Need some clarificationregarding GRAND UNIFIED THEORY

In summary, the conversation revolves around the concept of a grand unified theory, which aims to unify the four fundamental forces of nature. However, there is no generally accepted theory at the moment and various attempts have been made, including incorporating the strong and weak forces and looking for a fundamental pattern of dynamics in spacetime. The conversation also touches on the idea of a unified field theory and the possibility of finding a particle or a set of equations that can explain the unity of everything. The concept of a grand unified theory continues to fascinate but has yet to be fully realized.
  • #1
(If this thread doesn't belong to this group, Iam sorry"...
It is the theory to find a link between the "four fundamental forces of nature"...and suppose that somebody some day find a "link"...then can You tell me what he has really found "what one can predict from the "link"...
Does Nature permitts anybody to Find that link...
THERE ARE IN THIS NATURE MANY "WHY" Questions to be answered...



Does these questions when answered are not "grand unified theory"

Pls look at this...

Physics news on
  • #2
The term "grand unifying theory" (or better: theories) is first of all not so "grand" and has a rather precise meaning: it is meant to be a unifying theory of the strong and the electroweak interaction, which, in the standard model, have their "independent" life one next to the other. It doesn't really address the issues you raise at all.
After the success of the unification of the weak and the electromagnetic interaction into the electroweak interaction, people went on a chase to incorporate the strong interaction too. Many schemes have been proposed ; I think the first one was the most "obvious" one: electromagnetism had the gauge group U(1) ; the electroweak interaction had the group SU(2) ; the strong interaction all by itself had the group SU(3), and it turns out that SU(5) contained each of these subgroups. So SU(5) was proposed as a first grand unifying theory. But the problem was that it predicted the decay of the proton at a much faster rate than has been experimentally observed afterwards, so it went down the drain. Then people invented lots of other schemes. There is no generally accepted grand unifying theory - as far as I know - at the moment.
  • #3
A unified theory would have to incorporate the strong and weak forces, yes.
It would have to be a theory that is transposable at all scales. A fundermental pattern of creation.

Instead perhaps of looking for a particle that is the building block for everything and therefore is the foundation stone, if you like, of reality, why not look for a fundermental pattern of dynamics of spacetime?

A unified field theory would have to assume that everything is in fact one, otherwise you can't have unity. It would be a transposable pattern or set of equations that can be octaved up and down in scales of resolution. Thus being both expansive and contractive.
  • #4
hi I'm new here.

personally i find the whole GUT fascinating.

which theories do you guys find compelling as GUT candidate? anything that might meet the GUT expectations...anything beside string theory. i don't necessarily think string theory is at all neat as GUT should but that's just my gut feeling speaking.

FAQ: Need some clarificationregarding GRAND UNIFIED THEORY

1. What is the Grand Unified Theory?

The Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a proposed theory in physics that aims to unify the three fundamental forces of nature: electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force into one single theoretical framework.

2. How does the Grand Unified Theory differ from the Theory of Everything?

The Theory of Everything (TOE) is a more comprehensive theory that not only aims to unify the three fundamental forces, but also includes the force of gravity. The GUT is a subset of the TOE, focusing on the unification of the three forces without including gravity.

3. What is the evidence for the Grand Unified Theory?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the GUT. However, there are several indirect pieces of evidence, such as the success of the Standard Model of particle physics, which predicts the existence of the three fundamental forces that the GUT aims to unify. Additionally, the GUT also provides a potential explanation for the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.

4. Are there any challenges or limitations to the Grand Unified Theory?

One of the main challenges of the GUT is that it has not been experimentally verified yet. Additionally, there are also several theoretical challenges, such as the difficulty of incorporating gravity into the theory and the lack of an explanation for the values of fundamental constants.

5. How does the Grand Unified Theory impact our understanding of the universe?

If proven to be correct, the GUT would greatly advance our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature and their interactions. It would also provide a more complete understanding of the early universe and the formation of galaxies and other structures. Furthermore, it could also potentially lead to new technologies and applications in fields such as energy and transportation.
