Weight of 12 fl oz Beer Bottle | Physics Project Help

In summary, the weight of a regular beer bottle (12 fl oz) can vary depending on the brand, but a typical glass bottle weighs between 180g and 200g. To get a more accurate measurement, one can either weigh the bottle filled with water or conduct a sampling of different beer bottles and take an average. However, the best option may be to just enjoy some good beer and not worry too much about the weight.
  • #1
Random question: How much does a regular beer bottle (12 fl oz) weigh?

I'm doing a physics project involving the weight of beer bottles, and I don't have a scale, balance, etc. :rolleyes:
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  • #2
Beer bottles are not uniform in weight, so you may have to generalize. The best bet is to buy a couple of cases of Beck's Dark, drink them all, load the bottles onto a bathroom scale and ask someone to divide that weight by 24, because you probably won't be able to do so.
  • #3
It weighs 12 fl. oz... plus the glass.
  • #4
Danger said:
It weighs 12 fl. oz... plus the glass.
Dammit, Danger! How can I steal your badge when you're stalking me like this?

P.S. You notice that I didn't recommend that he research the problem using Labatt's or Molsen - horse-p*ss only slightly less revolting than US domestic bottled dishwater.
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
The best bet is to buy a couple of cases of Beck's Dark, drink them all...

Hero...! :smile:
  • #6
turbo-1 said:
How can I steal your badge when you're stalking me like this?
Don't look at me like that; I thought that your post was funnier. Anyhow, I'm not in the running this year, so you'll be stealing someone else's. :-p

And I drink Keith's. :-p :-p
  • #7
Danger said:
And I drink Keith's.

Uhh, you drink Keith's what?
  • #8
And another one rears up out of the bog... :rolleyes:

Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale.
  • #9
sphoenixee said:
Random question: How much does a regular beer bottle (12 fl oz) weigh?

I'm doing a physics project involving the weight of beer bottles, and I don't have a scale, balance, etc. :rolleyes:

If you don't have to be super accurate just take a bottle down to a grocery store produce department and weigh it. You could even ask a pharmacist to weigh it.

If you live on the wrong side of town, go to a stash house and ask a friendly drug dealer to weigh it.:cool:
  • #10
If you'll be drinking them, I recommend Yeungling Lager. If you won't be drinking them (ie, you'll just be pouring them out before weighing them), any of the suggestions above will do fine.
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  • #11
Spoken like a true Pennsylvanian, eh!
  • #12
sphoenixee said:
Random question: How much does a regular beer bottle (12 fl oz) weigh?

I'm doing a physics project involving the weight of beer bottles, and I don't have a scale, balance, etc. :rolleyes:
Here's how you find out. Get two bottles of (budweiser/miller/coors) light beer (to approximate the density of the beer to that of water). Carefully empty one of the bottles into your sink (making sure you don't accidentally spill any drops into your mouth). Suspend the two bottles (one empty, one full) from the ends of a meter stick. find the balance point and from that, the ratio of the two masses. Plug in the mass of 12 oz of water, and you have the mass of the bottle.

PS: A typical 12oz glass bottle weighs between 180g and 200g.
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  • #13
The only proper approach, of course, would be to weigh yourself holding the full bottle, then drink the beer and weigh yourself holding the empty bottle.
Hang on a sec... there's something wrong with that.
  • #14
Danger said:
The only proper approach, of course, would be to weigh yourself holding the full bottle, then drink the beer and weigh yourself holding the empty bottle.
Hang on a sec... there's something wrong with that.

Yep, forgot to tell him to pee first. :approve:

Or...he could find a mentor who is over 21, has a 12 oz bottle of beer in the fridge, and a kitchen scale willing to weigh it.

I'm tempted to hold out for the chocolate bribe, but since my kitchen scale is only accurate to within 25 g, I guess I should just suggest a donation after the fact.

It was between 325 and 350 g. (That would be Edmund Fitzgerald Porter from Great Lakes Brewing Co.; I highly recommend it. :approve:)
  • #15
Moonbear said:
Yep, forgot to tell him to pee first.

That would be counter-productive; it would give a negative value. Beer is the only substance on the planet that is known to violate the laws of thermodynamics... 5 go in, 6 come out.
  • #16
Danger said:
That would be counter-productive; it would give a negative value. Beer is the only substance on the planet that is known to violate the laws of thermodynamics... 5 go in, 6 come out.
... and 4 stay permanently attached to your gut!
  • #17
my approach to get a truly representaive average mass of a beer bottle would be to conduct a sampling of the population of all possialbe beer bottles my sample would try to include something like :

2 us domestic beers
2 us micro brews
2 european brews
2 asian brews

mass all bottles full... drink... then mass all bottles empty and divide by eight... this should give a good estimate of the mean beer bottle mass... fun experiment though
  • #18
josh_einsle said:
my approach to get a truly representaive average mass of a beer bottle would be to conduct a sampling of the population of all possialbe beer bottles my sample would try to include something like :

2 us domestic beers
2 us micro brews
2 european brews
2 asian brews

mass all bottles full... drink... then mass all bottles empty and divide by eight... this should give a good estimate of the mean beer bottle mass... fun experiment though

You forgot to mention you have to do this once in the US or Europe and once in Australia. That way you can determine whether the room spins in the same direction in both hemispheres, as well as gather more samples.
  • #19
russ_watters said:
... and 4 stay permanently attached to your gut!

Yeah, I forgot about that part. Wasn't a problem until I hit 40 or so, then 'poof'... a rack full of obsolete belts.
  • #20
Danger said:
Yeah, I forgot about that part. Wasn't a problem until I hit 40 or so, then 'poof'... a rack full of obsolete belts.
Well, then you need to drink fewer bottles of beer per day. If you come to Maine, we'll go to the local micro-brewery and pick up four growlers of great Oak Pond Brewery ales. http://oakpondbrewery.com/
The growlers are 1/2 gallon each, but with this method we can probably get you cut back to only two bottles a day.
  • #21
Well, I do probably at least 6 beers a day, sometimes up to 16 or so... so I guess that sounds about right. The only problem would be keeping a bottle cold long enough to drink it. :frown:

FAQ: Weight of 12 fl oz Beer Bottle | Physics Project Help

What is the weight of a 12 fl oz beer bottle?

The weight of a 12 fl oz beer bottle can vary depending on the material it is made of. Generally, a glass beer bottle will weigh between 8-10 ounces, while a plastic beer bottle will weigh around 1-2 ounces.

Does the type of beer affect the weight of the bottle?

Yes, different types of beer have different densities and can affect the weight of the bottle. For example, a stout beer will weigh more than a light beer due to its higher density.

How does the temperature of the beer affect the weight of the bottle?

The temperature of the beer can cause expansion or contraction of the bottle, which can slightly affect its weight. However, this change in weight is usually very small and not noticeable.

Why is the weight of a beer bottle important in a physics project?

The weight of a beer bottle is important in physics projects as it can be used to calculate the force of gravity, the density of the bottle, and other properties related to the bottle's weight. It also helps in understanding the principles of buoyancy and the behavior of liquids under different conditions.

How can I measure the weight of a beer bottle accurately?

The most accurate way to measure the weight of a beer bottle is by using a calibrated scale. Place the bottle on the scale and ensure that it is stable before taking the measurement. It is also important to consider the weight of the bottle cap or cork if it is still attached.
