Did drinking in college affect your grades negatively?

In summary, if you drink in college and don't study, you may suffer negative consequences. However, moderation is key and if you drink and still do well in classes, that's great!
  • #1
To those of you who did drink in college would you say that drinking affected your grades negatively. I'm asking because I know some people who drink but not often and they still get good grades. I also know some people who waste all of there time drinking and need to cheat to get good grades. What was your experience?
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  • #2

I study when I'm supposed to study, and flush my brains out with alcohol during holidays
  • #3

xdrgnh said:
To those of you who did drink in college would you say that drinking affected your grades negatively. I'm asking because I know some people who drink but not often and they still get good grades. I also know some people who waste all of there time drinking and need to cheat to get good grades. What was your experience?

I never drank but I've known people throughout the spectrum. You can drink without having it affect your grades. There are also people who go overboard and flunk out of college and everything in between.
  • #4

There was a bar near my college that had some very unique mugs displayed on a shelf. I later found out that they were awarded to customers who took ten years to graduate. I actually knew one guy that took that long but his excuse was that he kept changing majors every time that he got close to completing a degree.
  • #5

i would say i did myself harm that i did not understand until my late forties..

if it becomes an escape mechanism - watch out.
  • #6

I don't drink during the semester because I feel it negatively affects my performance, however slight. Since I enjoy the taste of beer so much, I've gotten non-alcoholic versions before just to whet the ol' whistle.

I tell myself I'll have a beer or two when I get "caught-up," but in reality, even when I'm done with all my homework that's due, there's always more to understand and I'd feel guilty about not studying. So, I don't ever really feel like I'm caught-up. :frown:
  • #7

I never drink, but I get mediocre grades anyways, so yeah
  • #8

Drinking will not affect your grades (unless you study while drunk or try to take an exam while drunk).

But excessive drinking is certainly associated with irresponsible, partying behavior, which is associated with not studying, not going to classes, and eating and sleeping poorly.

In other words, excessive drinking affecting grades is a symptom of an overarching behavioral issue.

If a susceptible person were denied drink (voluntarily or involuntarily), that does not mean they would not find 19 other ways to engage in bad habits that affect their grades.
  • #9

I think you said it all in your first post. Some drink too much and ruin things and neglect important responsibilities or rationalize their mediocrity while some can do it occassionally and be fine. As with most things, moderation is key and moderation is about achieving your own personal balance or equilibrium. One man's moderate drinking may be anothers downfall. It is all about what you tihnk you can control and how you can regulate it.
  • #10

Just a few sessions of heavy drinking can damage someone's ability to pay attention, remember things and make good judgments, research shows...

"From this research we can infer that humans who have a few heavy drinking sessions in a row may sometimes undergo subtle brain changes which make it harder to learn from mistakes and to learn new ways of tackling problems because their brain function has been subtly impaired."

The research also suggests that loss of brain function in people under 20 brought on by binge drinking increases their chances of becoming alcoholics in later life, Chick added...
  • #11

xdrgnh said:
To those of you who did drink in college would you say that drinking affected your grades negatively.

It's important to have a work-life balance while in university so, no, I don't think drinking affected my grades.
  • #12

I don't think so that drinking affect grades negatively...Drinking has no relation with grades..It doesn't affect on your grade whether you drank or not..
  • #13

Not at all. My best semesters where junior and senior years, and trust me, I definitely drank my fair share in college. I went on Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat some weeks. Amazes me now how I used to do it.
  • #14

cristo said:
It's important to have a work-life balance while in university so, no, I don't think drinking affected my grades.

You don't need alcohol to have work-life balance.
  • #15

Drinking and grades are two separate things. There is no correlation between them afaik.
  • #16

chaoseverlasting said:
Drinking and grades are two separate things. There is no correlation between them afaik.

Walk into a test drunk and show me how well that theory works out :wink:
  • #17

When I was a sophomore walking to speech class, after a weekend of beer drinking, and I couldn't remember the speech I was to give. I quit drinking from that day for 9 years.

Affect grades? Hell yes.
  • #18

dlgoff said:
Affect grades? Hell yes.
Out of curiosity, what grade did you get for that eloquent speech of yours?

thinkhigh said:
First Of All I want to tell you that drinking is another thing and grades is another thing, co relation is impossible between them.

I presume you wrote that while drunk?

As for my opinion... I've had a single beer in my life, and found it disgusting. There are plenty of people who swear it's something you have to 'learn' to like, but I don't really see any reason to. A good wine, on the other hand... :approve: But, no, I've never been drunk. I think.
  • #19

Hobin said:
Out of curiosity, what grade did you get for that eloquent speech of yours?

Eloquently speaking, I remember shaking like a leaf. IIRC, the grade was a D.
  • #20

I heard a great quote today: "I didn't have a problem. I only drank when I was alone or with someone."
  • #21
In the day... we could drink at age 18, and we did... starting a few years younger. In HS, I survived pass out level drinking on "several" weekends. In college, I survived alcohol poisoning, just under 1 gal whiskey in 20 mins doing "shots" out of a beer mug. In graduate school, I had a drink occasionally, but never drunk. Since school, I drink maybe a case or two in a year. I'll have a couple playing golf, over some steamed crabs, or at the ball game. Older, wiser. I was LUCKY enough to survive the "stupid years". As I think back, getting drunk really wasn't fun. Lord knows vomiting, or worse, dry heaves weren't a good time. Getting together with friends was fun, and that could have happened with or without a drink.

I wouldn't tell some to not drink, but I would suggest an internal check as to how much and why you drink. Hopefully, you too will survive the "stupid years".
  • #22
ThinkToday said:
In the day... we could drink at age 18

Where I live, it's legal to drink at 16.
  • #23

Ivan Seeking said:
I heard a great quote today: "I didn't have a problem. I only drank when I was alone or with someone."

One from the great Northern Irish football legend George Best

"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered,"
  • #24
I took a course in wine tasting once.
  • #27
  • #28
I brew beer. I drink beer. Still in the top 10% of my class.

FAQ: Did drinking in college affect your grades negatively?

1. How does drinking in college affect academic performance?

Studies have shown that excessive drinking in college can significantly impact academic performance. This is due to a variety of factors such as missed classes, poor sleep quality, and reduced ability to concentrate and retain information.

2. Can drinking in college lead to failing grades?

While not everyone who drinks in college will experience failing grades, excessive drinking can increase the likelihood of poor academic performance. This is because alcohol can impair cognitive function and decision-making, making it difficult to keep up with coursework and complete assignments.

3. Are there any long-term effects on grades from drinking in college?

Drinking in college may have long-term effects on grades if it leads to a pattern of excessive drinking or alcohol dependency. Chronic alcohol use can negatively impact brain function, memory, and overall cognitive abilities, making it harder to succeed academically.

4. How can drinking in college affect my GPA?

Excessive drinking in college can lead to a decrease in GPA due to missed classes, incomplete assignments, and poor performance on exams. It can also negatively impact motivation and time management skills, making it difficult to maintain a high GPA.

5. Is there a safe level of drinking in college that won't affect my grades?

There is no safe level of drinking in college that won't potentially impact academic performance. Even small amounts of alcohol can affect cognitive function and decision-making, and excessive drinking can have serious consequences on grades. It is important to prioritize academic success and make responsible decisions when it comes to alcohol consumption.
