Naked Egg Drop Project for Physics 1

In summary, a student missed a week of school and returned to find a naked egg drop project due the next day. They are seeking suggestions on how to make a successful platform for the egg to be dropped from 25-30 feet. The egg weighs 55-60 grams and is 53 cm^3 with a long axis of 5.7 cm and a short axis of 4.2 cm. Any paper product, tape, and cotton balls can be used to build the platform, which must fit within the dimensions of 17.75 cm x 17.75 cm x 17.75 cm. The objective is for the egg to survive the drop without harm.
  • #1
I missed a week of school last week, and came back to class to find that we have a naked egg drop project due tomorrow. I need to do the entire thing tonight. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make a good naked egg drop platform (base the egg is dropped into). the egg will be dropped from approximately 25 to 30 feet up. Any help is greatly appreciated and needed.

egg weighs approximately 55 to 60 grams, and isn't boiled.
egg is about 53 cm^3 with a long axis of approximately 5.7 cm, and a short axis of about 4.2 cm
any paper product is acceptable for building the platform, along with tape, and cotton balls (cardboard counts).
the dimensions of the base have to be within 17.75 cm x 17.75 cm x 17.75 cm
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  • #2
you might want to simplify your objectives up there, I don't understand.

There is a device on the floor which the egg will be dropped into and should survive? or the egg is in a device and should be dropped and land perfectly rolling out of the device unharmed? I did this in high school and made it land perfectly.
  • #3

First of all, it's great that you are seeking help and taking on this project with a positive attitude. The naked egg drop project is a fun and challenging way to apply physics principles to a real-life scenario.

To begin, it's important to understand the physics behind the egg drop. The goal is to create a platform that will absorb the impact of the egg when it is dropped from a height of 25-30 feet. This means that the platform needs to have a cushioning effect to reduce the force of impact on the egg.

Based on the given dimensions and materials, I would suggest using the cotton balls to create a cushioning layer on the inside of the platform. You can also use crumpled paper or tissue to add more cushioning. Make sure to pack the cushioning material tightly to ensure maximum absorption of impact.

For the base of the platform, cardboard can be a good option as it is sturdy and can be easily cut to the required dimensions. You can use tape to secure the edges and reinforce the structure.

As for the design of the platform, I would recommend creating a box-like structure with a flat bottom and walls that are at least 17.75 cm tall. This will provide a stable base for the egg to sit in. You can also add additional layers of cushioning on the bottom of the platform to further absorb the impact.

It's important to test your platform before the actual drop. Try dropping it from a lower height to see if the egg remains intact. If it does, then you can make any necessary adjustments before the final drop.

Remember, the key to a successful naked egg drop is to have a well-cushioned and sturdy platform. Good luck with your project!
  • #4


First of all, I would like to say that it is commendable that you are taking the initiative to complete the project despite missing a week of school. The naked egg drop project is a fun and challenging way to apply concepts of physics and engineering.

To start, it is important to understand the key factors that will affect the success of your egg drop platform. These include the weight and size of the egg, the height from which it will be dropped, and the materials you are allowed to use. With this information in mind, here are some suggestions for building a successful platform:

1. Use a sturdy and lightweight material: Since you are allowed to use any paper product, I would recommend using cardboard as the base material. It is lightweight, strong, and easy to work with.

2. Create a cushioning layer: To protect the egg from the impact of the fall, you can create a cushioning layer using cotton balls. This will help absorb the shock and prevent the egg from breaking.

3. Consider the shape and size of the egg: The size and shape of the egg are important factors to consider when designing your platform. Since your egg is approximately 53 cm^3 with a long axis of 5.7 cm and a short axis of 4.2 cm, you can create a cylindrical or cuboid-shaped platform with dimensions slightly larger than the egg to ensure a snug fit.

4. Use tape strategically: Tape can be used to secure the cotton balls and hold the structure of the platform together. However, be mindful of not using too much tape as it can add unnecessary weight to the platform.

5. Test your platform: Before the final drop, it would be a good idea to test your platform from a lower height to see if it can protect the egg. This will allow you to make any necessary adjustments before the actual drop.

Remember to also consider the aerodynamics of the platform and try to make it as streamlined as possible to reduce air resistance during the fall.

I hope these suggestions help you in building a successful naked egg drop platform. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Naked Egg Drop Project for Physics 1

What is the Naked Egg Drop Project for Physics 1?

The Naked Egg Drop Project for Physics 1 is an experiment where students are challenged to design a contraption that will protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from a height. This project helps students understand concepts such as gravity, force, and impact on objects.

What materials are needed for the Naked Egg Drop Project?

Some common materials used for this project include raw eggs, various types of containers (such as plastic bags, balloons, or cardboard boxes), straws, rubber bands, and tape. Students can also use any other materials they believe will help protect the egg.

What is the purpose of the Naked Egg Drop Project?

The purpose of this project is to apply the principles of physics to a real-world scenario. It allows students to think creatively and use their knowledge of physics to design a contraption that will protect the egg from breaking. It also teaches students about trial and error, as they may need to make multiple attempts before successfully protecting the egg.

How is the Naked Egg Drop Project graded?

Grading for this project can vary, but it typically includes factors such as the design of the contraption, the materials used, and the success rate of protecting the egg. Some teachers may also consider the students' explanations of their design and the physics concepts involved.

What are some tips for a successful Naked Egg Drop Project?

Some tips for a successful project include starting with a solid design plan, considering the materials used and their impact on the egg's protection, and testing the contraption multiple times before the final drop. It is also helpful to think outside the box and be creative with design ideas.

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