Why Does XL = XC in Capacitor & Inductive Circuit?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of impedance in an RLC circuit and why the current does not become infinite even when XL equals XC. It is explained that the expression for impedance must be derived individually for an LC circuit and that in practice, there will always be a resistive element in the circuit which prevents the current from reaching infinity. The conversation also mentions the application of Kirchhoff's law and the possibility of infinite current if the wire was made of superconducting material. Ultimately, it is concluded that the current will not be infinite due to the internal resistance of the coil.
  • #1
I want to know why if XL = XC in circuit which has only capacitor and inductive. The current will be mixmum not infinity because we know the rule which I=V\Z which z is impedance. so the z will be zore so the current must be infinity.:confused:
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  • #2
What you have done is that you have included the resistance in the analysis and that gave you a certain expression for the RLC circuit, but then you removed the resistance (set it to zero) and expected that the same expression would apply, to get the impedance of an LC circuit you must dervie from the circuit an expression of it's own.
  • #3
abdo375 said:
What you have done is that you have included the resistance in the analysis and that gave you a certain expression for the RLC circuit, but then you removed the resistance (set it to zero) and expected that the same expression would apply, to get the impedance of an LC circuit you must dervie from the circuit an expression of it's own.
The expression is still going to be the same even when derived individually
for an LC circuit or we let R tend to 0 in the expression for LCR circuit as the phasor diagram clearly suggests.

In theory the current must indeed rise to infinity.However in practice there is always a resistive element in the circuit (however small) and will probably overheat and short the circuit.
Alternately, the same is the case when the two ends of a battery are connected with no resistance in between.
As per Kischoff's law current in the circuit is infinite right ?
But this is not observed and we see that the wire just heats up.
Maybe if the wire was made of superconducting material we could argue the matter of an infinite current.
  • #4
Your absolutely right I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I wrote this answer.
  • #5
you absolutely right. I see know why there isn't infinite current
  • #6
i think the current will not be infinity becuz there is an internal resistance of the coil (rL) ...

FAQ: Why Does XL = XC in Capacitor & Inductive Circuit?

1. Why does XL = XC in a capacitor and inductive circuit?

The reason why XL (inductive reactance) equals XC (capacitive reactance) in a capacitor and inductive circuit is because they both have a value of 0 ohms at resonance. This means that at a certain frequency, the reactances cancel each other out and the circuit behaves as if it only has resistance. This frequency is known as the resonant frequency and is determined by the value of the inductance and capacitance in the circuit.

2. How does this affect the overall impedance of the circuit?

The overall impedance of the circuit is affected by the equal value of XL and XC at resonance. At this frequency, the impedance is at its minimum value, which means that the circuit is most efficient in allowing current to flow through it. This is why resonance is important in many electronic applications.

3. Is there a mathematical relationship between XL and XC?

Yes, there is a mathematical relationship between XL and XC. They are both components of the overall impedance, which can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. The formula for calculating impedance is Z = √(R^2 + (XL - XC)^2), where R is the resistance, XL is the inductive reactance, and XC is the capacitive reactance.

4. Can XL ever be equal to XC in a circuit?

Yes, XL can be equal to XC in a circuit. This occurs at resonance, as mentioned earlier, when the reactances cancel each other out. However, this is only true for ideal components and in a theoretical scenario. In real circuits, there will always be some resistance and the reactances will not be exactly equal.

5. How does the value of XL and XC affect the phase angle of the circuit?

The value of XL and XC affects the phase angle of the circuit by determining the point at which the circuit is in phase or out of phase. At resonance, the phase angle is 0 degrees, which means that the current and voltage are in phase. As the frequency deviates from resonance, the phase angle increases, causing the current and voltage to be out of phase. This is an important concept in understanding the behavior of capacitive and inductive circuits.

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