How can equations solve moments and equilibrium problems?

In summary: Ah right, now that makes sense. I'll be sure to apply it to the my future moments and equilibrium problems. I suppose if I look at the whole moments thing as a circle, and since the weight of the ladder was already creating a clockwise moment then there would have to be a force acting the other way in order to keep the ladder in equilibrium i.e R.Thanks :smile:In summary, the conversation discusses questions about moments and equilibrium. The first question involves understanding how the equation 100x3 = Rx8 can be used to solve for R when taking points about pivot 'A'. The second question asks for an explanation of how the equation 500x0.4 = T Sin12 x 0.47 can be
  • #1
Hello all. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum because I'm in the UK and I don't know what "Grade K12" is, but the sort of stuff in this forum seems to be the type of work we're doing.

We've just started some work on moments and equilibrium and I'm having difficulty solving the problems. I understand the theory work, such as the principle of moments, requirements for equilibrium and so on, I just need help in understanding why certain things solve the problems. Anyway, all is revealed below :-p

I've had help from the lecturer and so I have the answers but I'm still a little confused...well a lot actually :frown: :blushing:

Here are the two questions:

And here are my answers:

So, for question 5, I understand that Moment = Force x Perpendicular Distance from pivot and that 100N x 3m will give the moment of the weight acting down. But I don't understand how writing the equation 100x3 = Rx8 would allow you to solve R when we are taking points about pivot 'A'. I get it mathematically i.e obviously 100x3 = Rx8 can easily find R, but I mean the moments/equilibrium part of it.

Now for question 6. How does 500x0.4 = T Sin12 x 0.47 allow you to find T? Again I don't mean mathematically, I mean how does it logically work out that that equation can find T...

I know my questions are weird and I would be eternally grateful if someone can make me understand these moments/equilibrium problems.

Thanks in advance :smile:
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  • #2
OsiriS^ said:
So, for question 5, I understand that Moment = Force x Perpendicular Distance from pivot and that 100N x 3m will give the moment of the weight acting down. But I don't understand how writing the equation 100x3 = Rx8 would allow you to solve R when we are taking points about pivot 'A'. I get it mathematically i.e obviously 100x3 = Rx8 can easily find R, but I mean the moments/equilibrium part of it.
I'm not sure what you are looking for, but here are a few comments. One of the conditions for equilibrium is that the moments taken about any point must sum to zero. Clockwise and counter-clockwise moments have opposite signs, of course, so another way of expressing the equilibrium condition is: clockwise moments must equal counter-clockwise moments (in magnitude).

One way to find the moment of a force about a point is this. (I'll call the moment by another name, torque.) [itex]\tau = F D_{perp}[/itex], or the force times the perpendicular distance that the force makes with the pivot point. Clockwise torques = 100x3; counter-clockwise torques = Rx8. So, for equilibrium: 100x3 = Rx8.

Now for question 6. How does 500x0.4 = T Sin12 x 0.47 allow you to find T? Again I don't mean mathematically, I mean how does it logically work out that that equation can find T...
The rule above for finding the torque or moment of a force is fine, but there is another mathematically equivalent rule: [itex]\tau = F D sin\theta[/itex], where D is the distance from the pivot point to where the force is applied, and [itex]\theta[/itex] is the angle between the force vector and the vector drawn from the pivot point to the point where the force is applied. (You should convince yourself that [itex]D sin\theta[/itex] is the same as the perpendicular distance that the force makes with the pivot point.)

Once again, the equilibrium condition is: clockwise moments must equal counter-clockwise moments (in magnitude).
  • #3
Doc Al said:
I'm not sure what you are looking for, but here are a few comments. One of the conditions for equilibrium is that the moments taken about any point must sum to zero. Clockwise and counter-clockwise moments have opposite signs, of course, so another way of expressing the equilibrium condition is: clockwise moments must equal counter-clockwise moments (in magnitude).

One way to find the moment of a force about a point is this. (I'll call the moment by another name, torque.) [itex]\tau = F D_{perp}[/itex], or the force times the perpendicular distance that the force makes with the pivot point. Clockwise torques = 100x3; counter-clockwise torques = Rx8. So, for equilibrium: 100x3 = Rx8.

With question 5 I don't understand how the force R creates a moment when the pivot is point A. The part I'm having difficulty with is identifying the clockwise and anti-clockwise moments on the pivot.
  • #4
OsiriS^ said:
With question 5 I don't understand how the force R creates a moment when the pivot is point A. The part I'm having difficulty with is identifying the clockwise and anti-clockwise moments on the pivot.
Any force exerted at B will exert a torque about A, provided that its line of action does not pass directly through A. The force R, since it points to the left, surely exerts some moment tending to turn the ladder counter-clockwise about point A.
  • #5
Doc Al said:
Any force exerted at B will exert a torque about A, provided that its line of action does not pass directly through A. The force R, since it points to the left, surely exerts some moment tending to turn the ladder counter-clockwise about point A.

Ah right, now that makes sense. I'll be sure to apply it to the my future moments and equilibrium problems. I suppose if I look at the whole moments thing as a circle, and since the weight of the ladder was already creating a clockwise moment then there would have to be a force acting the other way in order to keep the ladder in equilibrium i.e R.

Thanks :smile:
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FAQ: How can equations solve moments and equilibrium problems?

1. What is equilibrium?

Equilibrium is a state in which all forces acting on an object are balanced, resulting in no net movement or acceleration.

2. How is equilibrium achieved?

Equilibrium is achieved when the sum of all the forces acting on an object is equal to zero. This can be accomplished by either having all forces cancel each other out, or by having a single force act on an object at its center of mass.

3. What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium?

Static equilibrium occurs when an object is at rest and all forces acting on it are balanced. Dynamic equilibrium, on the other hand, occurs when an object is moving at a constant speed in a straight line, with all forces acting on it being balanced.

4. What is a moment in physics?

In physics, a moment is a turning effect produced by a force applied at a distance from a fixed point or axis. It is calculated by multiplying the force by the distance from the point of rotation.

5. How do you calculate the moment of an object?

To calculate the moment of an object, you must first determine the distance from the point of rotation to where the force is applied. Then, multiply this distance by the magnitude of the force, and the angle between the force and the lever arm. The resulting value is the moment of the object.
