Area under a Voltage-against-Resistance graph

In summary: If my expression is right, then the result should be the intercept as you have said but negative (-48,000 ohms) for internal resistance for the coil voltmeter.
  • #1
A simple question:
What is the area under the voltage-against-resistance graph?

Thanks for your help!
Physics news on
  • #2
If you want to see what the integral ("area under the curve") is while looking at a graph, look at the units of the two axes. The area under the curve has the unit that is the product of unit-y times unit-x.
  • #3
Chi Meson said:
If you want to see what the integral ("area under the curve") is while looking at a graph, look at the units of the two axes. The area under the curve has the unit that is the product of unit-y times unit-x.

Yes, I agree.
Then again the units I got are so weird V * ohm that I do not know them. I tried to deduct some other units VR = R^2*I but without result.

In this problem, I know I, V and R. I am calculating the internal R of a coil voltmeter when I have data about V over a resistor and V over two similar resistors. All resistors are equal.

Now, I am trying to deduct the voltmeter resistance from the area under the graph (V vs. R).

Thank you for your reply!
  • #4
How does knowing this area help you find the internal resistance?
  • #5
I also can't see how you will get from the integral of this curve to anything useful.

Are you sure you don't want to investigate the slope of this graph? Then perhaps look at the intercept?
  • #6
Chi Meson said:
I also can't see how you will get from the integral of this curve to anything useful.

Are you sure you don't want to investigate the slope of this graph? Then perhaps look at the intercept?

Yes, that is completely true but can it be that simple when I have a situation where the resistance is actually the net resistance of a voltmeter and of a resistor. I did an experiment where I used many resistors of different resistances and measured the voltage across each different resistor by the same coil voltmeter.

The values are the following:

Resitance | Voltage
R / Ω | V / V
220 | 1.9
1000 | 1.9
12000 | 1.7
10000 | 1.2
4700 | 1.8

Hence, can it be that simple that the internal resistance actually is the intercept as you said and no integral is needed?

Many thanks for your replys!
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  • #7
Can you derive an algebraic expression involving V, R_external, and R_internal?
Then compare it to the graph on your V vs R_external graph?
  • #8
robphy said:
Can you derive an algebraic expression involving V, R_external, and R_internal?
Then compare it to the graph on your V vs R_external graph?

That is the key!
I got for the algebraic expression: r = emf/I - R.
where r = internal, R = external

So this explains why the r = -R
when emf = 0 or the voltage is zero.

But how can the internal resistance be negative?
If my expression is right, then the result should be the intercept as you have said but negative (-48,000 ohms) for internal resistance for the coil voltmeter.

Is this in your opinion a sensible result or even possible?

Thank you for your replys! :smile:

FAQ: Area under a Voltage-against-Resistance graph

1. What is the significance of the area under a voltage-against-resistance graph?

The area under a voltage-against-resistance graph represents the amount of energy dissipated or transformed in a circuit. It is a measure of the work done by the electrical current in overcoming the resistance in the circuit.

2. How is the area under the graph calculated?

The area under the graph is calculated by taking the integral of the voltage-resistance curve. This involves breaking the curve into small sections and calculating the area of each section, then adding them together to get the total area.

3. What does a larger area under the graph indicate?

A larger area under the graph indicates a higher amount of energy dissipated or transformed in the circuit. This could be due to a higher voltage or a lower resistance, as both factors affect the amount of work done by the current.

4. How does the shape of the graph affect the area under it?

The shape of the graph can greatly affect the area under it. A steeper slope indicates a higher voltage, which results in a larger area under the graph. A flatter curve indicates a lower voltage and a smaller area under the graph. Additionally, a non-linear curve can result in a different area calculation than a straight line graph.

5. What are some practical applications of analyzing the area under a voltage-against-resistance graph?

Analyzing the area under a voltage-against-resistance graph can be helpful in determining the efficiency of a circuit, as well as identifying any potential issues or faults. It can also be used to compare the energy consumption of different circuits. Additionally, it is used in the design and optimization of electronic devices and systems.
