How Do You Construct Bode Plots for Cascaded CR Networks?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the gain and phase of a circuit's frequency response, as well as constructing bode plots. It suggests approximating the bode plot of a simple LC filter and taking into account loading effects when cascading multiple stages.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Question attached

Homework Equations

Frequency response of circuit given in document

The Attempt at a Solution

The question leads me to find the Gain and phase of the gain, pole and zero terms.
The breakpoint frequency and the point where the gain term is 0db.

Gain is 0dB when ω=1rad/s
There is a breakpoint at ω = ω0 rad/s where Gain = -3.01dB

I am having trouble constructing bode plots from this information.

When the system is cascaded with two other models as the question requires

Gain CR = 1×10-6×10×103 = 1×10-2
Therefore ω0 = 100rad/s and
Gain dB = -120dB


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  • #2
The question seems to be suggesting that you ignore loading effects, which I presume is meant to mean that each LC stage does not impact the operation of the other two. In that case the net transfer function would be the cube of the basic LC transfer function with the given component values.

One way of portraying an approximation for the bode plot of a simple LC filter (i.e. a first order filter) is to sketch a straight-line "schematic" of the actual curve, assuming a 20 db/decade slope beyond the cutoff frequency and a horizontal line at unity gain in the bandpass region.

You could estimate the bode plot of the cascaded units by considering the effect of each stage individually. If the basic LC high pass filter gives an attenuation of 20dB per decade then two will yield 40 db/decade, and three will yield 60 db/decade. A similar argument could be applied to the phase shift vs frequency plot.

Again, this assumes no loading effects between stages. In "real life" the stages will interact and the resulting filter will have a markedly shifted cutoff frequency (3db down frequency) and a much "rounder" shoulder entering the bandpass region.

FAQ: How Do You Construct Bode Plots for Cascaded CR Networks?

1. What is a Bode plot of a CR network?

A Bode plot is a graphical representation of the frequency response of a CR (capacitor-resistor) network. It shows how the output voltage of the network changes in response to varying input frequencies.

2. How is a Bode plot of a CR network constructed?

To construct a Bode plot, the transfer function of the CR network is first determined. The transfer function is then separated into its magnitude and phase components, which are plotted on a logarithmic scale against the frequency. The resulting graph has two plots - one for the magnitude and one for the phase.

3. What information can be obtained from a Bode plot of a CR network?

A Bode plot provides information about the frequency response of a CR network, including the gain (amplitude) and phase shift of the output signal compared to the input signal. It can also show the frequency at which the output signal reaches its maximum and minimum values, as well as the bandwidth and resonant frequency of the network.

4. How are Bode plots of CR networks useful in circuit analysis?

Bode plots are useful for understanding the behavior of a CR network at different frequencies. They can be used to determine the stability and performance of the network, as well as identify any frequency-dependent characteristics or potential issues. Bode plots are also helpful in designing and optimizing CR networks for specific applications.

5. Can Bode plots be used for other types of networks?

Yes, Bode plots can be used for other types of networks, such as RC (resistor-capacitor), RL (resistor-inductor), and RLC (resistor-inductor-capacitor) networks. However, the construction and interpretation of the Bode plot may differ slightly depending on the type of network and its transfer function.

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