Cone of Ignorance - Can It Exist & Other Cones To Consider

In summary, the group discusses the concept of a "cone of ignorance" and whether it is possible for someone to bring others down to their level through close proximity. They also mention other types of cones, such as the "cone of depression" and the "cone of silence." The conversation then turns to the idea of intelligent cones in literature, specifically in H.P. Lovecraft's stories. Some members of the group have encountered people who they believe emit a cone of ignorance, and others joke about being caught in a cone themselves. One member even blames a poor exam performance on being seated next to someone with a cone of ignorance. The conversation ends with a playful argument about a "4-cornered cube" and a request for ice cream.
  • #1
Can there be such a thing as a cone of Ignorance? Can somebody be so ignorant as to drag other people down to their level just by being in close proximity to them?

And if this can be so, does that mean that a cone of depression can also exist? Are there any other cones that you can think of?
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  • #2
I've heard of spheres of wisdom and cubes of fortitude, but CONES of ignorance?
  • #3
Well, let's not forget the CONE OF SILENCE. Anyone remember that?

How about the cone of cone. That's were your ice cream cone flakes off when you crunch and it gets on everyone around you.

Another version of the "cone of influence" concept: It's hard to fly like an eagle when you hang with turkeys.
  • #4
I've heard of spheres of wisdom and cubes of fortitude, but CONES of ignorance?

Yea a cone of ignorance is when someone is soooooo stupid that they bring everyone close enough to them down to their level of stupidity.

Think of it like a black hole sucking everything around it into it.
  • #5
LOL. I think this is true. I notice that ignorant people seem to suck the intelligence out of the room.
  • #6
How about those intelligent cones in H.P. Lovecraft stories?

The Great Race's members were immense rugose cones ten feet high, and with head and other organs attached to foot-thick, distensible limbs spreading from the apexes. They spoke by the clicking or scraping of huge paws or claws attached to the end of two of their four limbs, and walked by the expansion and contraction of a viscous layer attached to their vast, ten-foot bases.

Carry on o:)
  • #7
If I remember correctly, they were cones of callous curiosity; they were certainly not cones of ignorance.
  • #8
Yeah, I've met lots of people like that. And i mean lots. They hurt my soul. its in the ICU now...
  • #9
any one in particular you are thinking of Andy? Are you saying you are caught in a cone, or emitting one? Or simply coming up with an excuse for your ignorance?
  • #10
All of the above, all though i do know several people that have this cone of ignorance. I was sat next to one in all of my school exams which is why i did so poorly. I detect the cone coming from you though, especially with the tape over your eye, that should give people enough warning though to avoid you so as not to get trapped in your cone.
  • #11
You fool! It's not a cone of ignorance, it's a 4-cornered cube. You're just on the wrong corner. :smile:
  • #12
Why, yes thank you. Could I get a double-dip, please?
  • #13
Andy said:
All of the above, all though i do know several people that have this cone of ignorance. I was sat next to one in all of my school exams which is why i did so poorly. I detect the cone coming from you though, especially with the tape over your eye, that should give people enough warning though to avoid you so as not to get trapped in your cone.

Hey don't blame me, you shouldn't have copied my answers!

FAQ: Cone of Ignorance - Can It Exist & Other Cones To Consider

1. Can the Cone of Ignorance actually exist in real life?

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of the Cone of Ignorance. It is a concept used in philosophy and psychology to represent the limitations of human knowledge and understanding.

2. What other types of cones should be considered when discussing knowledge and understanding?

Some other cones that are often discussed in relation to the Cone of Ignorance are the Cone of Knowledge, which represents all the information and understanding that we have, and the Cone of Experience, which includes both our knowledge and our personal experiences.

3. How can the Cone of Ignorance affect decision making and problem solving?

The Cone of Ignorance reminds us that there will always be unknown factors that can impact our decisions and problem solving. It encourages us to continuously seek out new information and perspectives to expand our understanding and make more informed choices.

4. Is the Cone of Ignorance a fixed concept or can it change over time?

The Cone of Ignorance is a dynamic concept that can change as our knowledge and understanding grows. As we learn more, the Cone of Ignorance may shrink, but there will always be unknowns that we cannot fully comprehend.

5. How can we overcome the limitations of the Cone of Ignorance?

While we may never be able to completely overcome the limitations of the Cone of Ignorance, we can work towards expanding our knowledge and understanding through education, critical thinking, and open-mindedness. Collaborating with others and considering diverse perspectives can also help to broaden our understanding and reduce the effects of the Cone of Ignorance.

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