Converting split supply amplifier to single supply

In summary, the conversation is about using 5pin AB amplifiers, specifically the tda2030, with different power supplies. It is possible to power them with positive and negative 12v for a total of 24v, or modify the circuit for a single supply of 12v. However, when using a single supply, the maximum peak to peak voltage swing will be reduced and the amplifier may need to supply twice the current to deliver the same power. The datasheet for the amplifier should be consulted for specific conditions and capabilities. The conversation also mentions the issue of offsetting the input voltage waveform when converting from a split supply to a single supply circuit.
  • #1
I am talking about those 5pin AB amplifiers like the tda2030 for example.
You can power them with posotive and negative 12v, which is equal to a total 24v,

Or you can modify the circuit for a single supply, but if you do that so you can use a single supply12v, is it equivalent in output power to the posotive and negative 12?
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  • #2
If you look at the Datasheet (they are available for all integrated circuits and usually free) then it will tell you the conditions it can operate on. Without looking at the sheet, though, you can predict that the maximum peak to peak voltage swing will only be half of the nominal 24V with a double power supply. If you want to deliver the same power with half the voltage swing, the amplifier would need to supply twice the current (into a appropriate load resistance, of course). But that doesn't tell the whole story; the maximum rating would be device specific.
Any more, depends upon your level of expertise.
  • #3
I split supply amp simply switches between useing negative and posotive voltage as the output, so can the single supply not put out 12v or does it split and pit out 6v
  • #4
You need to draw a diagram for a proper discussion. Or you can look at the spec sheet with its diagrams.
  • #5
Well this applies to any and all class AB amplifiers though, and I am not asking help with components or circuits which makes a diagram irrelevant.
I have checked the datasgeet of all class AB amplifiers I know many a times and have never seen an output vs single supply voltage graph although the ic is able to be used with a single supply. So does the graph showing output power vs say; +-12v
Also apply to the chip with a single supply of 12volts.

In a split supply amplifier with positive and negative 12v the speaker will only evey see 12v, but with a single supply is it able to put out all the 12v or only positive and negative 6.
  • #6
Your posts in this thread are not making much sense to me so far.

When you want to convert a split supply circuit to a single supply circuit, there are two issues. The first is reduced voltage headroom. You have less voltage to swing your inputs and outputs between, and even less than that for most amplifiers (check the datasheet for input CM voltage range, and output voltage swing).

The second issue has to do with offsetting the input voltage waveform from ground-referenced to half-supply-referenced. This involves an RC time constant that can be problematical for good waveform fidelity.

Why not just do an inverter DC-DC circuit followed by a linear negative regulator to give you a nice negative supply?
  • #7
To me this is a non-question. Like asking what happens if I light a bulb with 3V battery in place of two 3 volt batteries? The math is simple. The offset problems are obvious. The datsheet says what you can do. Not sure how to help. If you try to draw an example for your question and show the output waveform, you will see that you already know how to determine the answer.

FAQ: Converting split supply amplifier to single supply

1. How do I convert a split supply amplifier to single supply?

To convert a split supply amplifier to single supply, you will need to add a voltage divider to the input signal and a biasing resistor to the non-inverting input. You will also need to adjust the feedback network and output biasing resistors accordingly.

2. What is the benefit of converting a split supply amplifier to single supply?

The benefit of converting a split supply amplifier to single supply is that it allows for the use of a single power source, reducing the overall cost and complexity of the circuit. It also makes the amplifier more portable and easier to integrate into other systems.

3. What are the potential challenges of converting a split supply amplifier to single supply?

One potential challenge is that the input signal may be distorted due to the voltage divider. Additionally, the output voltage swing may be limited compared to a split supply amplifier. Careful consideration and adjustments must be made to ensure proper functionality.

4. Can any split supply amplifier be converted to single supply?

Not all split supply amplifiers can be converted to single supply. It depends on the specific design and components used. It is important to consult the amplifier's datasheet and consider the intended application before attempting to convert it.

5. Are there any trade-offs to converting a split supply amplifier to single supply?

There are potential trade-offs to converting a split supply amplifier to single supply. As mentioned before, the output voltage swing may be limited and the input signal may be distorted. Additionally, the single power source may introduce noise or instability depending on the circuit design.
