Corelating Re number for model scale to actual scale

In summary: The Reynolds number for a full-scale aircraft can be in the millions, while the Reynolds number for a model in a wind tunnel is typically in the thousands. In summary, the Reynolds number for a scaled model in a wind tunnel will be significantly smaller than the Reynolds number for the actual scale. To accurately simulate the flow, it is important to match the important Pi terms, such as the Reynolds number and geometric scaling. The numbers for laminar and turbulent flow should not be applied universally. It is also worth noting that achieving dynamic similitude is often impossible for aircraft, as the Reynolds number for the actual scale is typically in the millions, while the Reynolds number for a model in a wind tunnel is only in the thousands.
  • #1

I did a wind tunnel test of a rectangular box with equal sized louvered window at the inlet and outlet. This box is a scale model and representative of a typical room with windows for cross-ventilation. I measured the velocity inside the room.

Now I want to calculate the Reynolds number for this scaled model. I know the formula for the calc. i.e Re= pvD/u.. But since the model is at a small scale, the Re value for this model will be small.

How do I co-relate the Re of model to Re of the actual scale. Is there a different Re scale for models like we have for the actual scale where Re<2300 = laminar and Re>4600 = turbulent.. Obviously the Re value for the model will not be this big.

what I want to do is find out the Re for the scale model with the measured velocity values. Do a CFD of the actual scale and find out it Re. I hope that the experiment and the simulation values would come close.

Any insight on this is appreciated.
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  • #2
I'm not an expert on wind tunnels, but shouldn't you have figured this out before doing a wind tunnel test? The entire point of a wind tunnel is to exploit the concept of dynamic similarity. If the model size and wind tunnel conditions are not scaled to give the same Re and M as the actual structure, then the flow field will not be the same.
  • #3
In order to match the flow dynamically, you must match the important Pi terms. For your situation, this will be the Reynolds number, and the geometric scaling of your model.

As for your stated numbers for laminar vs turbulent flow, that is only for pipe flow. Do not apply it universally.The simple answer is: if you cannot ensure dynamic similitude then there is no exact way to account for this. Therefore, every picture of an airplane you see in a subsonic wind tunnel is distorted in Re (including mine).
  • #4
Brian_C said:
I'm not an expert on wind tunnels, but shouldn't you have figured this out before doing a wind tunnel test? The entire point of a wind tunnel is to exploit the concept of dynamic similarity. If the model size and wind tunnel conditions are not scaled to give the same Re and M as the actual structure, then the flow field will not be the same.

For aircraft, this is almost always impossible.
  • #5

Dear researcher,

Thank you for sharing your wind tunnel test results and your goal of correlating the Reynolds number for your model to the actual scale. This is an important consideration in many scientific studies and can greatly impact the accuracy and applicability of your results.

Firstly, it is important to note that the Reynolds number is a dimensionless number and is therefore independent of scale. This means that the Reynolds number for your model will be the same as the Reynolds number for the actual scale, as long as all other parameters (such as fluid density, velocity, and characteristic length) are properly scaled. The formula Re = pvD/u is still applicable, but the values for p, v, and u must be scaled appropriately.

In terms of correlating the Reynolds number for your model to the actual scale, there are a few approaches you can take. One option is to use the concept of dynamic similarity, which states that two systems are dynamically similar if they have the same dimensionless parameters (such as the Reynolds number). This means that if the Reynolds number for your model is the same as the Reynolds number for the actual scale, the flow behavior should also be the same.

Another approach is to use the concept of geometric similarity, which states that two systems are geometrically similar if they have the same shape and relative dimensions. In this case, you would need to ensure that the dimensions of your model are scaled proportionally to the dimensions of the actual scale. This can be achieved by using appropriate scaling laws and techniques.

In terms of your CFD simulation, it is important to properly scale your model and input parameters to ensure that the Reynolds number is accurately represented. You may also want to consider using a turbulence model that is appropriate for the Reynolds number range you are studying.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the scaling and correlation of the Reynolds number for your model and the actual scale in order to draw accurate conclusions from your experiments and simulations. I hope this information helps and wish you success in your research.

FAQ: Corelating Re number for model scale to actual scale

1. What is the significance of correlating Re number for model scale to actual scale?

The Reynolds number (Re) is a dimensionless quantity used in fluid mechanics to characterize the flow of a fluid. It is important to correlate the Re number for model scale to actual scale in order to accurately predict the behavior of a fluid at different scales. This is especially important in engineering and design applications.

2. How is the Re number calculated for model scale?

The Re number for model scale is calculated by taking the ratio of the inertial forces to the viscous forces within the fluid. It is given by the formula Re = (ρVD)/μ, where ρ is the fluid density, V is the flow velocity, D is a characteristic length, and μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.

3. Can the Re number for model scale be directly applied to the actual scale?

No, the Re number for model scale cannot be directly applied to the actual scale. This is because the properties of a fluid, such as density and viscosity, can change at different scales. Therefore, a correlation factor must be used to accurately scale the Re number from model scale to actual scale.

4. How does the Re number affect the behavior of a fluid?

The Re number is an important parameter that affects the behavior of a fluid. At low Re numbers, the flow is laminar and smooth, while at high Re numbers, the flow becomes turbulent and chaotic. The Re number also affects the drag force and heat transfer in a fluid.

5. What are some common techniques to correlate Re number for model scale to actual scale?

There are various techniques used to correlate the Re number for model scale to actual scale, such as the Buckingham Pi theorem, dimensional analysis, and empirical correlations based on experimental data. The specific technique used will depend on the specific flow conditions and properties of the fluid being studied.
