Slow Internet During Peak Hours - What Can I Do?

In summary: Thanks, I'll get a technician to see if he can hopefully improve its performance, and to settle my family because they're not very happy with it.
  • #1
Homework Helper
After having just set up my modem, I noticed that it was dropping out a lot and the speed tests I conducted were far under the minimum expected by my broadband plan. However, the dropping out ceased and download and upload speeds came back to normal from midnight all the way till mid afternoon.
It seems that my net just gives up during peak hour. Not only is it incredibly slow, but it's erratic and often drops out every half an hour till about midnight again.

I had called up my ISP on the first day, and after we figured out that my router was not to blame, they said they will be sending in a technician to take a look at the problem, but now that I realize it's because of the bandwidth traffic, is there any reason for the technician anymore? Would he possibly be able to do anything about the problem, or is it just something I'm going to have to live with?p.s. It dropped out again while I was trying to post this thread. It sure is annoying...
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  • #2
Are you using a wireless connection? If so, you might be experiencing interference from other nearby routers (or cordless phones, or whatever). You can change the wireless channel in your router's config settings. I have had this problem in the past, such that my connection was almost unusable during some hours. After switching channels it was much improved.

If it is not wireless, there could still be an issue with your physical connection even if it is only happening during some hours. I once had a similar issue with a cable modem connection. It turned out that the cable coming to my house from the street needed to be replaced.
  • #3
jbunniii said:
Are you using a wireless connection? If so, you might be experiencing interference from other nearby routers (or cordless phones, or whatever). You can change the wireless channel in your router's config settings. I have had this problem in the past, such that my connection was almost unusable during some hours. After switching channels it was much improved.
I am using wifi and there are cordless phones near the modem and router, but I've also connected directly to the modem and it still drops out, so my router isn't at fault. Regardless, I"ll do some research on changing the channels.

jbunniii said:
If it is not wireless, there could still be an issue with your physical connection even if it is only happening during some hours. I once had a similar issue with a cable modem connection. It turned out that the cable coming to my house from the street needed to be replaced.
How did you figure out the cable needed replacing? Maybe I should get a technician after all?
  • #4
Mentallic said:
How did you figure out the cable needed replacing? Maybe I should get a technician after all?
Yeah, I had a technician come out. He did some tests and was able to narrow it down to the cable from the street.
  • #5
jbunniii said:
Yeah, I had a technician come out. He did some tests and was able to narrow it down to the cable from the street.

Thanks, I'll get a technician to see if he can hopefully improve its performance, and to settle my family because they're not very happy with it.

FAQ: Slow Internet During Peak Hours - What Can I Do?

What causes slow internet during peak hours?

During peak hours, there is a high demand for internet services from a large number of users. This can cause congestion on the network, leading to slower internet speeds. Other factors such as outdated equipment or distance from the nearest internet provider can also contribute to slow internet during peak hours.

How can I tell if my slow internet is due to peak hours?

One way to determine if your slow internet is due to peak hours is to test your internet speed at different times of the day. If you notice a significant decrease in speed during peak hours, it is likely that the high demand for internet is causing the slowdown.

What can I do to improve my internet speed during peak hours?

There are a few steps you can take to improve your internet speed during peak hours. First, try limiting the number of devices connected to your network. You can also try upgrading your internet plan or equipment for faster speeds. Additionally, resetting your router or contacting your internet provider for assistance may also help.

Are there any long-term solutions for slow internet during peak hours?

One long-term solution for slow internet during peak hours is to upgrade to a fiber optic internet connection. These connections have higher bandwidth and can handle heavier traffic, resulting in faster speeds during peak hours. You can also consider switching to a less popular internet service provider in your area.

Is there anything I can do to avoid slow internet during peak hours?

Avoiding peak hours altogether may not be possible, but you can try scheduling your online activities for non-peak hours. You can also try using a virtual private network (VPN) to bypass the congestion on the network and potentially improve your internet speed. Additionally, you can download content during non-peak hours to avoid slow speeds when streaming or downloading during peak hours.

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