Interference in Air Wedges exercise

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics assignment involving the calculation of the wavelength of light using two plane glass plates separated by a strip of paper. The equation 2t=\frac{λ}{2} is used, but it gives the wavelength in glass instead of air. The interference occurs as a result of the path in the air wedge and a phase shift of ∏ occurs at the reflection from the air/glass surface. The dimensions of the glass are needed to calculate the thickness at a certain distance from the edge, where destructive interference occurs. The thickness varies with the distance and for consecutive dark strips, the difference in thickness between spots differs by 1. The question is asking for the wavelength of light and the formula needed involves the
  • #1
I have this question for my physics assignment.

Homework Statement

Two plane glass plates 10.0 cm long, touching at one end , are separated at the other end by strip of paper 1.5x10[itex]^{-3}[/itex] mm thick. When the plates are illuminated by monochromatic light, the avreage distance between constructive dark fringes is 0.20 cm calculate the wave length of the light.

I used the equation 2t=[itex]\frac{λ}{2}[/itex] but it gives me the wavelength of light in glass and I am looking for wavelength in air. please help:confused:

My physics book doesn't say how to do this type of question :(

Homework Equations

how to solve this question?
Physics news on
  • #2
The interference occurs as a result of the path in the air wedge so you are correct... you need the λ of the light in air.
One other consideration is that a phase shift of ∏ occurs at the reflection from the air/glass surface.
  • #3
Just realized !
The question wants you to calculate the wavelength of light !
You have information about the separation of dark fringes, the dimensions of the glass and the separation of the glass plates
  • #4
What formula should I use that has the dimensions of the glass? I have no idea how the dimensions of the glass can lead me to the right answer
  • #5
You need the dimension of the glass to get the thickness at distance d from the edge. The interference happens between the wave reflected from the front air wedge-glass interface and the one reflected from the back interface: the blue and green rays in the figure. "t " means the thickness at the spot of a dark strip along the wedge. As the green wave changes phase at the back air-glass interface, destructive interference occurs when 2t n(air) = mλ. The thickness varies with the distance d from the edge, how? For the consecutive dark strips, separated by 0.2 cm,
the order m differs by 1. What is the difference of the thickness between those spots?



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FAQ: Interference in Air Wedges exercise

1. What is interference in air wedges exercise?

Interference in air wedges exercise is a phenomenon that occurs when two light waves of similar wavelength overlap and interact with each other. This results in the formation of bright and dark fringes, also known as interference patterns, due to constructive and destructive interference.

2. How is interference in air wedges exercise demonstrated?

Interference in air wedges exercise is typically demonstrated using a setup that consists of a light source, a thin film of air, and a viewing screen. The light source emits a beam of light that passes through the air wedge and creates an interference pattern on the screen.

3. What factors affect the interference pattern in air wedges exercise?

The interference pattern in air wedges exercise is affected by several factors, including the wavelength of the light, the thickness of the air wedge, and the angle of incidence of the light beam. These factors can alter the path length difference between the two overlapping light waves, resulting in changes to the interference pattern.

4. What applications does interference in air wedges exercise have?

Interference in air wedges exercise has various applications in different fields, including optics, physics, and engineering. It is used to study the properties of light waves, to measure small distances and changes in thickness, and to create precise optical instruments such as interferometers.

5. How is interference in air wedges exercise related to the concept of wave interference?

Interference in air wedges exercise is an example of wave interference, which is the phenomenon that occurs when two or more waves meet and combine to form a new wave. In this case, the interference is caused by the superposition of two light waves, resulting in a new wave with a different amplitude and intensity.
