Is the Contravariant Derivative Defined by Contracting with the Metric?

In summary, the covariant derivative is a derivative that transforms tensorially. It is required in order to specify a local symmetry in a physical formulation.
  • #1
Hi everyone;
I'm new to both PF and GR, so please bear with me if I'm not being very clear, or using standard syntax and such. Here is my question.

Given a vector v^a, the covariant derivative is defined as v^a _;b = v^a _,b + v^c GAMMA^a _bc.
(here I'm using ^ before upper indices and _ before lower indices).
The object I'm interested in now is v^a;b (where the whole thing a;b is upper). Is this called the contravariant derivative? Is there a similar definition in terms of the Christoffel symbol? or can we only obtain it from contracting v^a _;b with the metric? I can't seem to find the definition of this object in any books, and when I try to do my calculation via contraction with the metric, I'm getting the wrong answer.

Physics news on
  • #2
You might want to look at the Latex capabilities of PF. Quote this post for examples.

The short answer is that you should already know how to or be able to find out how to raise and lower indices with tensors. Then

[tex]v^{a;b} = g^{bc} v^a{}_{;c}[/tex]
  • #3
Ok. Thanks pervect.
  • #4
The term "covariant" is used in the sense of how the components of a tensor transform. But covariance also means that the laws of physics can be written down tensorially, and so have a certain behaviour under coordinate transformations.

The covariant derivative is the demand that we use a derivative in our physical formulation that transforms tensorially. The partial derivative doesn't, so we need an extra term. This is the connection, but to specify it you have to demand certain properties on it. The same happens in the standard model: you impose a local symmetry, and demand that the derivative of your fields transforms exactly as the field itself under the symmetry transformation.

FAQ: Is the Contravariant Derivative Defined by Contracting with the Metric?

1. What is a contravariant derivative?

A contravariant derivative is a mathematical concept used in differential geometry to describe the rate of change of a vector field along a given direction. It takes into account the change in the direction of the coordinate system, as opposed to a covariant derivative which only considers the change in the magnitude of the vector field.

2. How is a contravariant derivative calculated?

The contravariant derivative is calculated by taking the partial derivative of the vector field with respect to each coordinate, and then multiplying the resulting values by the contravariant components of the basis vectors. These components represent the change in direction of the coordinate system.

3. What is the relationship between a contravariant derivative and a covariant derivative?

The contravariant derivative and the covariant derivative are different ways of measuring the rate of change of a vector field. While the covariant derivative considers the change in the magnitude of the vector field, the contravariant derivative takes into account the change in the direction of the coordinate system. They are related by the Christoffel symbols, which represent the change in basis vectors between the two derivatives.

4. What are some applications of contravariant derivatives?

Contravariant derivatives are used in various fields of mathematics and physics, including differential geometry, general relativity, and fluid mechanics. They are also utilized in computer graphics and computer vision for image processing and analysis.

5. Can a contravariant derivative be generalized to higher dimensions?

Yes, a contravariant derivative can be generalized to any number of dimensions. In higher dimensions, the calculation becomes more complex as it involves more partial derivatives and basis vectors, but the concept remains the same. It is an important tool in understanding and describing the behavior of vector fields in multidimensional spaces.
