Isolating Chemicals: Steps & Tips

  • Thread starter Mr_Bojingles
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In summary: Would that get rid of any chemicals that weren't soluble in water? Would that be more effective than just mixing the powder alcohol, shaking it up in a sep funnel and draining?In summary, you would dissolve the powder in a hot alcohol/water mixture just sufficient to completely dissolve both substances. Slow cooling will preferentially precipitate the least soluble one. Removal of the alcohol by slow evaporation will produce a second crop of alcohol soluble material. The remaining water will contain most of the water-soluble compound. In complicated examples where the solubilities of many different compounds vary greatly, sometimes it is best to wash the solids in hot solvent and filter. The solvent must be chosen to preferentially remove one or perhaps
  • #1
I want to learn how to isolate chemicals from substances. For example let's say I have a pile of powder which consists of about 5 different chemicals.

The chemical I want to isolate is highly soluble in water. Let's say one of the other chemicals isn't soluble in water but highly soluble in alcohol.

How would I go about getting rid of the alcohol soluble chemical? Could I just mix the powder alcohol, shake it up in a sep funnel and drain? Would I be better off adding water to the powder and siphoning off the solution but leaving behind the insoluble powder? Would that get rid of any chemicals that weren't soluble in water?

What happens if there are other unwanted chemicals that are soluble in water? Would I just have to find solvents that some of the chems are soluble in and others aren't?
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  • #2
Mr_Bojingles said:
I want to learn how to isolate chemicals from substances. For example let's say I have a pile of powder which consists of about 5 different chemicals.

The chemical I want to isolate is highly soluble in water. Let's say one of the other chemicals isn't soluble in water but highly soluble in alcohol.

How would I go about getting rid of the alcohol soluble chemical? Could I just mix the powder alcohol, shake it up in a sep funnel and drain? Would I be better off adding water to the powder and siphoning off the solution but leaving behind the insoluble powder? Would that get rid of any chemicals that weren't soluble in water?

Ideally you would want to find a solvent system that dissolves them both since undissolved solids stabilize emulsions and can plug up separatory funnels. After you find the appropriate system (test with small amounts of solvent and unknown solid mixture), you then change the properties of the solvent system, slowly, to precipitate one preferentially. This can be accomplished in your example in many ways. One way would be to dissolve the powder in a hot alcohol/water mixture just sufficient to completely dissolve both substances. Slow cooling will preferentially precipitate the least soluble one. Removal of the alcohol by slow evaporation will produce a second crop of alcohol soluble material. The remaining water will contain most of the water-soluble compound. In complicated examples where the solubilities of many different compounds vary greatly, sometimes it is best to wash the solids in hot solvent and filter. The solvent must be chosen to preferentially remove one or perhaps two of the compounds in the mixture. These new mixtures (fractions) may then be purified by selective recrystallization or extraction.

Mr_Bojingles said:
What happens if there are other unwanted chemicals that are soluble in water? Would I just have to find solvents that some of the chems are soluble in and others aren't?

It would be helpful to know something about the chemical nature of the mixture. In the Organic Chemistry lab course, we used to mix benzaldehyde, benzoic acid and carbon black and have the students separate each into fractions and then purify each fraction. Benzoic acid and benzaldehyde are difficult to separate by recrystallization but can be easily purified by dissolving both in methylene chloride, filtering to remove the carbon and finally extracting out the carboxylic acid with cold 5% NaOH solution. The NaOH solution deprotonates the carboxylic acid and results in a salt that is water soluble. The resulting aqueous solution is separated and acidified to regenerate the benzoic acid and is then filtered and recrystallized. Amines must be acidified to render them water soluble and then treated with base to render them organic-soluble.

These methods almost never result in absolutely pure substances after the first recrystallization or extraction. They do result in materials of increasing purity and often three or more recrystallizations/extractions are required to purify them to >99%. In the lab, the purity of materials is monitored by several techniques, the simplest of which are thin layer chromatography (TLC) and melting point. Materials are purified to constant melting point and/or the TLC shows only one compound. This usually results in purities of >98%. Greater degrees of purity (say, 99.999%) sometimes require the use of sophisticated instrumentation such as Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry to confirm purity and may require exotic purification techniques such as preparative-scale chromatography in addition to recrystallization.
  • #3
use pure or denatured 200 proof alcohol with no water in it to wash away the alcohol soluble chemical

FAQ: Isolating Chemicals: Steps & Tips

1. What is the purpose of isolating chemicals?

The purpose of isolating chemicals is to separate a specific chemical compound from a mixture or solution for further study or use. This process allows for the identification and purification of the desired chemical.

2. What are the steps involved in isolating chemicals?

The steps involved in isolating chemicals typically include extraction, filtration, and purification. Extraction involves separating the desired chemical compound from the rest of the mixture. Filtration removes any solid impurities from the extracted compound. Purification methods, such as distillation or chromatography, are then used to further separate and purify the chemical.

3. What equipment is needed for isolating chemicals?

The equipment needed for isolating chemicals may vary depending on the specific process and chemicals being isolated. However, some common equipment used includes beakers, flasks, funnels, filters, and various types of glassware. Specialized equipment such as a rotary evaporator or centrifuge may also be necessary for certain methods.

4. What are some tips for isolating chemicals effectively?

Some tips for isolating chemicals effectively include using high-quality chemicals and equipment, following safety precautions, carefully measuring and recording all steps, and using appropriate techniques for the specific chemical being isolated. It is also important to have a thorough understanding of the chemistry involved and to make sure all steps are carried out accurately and precisely.

5. What are some common challenges in isolating chemicals?

Some common challenges in isolating chemicals include low yields, impurities, and difficulty in separating closely related compounds. Contamination from equipment, air, or other chemicals can also pose a challenge. In addition, some chemicals may have to be isolated using multiple methods, making the process more complex and time-consuming. It is important to carefully troubleshoot and adjust techniques in order to overcome these challenges and achieve a successful isolation of the desired chemical.

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