POLL: The BEST Circuit Analysis Textbook & Circuit Analysis Help

In summary: Mesh analysis is good for analyzing the topology of a circuit, but it can be misleading in analyzing the behavior of a circuit. Nodal analysis is more accurate in analyzing the behavior of a circuit.
  • #1
I am looking for recommendations on the which textbook/resource (though I prefer textbook) provides the greatest understanding and development of intuition in utilizing circuit analysis to solve problems.

I have the book: "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits" by Sadiku & Alexander, as well as MicroElectronics by Sedra and Smith. I think these are great books (used at Berkeley I believe). Perhaps there are others that offer additional insight.

However, I am also trying to resolve a greater problem (of my own), in that I am able to read through the chapter and understand the material, but when I get to the homework problems, for the most part I seem to haphazardly attempt to solve the problem. I seem to lack a solid methodology for solving circuits. I understand most people might say "Solve more problems". Yes, I agree with that process, however, here is a typical example: I can work through a problem [takes me way too long], and then given a slightly different variation of the same problem, I get stuck. This tells me I am lacking the intuition necessary to dissect the problem, apply the pertinent analysis techniques, and arrive at the solution.

Are there any senior Physics Forum's members that can offer some advice. I have a degree in Computer Engineering, and during that time, digital logic seemed second nature to me and did not pose nearly the challenge I am encountering with analog circuitry. So far, it is not necessarily due to the mathematics, rather the visualization of the circuit and it characteristics.
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  • #2
If you have no problem understanding the books, then more books might not do you any good. I am a self studier and I buy a lot of books for each topic. But I only buy more when I hit a topic that I don't understand with the books I have.

I notice you said "I am able to read through the chapter and understand the material". Did you actually write the derivation down step by step following the book? When you only read, you think you understand, but until the rubber hit the road which is writing it out to explain what you understand, you might only think you understand. Never take the formula at face value, derive every single step and arrive to the formula given by the book. If you do that, then you will have a much better understanding.

When I study PDE and EM, I actually wrote the explanations, deriving formulas into a note book. IF you can write it down, you really understand the material. You'll be surprised how little you really understand when you start writing it out and explain back to yourself. Try this first if you have not, before go get any more books.

Also there is possibility that the problem in the book is very hard. Books like Cheng and Griffiths in the topics of EM use a lot of problems to cover the material that is not even cover in the text. Particular Griffiths, he really make people sweat it out in vector calculus and people that only have the lower level multivariables calculus will get kill! Their goal is to make you sweat it out. If you truly understand the book, you should be able to tell whether it's been covered or not. If the subject is not covered, you should not beat yourself up for not able to solve the problem. From the problem sets I work with, they are supposed to make you sweat it out!
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  • #3
I have two books. I rate them above average.
First one is by Sudhakar and Shyammohan
Second one is by Van Valkenburg
  • #4
Intuitive remark about circuit analysis: You (should) use nodal analysis a lot more than mesh analysis .

FAQ: POLL: The BEST Circuit Analysis Textbook & Circuit Analysis Help

1. What is the best textbook for circuit analysis?

The best textbook for circuit analysis is subjective and may vary depending on personal preferences and learning styles. Some popular options include "Electric Circuits" by James W. Nilsson and Susan Riedel, "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits" by Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N.O. Sadiku, and "Microelectronic Circuits" by Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith.

2. What should I look for in a circuit analysis textbook?

When choosing a circuit analysis textbook, it is important to consider the level of detail and explanation provided, the relevance and applicability of the examples and problems, and the clarity and organization of the content. Additionally, the textbook should align with your course or program requirements.

3. Are there any online resources for circuit analysis help?

Yes, there are many online resources available for circuit analysis help, including textbooks with online supplements, video tutorials, interactive simulations, and practice problems with solutions. Some popular websites for circuit analysis help include Khan Academy, All About Circuits, and CircuitLab.

4. How can I improve my understanding of circuit analysis concepts?

To improve your understanding of circuit analysis concepts, it is important to actively engage with the material by practicing problems, seeking help from classmates or instructors, and utilizing additional resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and hands-on experiments. It can also be helpful to break down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable parts.

5. Is it necessary to have a background in mathematics to understand circuit analysis?

While a background in mathematics can be helpful in understanding circuit analysis, it is not necessary to have advanced mathematical knowledge. Basic algebra, trigonometry, and calculus are typically sufficient for understanding circuit analysis. Additionally, many textbooks and resources provide explanations and examples in a way that is accessible to those without a strong math background.

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