What is the difference between left and right Weyl spinors in particle physics?

In summary, Weyl spinors are named based on the handedness of the particles they represent, with the right-handed spinors having their spin aligned with their momentum and the left-handed spinors having their spin opposite to their momentum. This interpretation holds for massless particles, but for particles with mass, there is a distinction between helicity and chirality, with the latter being dependent on the reference frame. The Dirac equation, which describes massive particles, cannot be reduced into left and right pieces like the Weyl equations for massless particles.
  • #1
What is the difference between left and right Weyl spinors?
(probably they transform differently under boosts or rotations).
Thanks for answer.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
They transform the same under rotations. Differently under boosts.
  • #3
So why they are called right and left??
  • #4
The particles associated with the right handed Weyl spinors are right handed. That means that their spin is pointed in the same direction as their momentum. The particles associated with the left handed spinors have their spin pointed opposite to their momentum.
  • #5
I understand your point in case of masless particle (in this case right
and left spinors are decoupled). Do you have any idea if this interpretation
works for electrons (with mass).
  • #6
For particles with mass, there's a distinction between helicity and chirality. The interpretation I said above is an interpretation of helicity. I don't really know of a good physical interpretation of chirality in this case.
  • #7
For massive particles, the chirality depends on the reference frame; so boosting can take one between left and right chiralities. For massless particles, the handedness cannot change with boosting to different frames. Otherwise, the handedness of chirality for massive particles has the same meaning as the handedness of the helicity for massless particles. An electron with spin component +1/2 relative to the z-axis can look like it has spin component -1/2 if you go to a frame that's moving in the z-direction relative to the electron. (The presence of the mass term in the Dirac equation "spoils" the reducibility of the equation into left and right pieces, which would otherwise be called Weyl equations).

FAQ: What is the difference between left and right Weyl spinors in particle physics?

1. What are Weyl spinors?

Weyl spinors are mathematical objects that describe the quantum mechanical properties of particles with half-integer spin. They are used in theoretical physics to study the behavior of fundamental particles, such as electrons and quarks.

2. How are left and right Weyl spinors related?

Left and right Weyl spinors are related through the process of spinor rotation. This is a mathematical transformation that converts a left Weyl spinor into a right Weyl spinor, and vice versa. This rotation is necessary to describe the behavior of particles with spin in three-dimensional space.

3. What is the significance of left and right Weyl spinors?

Left and right Weyl spinors are important in theoretical physics because they describe different types of particles. Left Weyl spinors are associated with particles that have a negative chirality (or handedness), while right Weyl spinors are associated with particles that have a positive chirality. This distinction is crucial in understanding the behavior of particles in the Standard Model of particle physics.

4. Can left and right Weyl spinors be observed experimentally?

No, left and right Weyl spinors cannot be observed directly. They are mathematical constructs that are used to describe the behavior of particles in theoretical physics. However, the properties and predictions of these spinors can be tested and verified through experiments with fundamental particles.

5. Are left and right Weyl spinors the only types of spinors?

No, left and right Weyl spinors are only two of the many types of spinors that exist in theoretical physics. Other types include Dirac spinors, Majorana spinors, and more. Each type has its own unique properties and applications, making them all important in the study of fundamental particles and the laws of the universe.
