Thesis Masters in electrical engineering

In summary: No, you can start anytime during the year.In summary, you should read through relevant journals to get a better understanding of the field you're interested in, then start your own research project, and finally submit your thesis when it's complete.
  • #1

I am really very worried about doing a masters thesis in Electrical Engineering. I have never done research in that detail before except for my fourth year project. I am very confused as to what to do as I have some topics in mind in which I would like to do research on but not sure how to start off with. How do you find out that the websites that you are researching are actually valid sites? Would the university let us know about that or are we supposed to figure out those by ourselves? Also I read through some of the threads where it says that we need to come up with our own topics for researching. Is it true that some professors would give the students a topic to perform research on? I am interested in the Network and Communication field of Electrical Engineering. Is there any sets of websites that have topics that one can do research on? I am thinking of topics in Wireless Communications. If someone could help me out it would be of great help. Thanks a lot.
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  • #2
Ramya hmm. are on the right path. Is your intension is to grab a nobel prize??
  • #3
It sounds like you're a little confused as to the nature of graduate level research.

It's not a report on something that someone else has done. A thesis is a report on work that you've done.

You begin with a literature review in your field of interest. This is not just going to "websites." Rather, it means that you read through the relevant peer-reviewed journals to the field. A mentor or supervisor can (and should)guide you as to which journals you should be reading and what the most relevant papers are. But that's only the beginning.

Once you understand what's happening in the field, you embark on your own research project. Professors generally like to see new students come up with their own ideas, but projects are limited by constraints such as available resources and time and the supervisor's field of expertise. In practice you have a spectrum of "indepencence" where some MSc students are essentially told what to where other MSc students propose their own ideas (and then are told what to do).

The majority of a thesis-based MSc is spend working on the project itself. The thesis then, is the final write-up of the work.
  • #4
Thanks a lot Mr. Choppy. It was a lot of help. I also wanted to know that if suppose anyone were to fail the Masters thesis, would they have to option of switching to MEng to get their degree done with or do they have to keep trying with the thesis to get the MSc degree? Or do they have to withdraw from the program? Thanks for all the help.
  • #5
The decision what program you're in is fixed at the beginning. If your thesis defence fails as an EE thesis, your committee won't bump it over to another department.

At a thesis defence (in Canada anyway) the committee has several options. Rarely will the candidate fail outright, although this can happen. More often, if there is remedial work to be done the committee will recommend the student re-sit the exam in another X months, and ideally define specific deficiencies that need to be addressed. Usually though, your supervisor should act as a kind of gate-keeper and make sure that y the time the defence is scheduled, you're in a position to pass.
  • #6
Thanks. Also if I were to start in the Winter Semester then would I be considered for the thesis program that year? Or would I have to wait for the next Fall semester to start with we get to make appointments with a thesis advisor and start thesis?

FAQ: Thesis Masters in electrical engineering

1. What is a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering?

A Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering is a graduate degree program that focuses on advanced studies and research in the field of electrical engineering. It typically involves coursework in various topics such as circuit design, electromagnetics, signal processing, and power systems, as well as a research component where students work on a thesis project under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

2. What are the benefits of pursuing a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering?

There are several benefits to pursuing a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering, including gaining advanced knowledge and skills in the field, developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and preparing for a career in research or academia. It also allows students to specialize in a particular area of interest and potentially make significant contributions to the field through their thesis project.

3. How long does it take to complete a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering?

The duration of a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering program can vary depending on the specific program and the student's course load. Typically, it takes two years of full-time study to complete the required coursework and thesis project. However, some programs may offer the option for part-time study, which may extend the duration of the program.

4. What are the admission requirements for a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering?

The admission requirements for a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering may vary depending on the university or program. Generally, applicants are required to have a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering or a related field, a strong academic record, and satisfactory scores on standardized tests such as the GRE. Some programs may also require letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose.

5. Can I pursue a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering without a background in electrical engineering?

It is possible to pursue a Thesis Masters in Electrical Engineering without a background in electrical engineering, but it may require taking additional prerequisite courses. Some programs may also offer a non-thesis option for students with a different undergraduate degree, but it may not be as research-focused as the thesis option. It is best to check with the specific program for their admission requirements and options for non-electrical engineering backgrounds.

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