Peaking factor and power profile

  • Thread starter Vnt666Skr
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In summary, the radial peaking factor is related to the normalized radial and axial power profiles. It is calculated by dividing the local power density by the core average power density, which is determined from the thermal rating of the reactor core and the total length of active fuel. The local power density is calculated using a core simulation code and takes into account factors such as depletion and transmutation. The peaking factor is a measure of how much the local power deviates from the core average power.
  • #1
Is the radial peaking factor same as normalized radial power profile?
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  • #2
Peaking factors are developed from normalized axial and radial/lateral power profiles.

One is interested in how the local power relates to the core average power, as well as the absolute magnitude of the power. Local power restricted by some margin to some absolute limit in order to ensure that under certain anticipated anomalies the fuel is not damaged, or in the event of a postulated accident, the fuel damage is limited and not underestimated.

From a fuel performance perspective, one wishes to 'flatten' the radial and axial profiles such that one minimizes corrosion and other irradiation-dependent behavior/consequences.
  • #3
Thanks Astronuc.
Is it defined at each axial/radial position? Suppose I have a power profile of a single pin. How do I find out the peaking factors at various locations in the axial and radial direction?
  • #4
Vnt666Skr said:
Thanks Astronuc.
Is it defined at each axial/radial position? Suppose I have a power profile of a single pin. How do I find out the peaking factors at various locations in the axial and radial direction?

FdH is ratio of the total pin power to the total core power divided by number of pins. This is a 2-D (radial) value and each pin as one value for FdH.

Fq(z) is the ratio of power density of the pin divided by the power density of the core. This is a 3-D (axial) value. Each pin has a Fq(z) as a function of height, and a peak Fq.

If your pin power profile is normalized, you need to first multiply by the assembly's relative power density. Fz is the maximum normalized power for the core, assembly, or pin.
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  • #5
Vnt666Skr said:
Thanks Astronuc.
Is it defined at each axial/radial position? Suppose I have a power profile of a single pin. How do I find out the peaking factors at various locations in the axial and radial direction?
A peaking factor would be determined from the local power density (or linear power) divided by the core average power density (or linear power). The average power density is found from the thermal rating of the reactor core divided by the total length of active fuel. The local power density is calculated with a core simulation code (e.g., SIMULATE or other proprietary code) which solves a multi-group neutron diffusion or transport problem. The codes calculate the neutron flux and local enrichment, which includes effects of depletion and transmutation, and from these determine the fission density, from power density is calculated.

An example of core average power. Given a 3700 MWt core, with 193 assemblies, 264 fuel rods per assembly, and an active fuel length of 12 ft (including blankets), the core average linear power in kW/ft is given by

3700000 kW / (193 * 264 * 12 ft) = 6.05 kW/ft or 19.85 kW/m

FAQ: Peaking factor and power profile

1. What is a peaking factor and why is it important in power profile analysis?

A peaking factor is a measure of the maximum power demand compared to the average power demand over a specific period of time. It is important in power profile analysis because it helps to determine the capacity and reliability of a power system, as well as the potential for overloading or underutilization of resources.

2. How is a peaking factor calculated?

A peaking factor is calculated by dividing the maximum power demand by the average power demand over a specific period of time. This period of time can vary depending on the application, but is typically measured in hours, days, or seasons.

3. What is a power profile and how is it related to peaking factor?

A power profile is a graphical representation of the power demand over a specific period of time. It is often used in conjunction with peaking factor analysis to better understand the patterns and trends of power usage. Peaking factor is a quantitative measure that helps to characterize the power profile.

4. Can a high peaking factor be a cause for concern?

Yes, a high peaking factor can be a cause for concern in certain situations. For example, if the peaking factor is consistently high over a long period of time, it may indicate that the power system is reaching its maximum capacity and may require upgrades or improvements to meet the demand. However, a high peaking factor during a short-term event, such as a heat wave, may not necessarily be a cause for concern.

5. How can peaking factor and power profile analysis be used in planning for future power needs?

Peaking factor and power profile analysis can provide valuable insights into the patterns and trends of power usage, which can help in planning for future power needs. By understanding the peak demand periods and the corresponding peaking factor, power systems can be designed and managed more effectively to meet the demand and avoid overloading or underutilization of resources.

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