Will Hydrogen Fuel Cells Replace Gasoline Engines?

In summary: That's an option?:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:In summary, people believe that electric cars are the best option because they don't produce as much greenhouse gas emissions as gasoline cars.

What should replace the gasoline engine?

  • Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cells

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Other Fuel Cells

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • The End Of Cars

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Electric Cars

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Bikes

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #1
The P-manator
What will replace the gasoline ICE? Personally I go with Hydorgen Fuel Cells, but each his own opinion...
Last edited:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The P-manator said:
What will replace the gasoline, ICE?
A low-energy molecule in it's lowest energy state? I doubt it.[That was a joke, if you notice the edit of your OP]
  • #3
What do you mean? I meant the Internal Combustion Engine.
  • #4

long enough. ]
  • #5
The P-manator said:
What do you mean? I meant the Internal Combustion Engine.

As in ice. Frozen water? No energy there? Ha Ha, eh.
  • #6
Electric cars, of course! Hydrogen? Are you freaking high :smile:
  • #7
Electric cars! Hydrogen will never work.
  • #8
Who voted for bicycles? I don't think so! In a car you can drive from Orlando to Tampa. With a bike... you can't, and even if you are chroot, than it will take you more than a few hours.
  • #9
Mk said:
Who voted for bicycles? I don't think so! In a car you can drive from Orlando to Tampa. With a bike... you can't, and even if you are chroot, than it will take you more than a few hours.

With a car i can move cross country in a matter of days. Can't with a bike.
  • #10
Rickshaws, millions of them.

  • #11
personally. electric sounds the best to me. The only thing people have against electric is that it doesn't have the same amount of power. Which is kinda odd. there is one guy who has a completely electric car and it accelerates faster then most stock porsche cars. and the batteries last very long apparently when using laptop battery technology.

Though a water powered electrolysis then cold fusion car would be definitely interesting. :smile: :smile: :smile:

You simply put the garden hose in the gas tank. and on one tank it lasts roughly 60 years. The stored electricity uses electroloysis to separate the hydrogen and oxygen. Then the cold fusion engine(that I am hiding in my basement :smile: ) will fused a little hydrogen and oxygen together. making helium and such. we then capture the bunch of energy and stuff and zoom zoom zoom. ZOOM ZOOM?
  • #12
You missed out Horses in your poll, that would be my choise.
  • #13
cyrusabdollahi said:
Rickshaws, millions of them.


:smile: :smile:

Oh I do hope so. I do hope so
  • #14
Hey, rickshaws have only minimal greenhouse gas emissions.
  • #15
Mk said:
Hey, rickshaws have only minimal greenhouse gas emissions.

:smile: :smile:

Oh so many things that shouldn't be funy are side splitting tonight. *heavy sigh*
  • #16
Do you think they realize that if they just got out and walked, (I mean hey, the guy pushing the rickshaw can't go any faster than they can walk right?) that there would be no traffic on that road, and that white van could get to wherever he needs to go to? Oh yeah, not to mention the confetti of power lines going over all those people, that can't be good. They should at least get a tuk tuk (Gokul knows what I am talking about)
  • #17
cyrusabdollahi said:
tuk tuk

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #18
More efficient solar panels coupled with a bioreactor that generates electricity is one of the future possibilities, in my opinion. I laugh at the idea of anything-hydrogen for fuel or fuel-related anything on this planet. Perhaps out there in the vastness of space where its the most common gas laying around stars it is the fuel of choice, but not on Earth.
  • #19
How the heck would hydrogen CE's outperform fuel cells? (why is that an option?)

FAQ: Will Hydrogen Fuel Cells Replace Gasoline Engines?

1. How does replacing the gasoline engine benefit the environment?

The use of gasoline engines contributes significantly to air pollution and climate change. Replacing them with alternative energy sources such as electric or hydrogen-powered engines can greatly reduce harmful emissions and help to combat global warming.

2. What are the main challenges in replacing the gasoline engine?

One of the biggest challenges is developing and implementing the necessary infrastructure for alternative energy sources. This includes building charging stations for electric vehicles or creating a hydrogen fueling network. Additionally, there may be resistance from the automotive industry and consumers who are used to gasoline-powered vehicles.

3. Will replacing the gasoline engine be cost-effective?

While there may be initial costs associated with switching to alternative energy sources, in the long run it can be more cost-effective. Electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles have lower operating costs and require less maintenance compared to gasoline engines. Additionally, as technology continues to advance, the cost of these alternative engines is expected to decrease.

4. Are there any safety concerns with alternative engines?

There are some safety concerns with alternative engines, as with any new technology. For example, there have been concerns about the flammability of hydrogen fuel. However, strict safety regulations and advancements in technology are continuously addressing and mitigating these concerns.

5. How long will it take to replace all gasoline engines with alternative engines?

It is difficult to predict an exact timeline for the complete replacement of gasoline engines. It will likely depend on factors such as government policies, technological advancements, and consumer adoption. However, many countries have set goals to phase out gasoline vehicles in the next few decades, and with continued efforts and advancements, it is possible to achieve a complete replacement in the future.

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