Estimating Kinetic Friction Coefficient of Jet-Powered Car

In summary, the problem was that the jet-powered car "Spirit of America" went out of control during a test drive at Bonnevile Salt Flats, Utah, and left skid marks about 18.70km long. If the car was moving initially at a speed of 661.0km/hr, estimate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the road.
  • #1
Here is the problem:
When the jet-powered car "Spirit of America" went out of control during a test drive at Bonnevile Salt Flats, Utah, it left skid marks about 18.70km long. If the car was moving initially at a speed of 661.0km/hr, estimate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the road.

I know that the coefficient of kinetic friction can be found using the equation:
fk = u * N where u is the coefficient and N the normal force. But I cannot understand how I am supposed to find it with only the speed and distance. I tried finding the time (assuming V=0) then finding the acceleration and them finding the force with F=ma. But I was unsure if the f in the f=ma equation was equal to the f in the f=uN equation.

P.S.(I have converted the distance to meters (18700) and speed to m/s (186.618))
Thanks for your help and time!
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  • #2
Assume the engine shut down as soon as trouble occured. Furthermore, you'll have to assume that drag is zero (unless this is given to you). Draw a FBD. What forces are acting on the car and in which directions? Once you know the forces and how they are working with relation to the direction of motion you can use the work/energy theorm to figure out how much work is done by the forces slowing the car down in order to dissipate the energy of a car going 187 m/s. Where you also given the mass of the car?

Anyway, good luck.
  • #3
No the problem did not supply a mass that is what is tripping me up on the problem. If I had the mass it would be much much easier.
  • #4
Energy is certainly a way to solve this problem. If the car had a Kinetic Energy of (1/2)mv^2 and this was completely dissipated over some distance, you can figure through conservation of energy that all of the KE went into work as described by the work equation W = Fd (force times distance).

Ah, but we don't have mass! Well, let's just keep going to see how things turn out. Start out by saying
[tex]KE = W[/tex]
[tex]\frac 1 2 m v^2 = Fd[/tex]
Now, what is this F in the right hand side (i.e. what creates this force and what is our formula for it?) In your first post you said you already knew that the force slowing down the car was the force of friction. The formula for this is:
[tex] F_{fric} = \mu N [/tex]
Now, [itex]\mu[/itex] is what the question asks you to find, what about N? What is it based on? Find an expression for N, plug it into the frictional force equation, then plug that equation in for the force in our first relation and you might see some ways to simplify (i.e. cancel) a certain variable.
  • #5

FAQ: Estimating Kinetic Friction Coefficient of Jet-Powered Car

1. How is the kinetic friction coefficient of a jet-powered car estimated?

The kinetic friction coefficient of a jet-powered car is estimated by conducting experiments in controlled environments. The car is placed on a flat surface and its velocity is measured while applying different levels of force. The kinetic friction coefficient is then calculated using the formula: μk = F/N, where μk is the kinetic friction coefficient, F is the force applied, and N is the normal force.

2. What factors can affect the estimation of the kinetic friction coefficient?

There are several factors that can affect the estimation of the kinetic friction coefficient, such as the type and condition of the surface the car is driving on, the speed of the car, and the weight of the car. Other factors may include the type of tires and the weather conditions.

3. Why is it important to estimate the kinetic friction coefficient of a jet-powered car?

Estimating the kinetic friction coefficient of a jet-powered car is important because it helps in understanding the car's performance on different surfaces and at different speeds. It also helps in designing and improving the car's aerodynamics and overall efficiency.

4. Are there any limitations to estimating the kinetic friction coefficient of a jet-powered car?

Yes, there are limitations to estimating the kinetic friction coefficient of a jet-powered car. The experiments are usually conducted in controlled environments, which may not accurately represent real-world driving conditions. Additionally, there may be variations in the results due to human error or other external factors.

5. How can the estimated kinetic friction coefficient be used in real-world applications?

The estimated kinetic friction coefficient can be used in real-world applications to improve the design and performance of jet-powered cars. It can also be used in calculating the car's fuel efficiency and determining the optimal speed for different surfaces. Furthermore, the estimated coefficient can be used in making decisions for tire selection and maintenance.
