Mechanics 2 - Statics of rigid bodies. Please help.

In summary, the question asks for the equilibrium position of a uniform ladder in contact with a ground and a wall. The unknowns are the length of the ladder, the magnitude of the normal forces acting upon it, and the angle at which the ladder is placed in relation to the ground and wall. The solution is found by setting up equations for the vertical and horizontal forces acting upon the ladder, and solving for the equilibrium position.
  • #1
I'm having difficulty with the question, perhaps mainly because it is consists completely of unknowns, with little or no numbers. Help, in the form of steps to reach the proof would be much appreciated:

'A uniform ladder of mass M rests in limiting equilibrium with one end on a rough horizontal ground and the other end against a rough vertical wall. The coefficient of friction between the ladder and the ground is U. The coefficient of friction between the ladder and the wall is U'. Given that the ladder makes an angle a with the horizontal show that:
tan a = (1- UU')/2U
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  • #2
Note that in order to have an equilibrium situation you need:
The sum of forces acting upon the object must be zero.
The torque of forces computed about a point must be zero.
Since you have a 2-D problem, you have a total of 3 equations.

What are your unknowns?
The 2 magnitudes of the normal forces, and the angle a.

Try and set up your equations with this information!
  • #3
After checking the notice topic i thought i'd make it clear this isn't homework, I'm just starting next years work early, as i have recently finished my AS exams.

Here's where I've got so far:

Resolving horizontally: UR = S
Vertically: R +U'S = Mg

Taking moments about mg:
Clockwise = anticlockwise.
Rxcos(theta) = XSin(theta) + XU'Scos(theta) + RxUsin(theta)
Divide by x:
Rcos(theta) = Sin(theta) + U'SCos(theta) + RUSin(theta)
Divide by cos(theta)
R=Tan(theta) + U'S + URTan(theta)
Tan(theta) + URTan(theta) = R - U'S
Tan(theta) + URTan(theta) = R - U'UR

Here I'm stuck. I would really appreciate any help.
  • #4
arildno said:
Note that in order to have an equilibrium situation you need:
The sum of forces acting upon the object must be zero.
The torque of forces computed about a point must be zero.
Since you have a 2-D problem, you have a total of 3 equations.

What are your unknowns?
The 2 magnitudes of the normal forces, and the angle a.

Try and set up your equations with this information!
Yes, i set that up. However, it seems i have more unknowns which include:
Length of rod (2X), but this may later be canceled out.
R (upward reaction on the floor)
UR (Friction on floor)
S(reaction at wall)
U'S (friction at wall)
  • #5
The mass is given as M, so that is "known". U and U' are also givens.
True, the length has not been specified, but that cancels out (Just give it a default value L, or something (2X?))

Hence, in you notation, you have a,R,S as unknowns.
I'll check up on post 3, and post some comments.
  • #6
There's a nasty trap in this problem:
You do not know at the outset which way (up or down) the friction along the vertical wall goes!

Hence, when computing moments about a point, you should use the contact point on the vertical wall!
I have to think about this..
  • #7
arildno said:
There's a nasty trap in this problem:
You do not know at the outset which way (up or down) the friction along the vertical wall goes!

Hence, when computing moments about a point, you should use the contact point on the vertical wall!
I have to think about this..

Hmm, i assumed naturally that the ladder would want to slip down, so friction would act up, though this isn't given in the question.
  • #8
Cripes, just got it after trying for the fourth time or something. Here's the solution if anyone is interested:

Let 2x = length (as it is a uniform rod the distance from the top or bottom to mg = x)
R = Reaction at base.
UR = Friction at base.
mg = weight action.
S = Reaction at wall.
U'S = Friction at wall.

Horizontally: UR = S
Vertically: R + U'S = mg

Taking moments at A (bottom)
Clockwise = anticlockwise.
xcos(theta)mg = 2xsin(theta)S + 2U'Sxcos(theta)
Cos(theta)Mg = 2sin(theta)S + 2U'Scos(theta)

Perform some substitution:
Rcos(theta) + U'Scos(theta) = 2Ssin(theta) + 2U'Scos(theta)
Rcos(theta)+U'URcos(theta) = 2URsin(theta) + 2U'Scos(theta)
R+U'UR = 2URtan(theta) + 2U'S
R+U'UR = 2URtan(theta) + 2U'UR
1+U'U = 2Utan(theta)+2U'U
2Utan(theta) = 1+U'U - 2U'U
2Utan(theta) = 1-UU'
Tan(theta) = (1-UU')/(2U)

Sweet, pleased with myself now >_<
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  • #9
That's what I got as well, and while I agree with argument about the direction, you also get a solution with your minus swapped to a plus..
Smart of you to use a contact point in calculating torques.
  • #10
arildno said:
That's what I got as well, and while I agree with argument about the direction, you also get a solution with your minus swapped to a plus..
Smart of you to use a contact point in calculating torques.

To be honest i haven't done any work on torques yet. I just resolved at A because i saw i would be able to cancel two forces, and the unknown 'mg' could be translated into a more useful form via one of the other equations.
Interesting question, getting it right always gives a good sense of accomplishment.

FAQ: Mechanics 2 - Statics of rigid bodies. Please help.

1. What is statics of rigid bodies?

Statics of rigid bodies is a branch of mechanics that deals with the study of forces acting on stationary objects or bodies. It involves the analysis of how external forces affect the equilibrium of a rigid body.

2. What is the difference between statics and dynamics?

Statics deals with the equilibrium of stationary objects, while dynamics deals with the motion of objects under the influence of forces. In other words, statics involves the study of forces acting on objects at rest, while dynamics involves the study of forces acting on objects in motion.

3. What are the key principles of statics?

The key principles of statics include the concept of equilibrium, which states that the sum of all forces acting on a body must be zero for it to be in a state of static equilibrium. Other principles include the laws of motion, vector analysis, and moment of forces.

4. What are some real-life applications of statics?

Statics has many real-life applications, such as in the construction of buildings, bridges, and other structures. It is also used in the design of machines and vehicles, as well as in the analysis of forces on different structures, such as dams and cranes.

5. How do you solve problems in statics of rigid bodies?

To solve problems in statics, you need to first identify all the forces acting on the object or body, including their magnitude, direction, and point of application. Then, use the principles of statics, such as equilibrium and the laws of motion, to analyze and solve for unknown forces or variables.
