Extracting Gold from Seawater: Is It Possible?

In summary, extracting gold from seawater is possible but extremely difficult. While there are millions of tonnes of gold in oceans, it is scattered and requires processing millions of gallons of seawater to obtain even small quantities. In the past, gold flakes were easily found on shores during the "Gold Rush" when river waters transported them. There are numerous links available for further research on this topic.
  • #1
Has anyone any idea how to extract gold from seawater? is it possible?
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Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hello, there are millions of tonnes of gold in oceans, but so scattered that it is practically impossible to extract even small quantities to hold in your hands. It is possible, however, millions of gallons of seawater must be processed in order to get some gold. In the famous "Gold Rush", accumulated gold flakes, transported by river waters onto shores were easily hunted.

I've googled the problem and found this page for your viewing. Good luck on your research.

Take care.
  • #3
lots of links to look thru,thanks!
  • #4
I haven't looked through them much, but there was at least one, saying this is not very difficult. Please give some feedback and I may be rich :wink:

Take care.
  • #5
chem_tr said:
I haven't looked through them much, but there was at least one, saying this is not very difficult. Please give some feedback and I may be rich :wink:

Take care.

Maybe me and you can put our brains together and come up something?
I have been thinking about gold in sea water constantly since I lost my job and cash is running out. :rolleyes:

FAQ: Extracting Gold from Seawater: Is It Possible?

1. Can gold be extracted from seawater?

While there is a small amount of gold present in seawater, it is not economically feasible to extract it. The concentration of gold in seawater is about 13 parts per trillion, making it extremely difficult and costly to extract.

2. What methods are used to extract gold from seawater?

Currently, there are no known methods that can effectively and economically extract gold from seawater. Some scientists have experimented with using electrolysis or nanotechnology, but none have been successful on a large scale.

3. Why is it difficult to extract gold from seawater?

The main challenge in extracting gold from seawater is the low concentration of gold present, which makes it difficult to separate from the vast amount of seawater. Additionally, the cost of extracting and purifying the gold would far outweigh its value.

4. Is there a potential future for extracting gold from seawater?

While it is currently not feasible, advancements in technology and research may make it possible in the future. However, it would require a significant amount of time, resources, and innovation to make it a viable option.

5. Are there any other valuable elements present in seawater that can be extracted?

Yes, there are other valuable elements present in seawater such as silver, platinum, and uranium. However, the concentration of these elements is also extremely low, making it difficult and costly to extract them. Currently, there are no known methods to extract these elements from seawater on a large scale.
