy loss and ensure that enough power reaches its destination.

2. How does voltage affect electricity?

Voltage refers to the amount of electrical force present in a circuit. It determines the rate at which electricity flows and the amount of energy it can carry. Higher voltages mean more energy and faster electricity flow, while lower voltages result in slower flow and less energy.

3. What is the relationship between voltage, resistance, and current?

According to Ohm's law, voltage (V) is equal to the product of current (I) and resistance (R). This means that increasing voltage will result in an increase in current, while increasing resistance will decrease current. Voltage, resistance, and current are all interconnected and must be balanced in a circuit for it to function properly.

4. Are high voltage lines dangerous?

Yes, high voltage lines are dangerous and should never be approached or touched. The high voltage can cause serious injury or even death if someone comes into contact with the lines. That is why these lines are usually located in areas that are inaccessible to the public and are only maintained by trained professionals.

5. How are high voltage lines insulated?

High voltage lines are insulated with materials that can withstand high voltages, such as rubber, plastic, or ceramic. These materials are used to coat the wires and prevent electricity from escaping and causing harm. Insulators are also used to separate the wires from any structures they may come into contact with, such as poles or towers.

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