Young's double slit experiment (shallow slit and deep slit)

In summary, when you Shine the laser straight into the slit, the banding or stripes can be seen. When you do not have the lens in the laser, the banding can still be seen. If you hold a double slit to your eye and hold up a lens, the slit focas the image. However, when the lens is removed, the stripes or banding inside the slit appears.
  • #1
i have posted a video on youtube,where i did the double slit experiment,firstly with a shallow slit,then with a slit approx 35 times thicker,then did the experiment without lens on laser,i would like to have a chat about what it all shows,and what it says to you (any one)
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  • #2
On the thick slit, the abnormality might be explained by reflections between the 2 surfaces. That is usually why slits are thin.

The into the laser photos, is there any slit, aperture anything? how about the cameras aperture it has it's own effects.

Btw. One simple and clear way to see double slit patterns is through your eyelashes. while looking to a small source of light ( light bulb at 5m) close your eyes a bit so you see through your eyelashes. The pattern will appear in rainbow colors as the light has most of the visible in it.
  • #3
Lok said:
On the thick slit, the abnormality might be explained by reflections between the 2 surfaces. That is usually why slits are thin.

The into the laser photos, is there any slit, aperture anything? how about the cameras aperture it has it's own effects.

Btw. One simple and clear way to see double slit patterns is through your eyelashes. while looking to a small source of light ( light bulb at 5m) close your eyes a bit so you see through your eyelashes. The pattern will appear in rainbow colors as the light has most of the visible in it.

thanks for your reply,the banding is no different just more of them,the photos into the laser was straight into laser (still had lens in laser) with dig cameras the processer (i think)likes to hex shapes that are round,with the pin hole shot i loaded at end of video it took 8 or 9 times to get the pin hole to look round and not hex,you can see the banding,i had also found out you don't need to shine laser through the slit,shine it on to a wall 5 feet or 10 or 20 and look through the slit at the dot,i also found out if you hold a double slit to your eye and hold up a lens the slit focas the immage,the strange thing is when the lens is removed the experiment don't work,you get banding inside the slit,like you see if you hold the slit to your eyes,
any more comments welcome
  • #4
kevinfr0st said:
thanks for your reply,the banding is no different just more of them,the photos into the laser was straight into laser (still had lens in laser) with dig cameras the processer (i think)likes to hex shapes that are round,with the pin hole shot i loaded at end of video it took 8 or 9 times to get the pin hole to look round and not hex,you can see the banding,i had also found out you don't need to shine laser through the slit,shine it on to a wall 5 feet or 10 or 20 and look through the slit at the dot,i also found out if you hold a double slit to your eye and hold up a lens the slit focas the immage,the strange thing is when the lens is removed the experiment don't work,you get banding inside the slit,like you see if you hold the slit to your eyes,
any more comments welcome

When you say "remove the lens" you mean the lens that focuses the laser? And if so how does the laser look like? I mean does it diverge in a huge angle? Are you sure there are no other patterns "without the lens" as for an unfocused laser they will be extremely faint ( try photographing with a very long exposure time. Plus they might overlap if slit is too big.

The other effects of seeing patterns through slit close to the eye are known and documented.
  • #5
Lok said:
When you say "remove the lens" you mean the lens that focuses the laser? And if so how does the laser look like? I mean does it diverge in a huge angle? Are you sure there are no other patterns "without the lens" as for an unfocused laser they will be extremely faint ( try photographing with a very long exposure time. Plus they might overlap if slit is too big.

The other effects of seeing patterns through slit close to the eye are known and documented.

yes the lens that focuses it and the small spring,to look at the minute laser head would need a microscope,seems like a small crystall,iv got a few pic on my pc with photos of the laser on with no lens,if you look at some of my older videos (laser with no lens through a macro mesh) you can see the pattern of laser light on ceeling,iv taken loads of pic into the laser (older ones iv broke ) they were £1 laser levels (crap but wanted the laser)and still same patterns,i will load some on to my flicker page iv got some taken of sun light through the slit,link here if anyone wants to look
will load laser without lens pic bit later got pop out
thanks for you comments

FAQ: Young's double slit experiment (shallow slit and deep slit)

1. What is Young's double slit experiment?

The Young's double slit experiment is a classic experiment in physics that demonstrates the principles of wave interference. It involves shining a light through two narrow slits and observing the resulting interference pattern on a screen behind the slits.

2. How does the depth of the slits affect the interference pattern?

The depth of the slits plays a critical role in the interference pattern. In a shallow slit, the light waves passing through the slits interact with each other more directly, resulting in a wider and more spread out interference pattern. In a deep slit, the waves interact less directly, resulting in a narrower and more focused interference pattern.

3. What is the difference between a shallow slit and a deep slit in this experiment?

A shallow slit refers to a slit with a smaller depth or thickness, while a deep slit refers to a slit with a larger depth or thickness. This difference in depth affects the way the light waves interact with each other and ultimately changes the resulting interference pattern.

4. How does the distance between the slits affect the interference pattern?

The distance between the slits also plays a crucial role in the interference pattern. As the distance between the slits increases, the interference pattern becomes more spread out and the intensity of the light decreases. Conversely, as the distance between the slits decreases, the interference pattern becomes more focused and the intensity increases.

5. What is the significance of Young's double slit experiment?

Young's double slit experiment is significant because it provides evidence for the wave nature of light. The interference pattern observed in the experiment can only be explained by the constructive and destructive interference of light waves, which is a characteristic of waves. This experiment also laid the foundation for the development of the wave theory of light and the understanding of the wave-particle duality of light.

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